Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The last entry

I’ve decided since I don’t get a lot of people here reading the entries, I’m going to combine this with another journal. I’m going to close it with one of my favorite films, Primal Fear which stars, Richard Gere and Edward Norton. I think Edward Norton gives his best performance here. Primal Fear and American History X are my two top Edward Norton films. However, I do like Death to Smoochie and Fight Club. The thing about Primal Fear is that it mirrors an incident that took place in New Orleans a few years ago. A young man killed a priest in a French Quarter hotel room. It was not pretty and though the authorities tried to bury it, it was the parishioners that wanted to here the ugly truth. I’m sure it wasn’t what they were expecting. The difference in Primal Fear and the actual incident I’m talking about is that the young man cause self inflicting wounds so that he could be classified as insane and not have to stand trial. I’m not sure what the outcome was. But it certainly would make for a great story. Perhaps I’ll include it in one of mine. As for Primal Fear, the character created another personality so that he could be classified as insane. In the judicial system it is so easy to sometimes have a trial thrown out of court. Just have to be smarter than the system and your lawyer. Of course, when one has a court appointed lawyer you’re pretty much doomed from the start. It’s open and shut or you make a plea and live with it. When you live on the streets sometimes being locked up helps. You get medical attention, a place to sleep, three meals and in some cases drugs. If you have never seen this film, I highly recommend it. This film is in my top 100. I hope to list my top 100 soon. It’s taking me some time. There are so many films that I really, really like.

Aeon Flux - For those of you that don’t know me, I like animation. I stumbled across Aeon Flux when my dad had cable. It was innovative, new and sexy. When I heard Cherlize Theron was going to play the role of Aeon Flux I thought great, I have to see this. My love for movies hasn’t changed, but going to the theater just seems like a chore. I prefer to watch films at home on the small screen or on my laptop. Katrina has changed me. I’m not sure, we have to blame our changes on something. In any case, I bought the DVD and the first time I watched it I fell asleep. I was tired I’m sure. Cherlize Theron is beautiful. The Oscar winning actress has picked some choice roles. No matter what she looks like she captures your attention on the big screen. Aeon Flux is no different. The costumes work so well on her. Of course the designers stepped back and we don’t see Cherlize running around in thongs, but in the world of Hollywood, I would have designed a nude body suit and then put a leather bustier and thong on top. Still looking at Cherlize in all those skin tight natural fabrics was still hot and sexy. The film also stars, Oscar winner Frances McDormand and Oscar nominee Sophie Okonedo. If you like science fiction and you were a fan of Aeon Flux I’m sure you will enjoy this film. If you are a fan of Cherlize Theron or have any interest in film or fashion you have to see the next level of a look into the future. So far the top actresses that have pulled off cartoon characters on film are, Halle Berry as Catwoman, Angelina Jolie as video icon Lara Croft and now Cherlize as Aeon Flux. Give them all a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Come back again and see what’s going on.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

I'm still watching

Since I don't get much activity here I'm sort of letting it go. Just in case I'll write a little something. I've seen many films since the last entry, all in the privacy of my own home. I just can't seem to find anything that I really want to go to the theater to see. Of course in the next few weeks I can list many. Idlewild with Outkast, I thought about seeing Clerks II, but I always thought Chasing Amy was the sequel. I did watch Clerks last week and it's still a good film. I really want to see Dream Girls. There is a thriller with Robin Williams that looks interesting. There are also a large amount of horror films this month. I think I get it. You go and see them now and then by October they'll all be on DVD so you can have your own fright fest in your home theater. Let's see if I can remember what I've watched. Aeon Flux, 16 Blocks, A Place in the Sun, St. Elmo's Fire, Chicago and Rent which I truly enjoyed. Coming up I'll be watching, Titan A.E., A Chorus Line, V for Vendetta, Die Hard and Die Hard 2. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

South Pacific

For it's time this had to be a controversial film. It dealt with predjuces and interacial romance. The scenery is beautiful and it made me long for Kona. It's an interesting film with a great cast. If you haven't seen this fillm you should give it a look see. If you're not into musicals make an exception. It has great moments and something for everyone. Tonight I'll be watching The Misfits, which stars Clark Cable, Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift. The upcoming line up includes: Titan A.E., Rent, A Chorus Line, 16 Blocks and Aeon Flux with my girl Cherlize Theron. So watch along if you can. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Double Feature

Flawless and The Wings of the Dove. Since I didn't leave the house I decided to watch a couple of films. I haven't been able to put my hands on American History X. I was sure I had it. I settled for The WIngs of the Dove with Linus Roache, Helena Bonham Carter, Elizabeth McGovern, Alisha Elliot and Charlotte Rampling. It's a film of love, friendship, and betrayal. Set in London and Venezia, Italy, it's a stunning film with great visuals.

Flawless is one of those films I never thought I would like. It stars Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robert Deniro. It's a weird story that most people can relate to. We all have types of people we don't like and we tend to have to be in their company for some reason. Flawless is that type of film. Philip Seymour Hoffman plays a drag queen in one of his greatest performances. Robert Deniro plays a cop who suffers a stroke and needs therapy from a music coach. When he can't get to the therapist he goes to the guy in the building. Lots of tension, a few laughs and good acting.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Chicago, The Italian Job

When I saw Chicago I was absolutely amazed at the editing for this film. I knew that this film would be nominated and should definitely win for best editing. The cast was incredible and it's a good movie if you like musicals. I still like A Chorus Line, but Chicago has more energy. The film stars Catherine Zeta Jones, Renee Zellweger, Richard Gere, Queen Latifah, John C. Reily and Taye Diggs. If you have not seen this Oscar winning film, give it a look see.

I've seen The Italian Job several times. The film stars some of my favorite actors. Cherlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Seth Green, Mos Def, Edward Norton and Donald Sutherland. There were several reasons why I like the film even though it is based on a film of the same name. It's opening sequence takes place in Venice, Italy. It's an interesting story and it turned out to really be a great film worth watching more than once. I give this film high marks. You must give it a look see.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Cool Hand Luke

As I continue to put my top 100 films together, I decided to watch the film, Cool Hand Luke. The film stars Paul Newman, George Kennedy, Martin Strother and Jo Van Fleet. It includes many familiar faces including a very young Dennis Hopper and Wayne Rogers. It's a film about loneliness, self destruction and covering up feelings. This must have been a controversial film for its time. Prison movies don't always capture everything that goes on. The camera gives you clues, you just have to follow along. If you haven't seen this film it is a must for every film lover. If you are a fan of Paul Newman this is one of his finest performances. I'll probably watch Cat on a Hot tin roof or The Towering Inferno. Seems lots of Paul Newman's films have temperatures in the title. LOL. Once my top 128 films has been cataloged I'll post them here. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Enemy of the state

Enemy of the state stars Will Smith, Gene Hackman and Jon Voight. The film centers on things that are going on right now. Does art imitate life or does life imitate art? Satelites,GPS and digital signals are just a few of the ways that the government can track us. We are but a number and a dot. It's a gripping action packed film with Regina King, Lisa Bonnet, Jack Black, Scott Caan, Jamie Kennedy, Jason Lee and Seth Green. If you like thrillers, you're going to like this one. If you are into gadgets and politics, give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

The United States of Leland

I had seen Colors, but it wasn't until Boogie Nights that I paid attention to Don Cheadle. He's been around a long time and playing with some heavy weights. He is now a heavy weight in his own right. With such films as A Lesson before Dying, Crash and Maniac he's showing his range. In the United States of Leland he plays an aspiring writer. He stumbles across a story in the juvenile detention center where he works. It's an interesting film about how far some people will go to find happiness and achieve success. Kevin Klein, Michelle Williams, Kerry Washington, and Sherrilyn Fenn also show up in this film. If you liked Donnie Darkko, then you'll find interest in this film. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, July 17, 2006

I do love movies

I watched Spanking the Monkey a few nights ago. Last night I watched The Craft. I watched Alexander and The Poseidon Adventure as a tribute to Red Buttons, but also the other actors who have passed on. The Poseidon Adventure is one of my all time favorite films. I'm trying to get my top 256 films together and it is going to be difficult. I love so many films, but I think I can narrow it down. I just have so many films in my collection. The time has come though to get my life in order. Having things at my finger tips should I have to leave in a hurry. Spanking the Monkey is an interesting film about a young boy having to care for his mother who has broken her leg. He has to put his plans on hold because his father won't. Sometimes parents put so much pressure on their kids. The Craft is an interesting film that stars Neve Campbell and Robin Tunney. It's about teenage witches learning to use their powers. It's the good against evil tale and teaching people a lesson. Skeet Ulrich and Breckin Meyer also appear. Alexander is an epic spectacle that features an all star cast of up and coming stars, along with a few heavy weights. The cast includes, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Val Kilmer, Angelina Jolie, Rosario Dawsen, Jared Leto, Johnathan Rhys Davies and Collin Farrell. If you haven't seen any of these films, maybe you might want to give them a peek. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Tonight I may watch Priest or Cool Hand Luke. It's all up in the air. Come back to find out.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

From here to Eternity

It's interesting to find out a that such a classic film had casting problems before it got off the ground. Fred Zinneman wanted Montgomery Cliff in the film and refused to do it if he was not cast. The film stars, Burt Lancaster, Donna Reed, Deborah Kerr, Frank Sinatra, Ernest Borgnine and Jack Warden. Burt Lancaster was the only actor who was selected without any question. Frank Sinatra's career was in so much trouble that he supposedly begged to be in the film. If you've never seen this great film, check it out. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Capote, Swordfish

I've been an admirer of Philip Seymour Hoffman since I saw him in The Talented Mr. Ripley. Of course that was not the first film I had seen him in, but he made a big impact in that film. Few heavy set actors make it to leading man status in serious roles. Philip Seymour Hoffman has appeared in such films as Happiness, where he plays a man obsessed with masturbating while making phone calls to a woman in his building. In the Talented Mr. Ripley he plays the friend to Dickie played by Jude Law. In Magnolia he plays a male nurse who brings a dying father together with his son played with perfection by Tom Cruise. In Flawless, which I may watch tonight, he plays a drag queen who teaches a cop, played by Robert Deniro how to talk again, after he has an accident. This is quite a good film and both actors give outstanding performances.

As I continue to put my films in order of importance, I decided to watch Swordfish. I purchased the film because of Halle Berry. What I liked about the film was the opening in which it uses the film Dog Day Afternoon with Al Pacino as a reference to where they wanted to go with this film. I think I will watch Dog Day Afternoon later this week. Swordfish is an interesting hi tech film with a great cast, which includes Don Cheadle, Hugh Jackman, John Travolta and Halle Berry. Check all of the films mentioned if you haven't seen them in a while or not at all. They are all great films. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Hitcher

It's been a few years since I've watched The Hitcher. The film now means something different when I look at it now. It's one thing to look at a film and not know the people in the movie. Once you start meeting celebrities then everything changes. You see the film from a different perspective. I met Rutger Hauer my second year attending the Seattle International film festival, SIFF. From films like Blade Runner and The Hitcher, I was expecting him to sound like his characters. Although he has a large build, he's soft spoken and rather shy. Blade Runner and The Hitcher will be classic films, the ones we will remember him most for. I also will remember a film he made early on in his career called Spetters. He places a motor cycle racer. Check it out and the other two films if you haven't seen them. As for C. Thomas Howell, after The Hitcher, his film career just seemed to go downhill. His earlier films are his best. Red Dawn, Tank and The Hitcher. He was also good in the series Kindred, The Embrace. It was s short lived series as the lead actor passed away before the second season could begin filming. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Next up, Capote.

Sunday, July 9, 2006

Return to film

I got some time in to watch some movies. Capote, The Dying Gaul, Get Real, The Rocky Horror Picture show, Rockstar, Steamboy, NOVO, One Hour Photo, The Family Stone, Ethan Mao, and The Squid and the Whale. I'll give my reviews later in the week. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, June 23, 2006

D world of film, Act 6 scene 23

I've watched almost a dozen films since my last entry. Let's see, there was The Long Kiss Goodnight, Hercules, Tokyo Godfathers, Wicker Park, A Dirty Shame, King Kong, and School Daze. I'm sure I missed a few. I didn't make note of them all. Oops!. School Daze is one of my favorite Spike Lee films. While watching the film this time I noticed just how much screen presence Jasmine Guy had back then. No matter who was in the scene your eyes, well, my eyes were drawn to her. There were several things that played against Jasmine working more in films. One was everyone only saw her as Whitley Gilbert, the spoiled southern girl on the hit TV series, A Different World. Secondly was that she was so attractive everyone wanted to see her with her clothes off. She finally gave in to the pressure in the not to good film, Klash playing a Jamaican dancer. Giancarlo Espisito also starred in that film and SD. The Long Kiss Goodnight is an action film with Geena Davis and Samuel L. Jackson. It's really a good film. Hercules has become a favorite animated film. I did not see the film in the theater, but it is a great piece of art. It's different from most Disney films. The musical numbers are done as part of the story telling and the lead characters only sing one song instead of every song. Tokyo Godfathers is an animated film from Japan. The story line is different. A homeless man, drag queen and runaway, find a baby on Christmas eve. Each character longing for something tells a tale of their life as they get battered, chased and ridiculed in the process of trying to return the child. It's a funny film with a message. Wicker Park is a good film that stars Josh Harnet and Mathew Lilliard. It's a film about love, loving the right person, settling and then going after the right person. It's a boy gets girl, loses girl, betrays friend unknowingly, ditches girl, gets girl. I know, it sounds confusing. You have to check it out. King Kong I've seen three times now. I'm not going to count the time that I fell asleep. A Dirty Shame is a wacky film by John Waters. John Waters has been taking his sick film making and bringing it into main stream cinema. It all started with Cry Baby and Hairspray. Pecker was very edgey as is this film about releasing all sexual inhibitions to find a sex act that hasn't been done yet. Hmmmm, is there such a thing? Check out the film to find out. The film stars Selma Blair, Tracy Ulman, Johnny Knoxville, Mink Stole, and Patty Hearst. John Waters also makes an appearance as a sex addict. It's sick, it's twisted and it's fun. If you don't have anything to do, check out the films listed. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. I'll be watching Capote soon and the television remake of the classic, The Posiedon Adventure.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

A day of film

It's been a while since I've watched more than two movies in a day. Today I watched four movies. It began with breakfast, I watched the film Lock Up which stars Sylvester Stallone. It was a good movie, very entertaining. The film also stars Tom Sizemore, John Amos and Donal Sutherland. If you like prison pictures, you're sure to like this one.

I then watched the film The Immortals. I wasn't expecting this film to turn out the way it did. I picked up the film because of the cast, Eric Roberts, Chris Rock, Joe Pantaloni, and Clarence Williams, III, Tia Carrere and Tony Curtis. I've seen Chris Rock do serious roles and as for the other stars, that's usually what they do. Not in this case. It's a heist movie, and things go wrong big time with a comedic effect. Not since The Way of the Gun have I laughed so much. It was just what the doctor ordered on this particular day. If you're in the mood for laughter, I recommend this film or Way of the Gun.

Next up was a film called Redeemer. This film starred Mathew Modine as a writer who goes to work for a prison to teach his craft and perhaps get a story. It's funny what people will do for their art. The film also takes a look at how people never get over their pasts. It's a good film. Seems I had a theme of prison and crime going on.

The last film for today was Lakawanna Blues. I had seen this film on the shelves at Best Buy, but I didn't pick it up because of the price. A month ago it went on sale and I bought it. I decided today I'd watch these films I've had in my collection, but haven't made the time to watch them. Lakawanna is the name of a city in New York. The film is based on a true story, directed by George C. Wolfe, the creator of The Colored Museum. One of my favorite stage plays. This film has an incredible cast which plays like a stage play which is where is was adapted from. The film stars, Terrence Dashon Howard, Macy Gray, Mos Def, Rosie Perez, Leiv Schrieber, Jimmy Smits, Hill Harper, Lou Gossett, Jr., and Delroy Lindo to name a few. It's quite entertaining with its many colorful characters. Everyone shines in this one. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

13 Conversations about one thing

I decided to take it easy yesterday. Put some DVDs in order and watch a few movies. 13 Conversations about one thing stands out. The film stars Clea DuVall, Matthew McConaughey, Alan Arkin, Amy Irving and John Tuturro. The other film I watched was Stander with Thomas Jane. It's an okay film set against the backdrop of South Africa and Apartheid. It's a film about a cop gone bad, but with good intentions. The film has an interesting ending. There was also Reversible Errors which stars Tom Selleck, William H. Macy, Felicity Huffman, Glen Plummer and Shamir Moore. It was one of those made for TV or cable mini series. Lots of twists that make it all interesting. I love piecing things together. Some of it is predictable, but its entertaining none the less. Today I'll try to squeeze in three more films that I have, that I haven't viewed. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, June 16, 2006

The wonderful world of film

I've watched several films since my last entry. Shaka Zulu, an okay film, sort of a rip off of Amistad, but I'm sure it was made for TV. It stars David Hasselhoff, James Fox, Karen Allen and Grace Jones. The imagery is interesting and although the film is based on a true story it falls weakly. Making it a fairy tale ending. Shaka Zulu was ruthless when it came to taking over, but showed compassion to those on his side.

I also watched the Young Americans. I first saw this film at the Seattle Film festival many, many years ago. The film stars Harvey Keitel. I was taken by this film because of the music and the night club scenes. At the time everyone in the film was virtually unknown, except for Harvey Keitel. The film stars Thandie Newton who had to be a teenager. She's gone on to do some great work including her role in the Oscar winning film Crash. She's worked with Tom Cruiseand David Thewlis along with Terence Howard. The Young Americans is relevant as to what is happening in todays world. The young drug dealers are fearless and they are putting out the old guys. The more the world changes, the more it stays the same. People are going to be people no matter what.

Jarhead was an interesting film as well as Foxfire. I watched both of these films on a whim because my brah mentioned them. Of course I do like Angelina Jolie. Jarhead is a war movie that centers on a group of Marines sent out to guard oil in the desert. The opening reminded me of Full Metal Jacket which has become one of my favorite war movies. At the top of my list are Lawrence of Arabia, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now. I've also enjoyed Three Kings which I am hoping is still in NOLA. Jarhead stars Oscar winner Jamie Fox, along with Jake Gyllenhaal who gives a great performance. I will have to watch this film again because I had the option of viewing it with deleted scenes and didn't take advantage of that.

Foxfire I wasn't sure what to expect. Angelina Jolie plays a young lesbian drifter who stumbles across a group of girls in need of guidance. She heightens their awareness and brings a group of opposites together to form a friendship. I thought the performances were good by all of the actresses, but it is only Angelina Jolie who goes on to take Hollywood by surprise. Give it a look see, there are some familiar faces that pop up.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Seattle film festival

The Seattle film festival is currently underway. The festival began May 25, 2006 to the theme, Play Along. The film ends on June 18, 2006. I'm still trying to catch up on films from last years festival among regular theatrical releases. I purchased a used copy of 13 conversation about one thing. I hope to watch that soon. I've been doing the school related films throwing in a few unsuspecting surprises. Street of Dreams, stars Ben Masters and Morgan Fairchild. Basket Ball Diaries which is Leonardo's best role since What's eating Gilbert Grape. Fast times at Ridgemont High still holds up. No one plays a surfer dude better than Sean Penn. And my favorite actress who performs the best felatio on screen is Jennifer Jason Leigh. She shows a good example in the cafeteria scene with a carrot. The film brought us some incredible talents. I bought a DVD recorder so I'm trying to figure out how it is supposed to work. I want to put Listen to me, Mahogany, Torch Song Trilogy and Time Slip on disc. I'll devote tomorrow into getting it together. Tonight I'll create some other type of art. The film for tonight is A Thing Called Love which stars River Phoenix, another great talent. I want to watch The Mosquito Coast again. I really like that film. Some of the other films I've watched since my last entry are, Thrashin', K-2, The Boys Next Door and Dazed and Confused. Matthew McConauhey utters those famous words, "Keep on living." Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Go and watch a movie, any movie.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I've been watching movies

In the film Just One of the Guys, we get a teen version of Yentl, Tootsie,  and Victor, Victoria. The film is set in the 80's which focused on hair and fashion. Dressing up was cool again. Although it was filled with color, the polyester look of the 70's was history. So long double knit, hello cotton and rayon, LOL. Hello Punk Rock and New Wave. Dancing to the music of Prince, Flock of Seagulls, Andre Seymone, Sheila E., The Sex Pistols and Billy Idol. The innovation of MTV and music videos. The world was changing, but some things stayed the same. People still weren't being treated fairly so a young woman feels she needs to become a young man to succeed. The film has moments. Give it a look see.

Four Brothers - This film stars Mark Whalberg and Singer turned actor, Andre 2000 Benjamin of Outkast fame. It's an interesting film with lots of surprises. Terrence Howard appears in the film as a police officer. Quite a switch for him. If you have some free time, give both films a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, June 4, 2006


As if being in school isn't hard enough, it's even harder when your harmones are raging out of control. The games of life. LOL. The film Porky's went a step further than films like, The Last American Virgin or Spring Break. It was one of the first main stream films to ever show an erection. From the opening sequence, you knew this film was going to be fun. It just escalated from one scene to the next. It's classic comedy. Long before the American Pies, Porky's paved the way for these films to be made. I'm still leading up to Fast Times at Ridgemont High. I'm not sure what's on tonights agenda, but it'll be something fun. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, June 2, 2006

High School U S A

Keeping with my theme of films that take place in high school, last night I watched the film High School U S A. It's a fun film that stars Michael Fox, Anthony Edwards as a rich kid, when he had lots of hair. Nancy McKeon, Crystal Bernard of Wings fame, along with Dana Plato, Todd Bridges, Bob Denver and Crispin Glover just to name a few. Remember some of those silly things you did in high school? Were you one of the popular kids, the geeks or the cool kids? What ever you were, you're sure to see yourself in this film. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Tonights feature will either be Footloose or Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

It must be my laptop.

I write these great entries and then my computer freezes and it vanishes. Back to the drawing board. Time for a rewrite. I'll do a review of the film Class of 1984. The year is 1982 and Mark Lester has come out with a film to warn the school system what is surfacing. Mark got his inspiration from the newspaper headlines and such films as The Blackboard Jungle, Rebel without a cause and I was a teenage werewolf. The film stars Perry King, Roddy McDowell, Timothy Van Patten, and Michael Fox before he added the J. Michael was a Canadian actor before the series Family Ties. Class of 1984 was controversial, it was ahead of it's time. It pushed buttons and brought out something in the actors. The performances were real. You loved and hated the characters at the same time. This film holds up quite well. If you haven't seen Class of 1984, I highly recommend it. If you remembered seeing it, see it again. It's a shame it took so long for this film to reach DVD, but it's sure to inspire another generation of thugs. We have to stop the madness. The future belongs to us all. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Breakfast Club

I've taken a detour from the film I was supposed to watch, but I'll stay on the same theme. I'm going to watch films that are set in schools. Last night I watched The Breakfast Club. Sort of a Paul Gleason tribute. I have seen The Breakfast Club at least one hundred times if not more. It is one of my favorite films and I always thought it would make a great stage play. Every actor in the film is great. It's a shame that they never reached this same potential in future roles. They all struggled in their careers to move into adult roles, but it didn't actually work out. Anthony Michael Hall will always be remember for his roles as a child star, National Lampoon's Vacation, 16 Candles, Weird Science and The Breakfast Club. His stint on SNL hasn't made it to DVD as far as I know. One of the films that I enjoyed him in has not been released on DVD, it's called Out of Bounds. If you run across it, let me know. Molly Ringwald who I first saw on the series The Facts of Life, blossomed, but her choices weren't always the right ones in her adult life. She's a true artist, she sings, acts and a few years ago walked the Paris runways. She got rave reviews for her performance in Stephen King's The Stand, but things just slowed down. Ally Sheedy and Molly Ringwald have worked together in several films including Betsy's Wedding. Ally and Judd Nelson appeared together in St. Elmo's Fire. They were the cream of the crop known as the brat pack. Perhaps there was too much pressure on them to succeed. Once you fall into a lifestyle you want to continue to live that way and it's rough to maintain your status. So you take a job just so that your working. Of course I've mentioned this before, usually something reads well, but when you actually start to perform it, it becomes a joke. Emilio Estevez who also starred in St Elmo's fire plays the jock who can't think for himself. The days of high school pretty much determine who we are. We venture off to college because it seems like the right thing to do or someone tells us it's what we need. We are all destined for something different. We all become educated in different ways. Some through schooling and others through actual experience. It's all about making your mark on the world. "Don't you forget about me" Simple Minds. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, May 29, 2006


I couldn't put my hands on the film Class of 1984, so I settled for Stag. I'm not sure where my films is, but it's around here somewhere. I purchased Stag because of the cast and the storyline seemed like the incident with the Lacross team. The film was compared to 12 Angry Men which is a favorite film of mine. I also find it similar to the film Headless Body in a Topless bar. I like films that deal with the psyche of people. This is a stretch for both Mario Van Peeples and Andrew McCarthy. Mario plays a geeky upper middle class lawyer and Andrew plays a drug dealer/bad guy. He is usually the goody two shoes in the films so it was interesting to see him with yellow teeth and acting sleazy. The cast also includes Kevin Dillon, brother of Matt. Kevin and Andrew starred in the film Heaven Help Us. Ben Gazarra, Jerry Stiller, singer Taylor Dane and a few others. It's an interesting film on what a person will do to save face. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Thank God It's Friday

I know it's Sunday, but while I was in NOLA I discovered the film Thank God It's Friday was on DVD. I couldn't believe it. How did I miss this one? Columbia never sent me a notice, nor did Moviefone. Well, it was meant for me to find it on my own. I went to Tower Records in NOLA since they are operating again. You have to help the businesses out if we plan to have the city again. I also ran across another film I've been wanting for many years. Class of 1984. This was one of my favorite films. It stars Perry King, Roddy McDowell and Micheal Fox before he added the J. I'll watch that one tonight. The film Thank God It's Friday stars Ray Vitte, before he was known as Raymond Vitte. You may remember him from the film Car Wash. His career ended early when he died back in the early 80's. Jeff Goldblum, Valerie Lansburg, The Commodores, Debra Winger and Donna Summer make this an interesting look at a night at a Discoteque.

I picked up several films that I hope to watch while I'm back in Texas. I need to put the 128 most watched movies in a case and then go from there until each DVD is logged in. I've got a job ahead of me. I also want to make sure I don't duplicate any DVDs as I try to replace some that were stolen. I also don't want to buy any DVDs if I don't have a slot for them in the books. One book will be dedicated to supplemental features. I'll also have one book devoted to television and another for animation. I don't have 128 foreign films, so that will share the spot with something else. That's it for now, why don't you watch some movies with me. See if you can find either of the films mentioned or Stag, Fresh Horses, Less Than Zero or perhaps, The Craft. I'll be watching them soon.Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

What a way to go out

I watched the last episode of the L word of season one. There were many surprises last night. The writing and style of the show seems to have taken a turn. You would think watching women having sex wouldn't get old, but the capacity seems to be mild. I guess if it got any wilder it would then be pornographic. That was one of the underlying plots of the L word. One of the characters, Beth, played by Jennifer Beals is a museum curator. She books a show called Provocations which depicts various acts of sex including one with Jesus. The visuals are interesting. Now you know why I like the show. Of course having Pam Grier on screen every now and then doesn't hurt. At 58 years old, Pam hasn't done a nude scene in over 25 years and she hasn't played a lesbian in over 30 years. Will she or won't she turn? That is just one of the cliff hangers we find as Kit is pursued by Ivan played incredibly well by Kelly Lynch, daughter of the infamous David Lynch of Twin Peaks fame. Now the big debate comes for me to decide, do I want to collect season two? Stayed tuned to find out. Dude? do you want to watch this series? It's hot!!! Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, May 8, 2006

More of the L word

It's an interesting show. It's new, a little jumpy, but its soap opera for cable. Interesting topics that can be educating to hose interested in the life styles of lesbians. I've often thought about opening a bar for lesbians. That male fantasy brought to life. LOL. Lots of stars have been appearing on the show, including, Lolita Dovidavich, Anne Archer and Roseanna Arquette. It's not Roseanna's first time having sex with a female on screen. The first time was in the film Crash with actress Holly Hunter. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, May 5, 2006

The L Word

Everytime I buy a new season of a TV show I go back to the beginning and watch it all over. I can't wait for the 6th and 7th episodes of Oz. I'm waiting patiently. I had no idea it was still on the air. In the case of The L Word, I had no idea I would like this series. I stumbled across the first 8 episodes and I was hooked. The challenge was to see if I would find the remaining episodes of the 1st season. Yesterday I lucked out and found the last two episodes. Last night I began watching the show again. For those of you that don't know, the main reason I picked up this series is because Pam Grier is one of the stars. I've seen almost every film Pam Grier has ever made. I first saw Pam Grier on the big screen when I was 11 years old in the film Coffy. I was then hooked. I'm still trying to get my hands on films that just don't seem to surface. I do have a few on video that I taped. I'm hoping I can record them and create my own DVDs. Drum is one such film. It was a film made for boxer Ken Norton and filmed in NOLA and parts of Louisiana. It was the sequel to the film Mandingo. So, I'll take a break from regular film watching to watch The L Word. I'll be indoors this weekend so I'll have something to keep me busy. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Last Holiday

The film stars Queen Latifah, L L Cool J, Gerard Depardieu, Giancarlo Espisito and Timothy Hutton. This is an okay film, but I was expecting more from such a stellar cast. I was surprised to see that part of the film was shot in New Orleans. How did I miss out on that one? The film does have some moments. I'm not sure if I'll add it to my collection. The film does touch on the fact of how we take things for granted. How some of us don't live life at all let alone to the fullest. We sit around saying what we will do or what we want to do. Then time passes and we end up asking ourselves what happened? When was the last time you took a holiday? It's what the Europeans call a vacation. LOL. Make a list of places that you would like to visit. Create a plan to see what you have to do to get you there. Traveling can be so easy. All one has to do is open their mind to the possibility of creating friendships in the places they wish to visit. It's that simple, really it is. It does help to have a winning personality. After all, you will have to get along with your hosts during your stay. Of course you can always save up enough money to stay in a hotel. The beauty of traveling sometimes is to get the feel of the land so to speak. Live like the natives do.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Cover Story

Elizabeth Berkley and Jason Priestly will both be known for their television roles more than their film roles. Of course The role of the Las Vegas stripper turned dancer in Showgirls will always hang over Elizabeth's head. From Saved by the bell to numerous films, the actress struggles to make her mark in film. Showgirls was like the female version of Stayin' Alive which starred John Travolta. It was the sequel to his successful film, Saturday Night Fever. As for Jason Priestly we'll remember him as Brandon from Beverly Hills 90210. I'm still waiting on this series to make it to DVD. The pilot episode made it, but nothing else. I'll have to make my own DVDs. LOL. Cover story is about a report for a fashion magazine trying to get that great cover story. Jason Priestly plays a millionaire with mob ties. The film is very soap opera, tv movie of the week. It has moments, but too many twists and turns that don't flow very well. If you're a fan of either of these actors like I am, then you'll enjoy the movie. Give it a look see. Tonights feature may be Dark Side, another film that stars, Jason Priestly. And the next night I'll probably watch Detonator which stars Elizabeth Berkley. LOL. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, May 1, 2006


 Crispin Hollen Glover, stars in the remake of Willard. I never saw the original, but I remember Michael Jackson sung the theme song which was nominated for an Oscar. The song is sung again in this film by Michael Jackson and by Crispin Glover. Crispin is a good actor, but something happened and he sort of vanished. He then played some creepy characters. He was put in the public eye when he played the thin man in Charlie's Angels. Crispin is the founder of the publishing company, Volcanic Eruptions. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Last night I watched the movie Trapped which stars the lovely and talented Cherlize Theron, Dakota Fanning, Vince Pruit Vaugh, Courtney Love, Peter Townsend and Kevin Bacon. It's a great film that I neglected to pick up many times because of the subject matter. Ransom has always been my favorite film regarding kidnapping, but Trapped is full of surprises. I highly recommend this film. If you are a fan of Kevin Bacon or Cherlize Theron, you're going to enjoy this film. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. I may watch Commando tonight, but don't hold me to it.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I'm currently watching this series which stars Robert Pastorelli. I think that's how you spell his name. He played Murphy Brown's helper on the TV show. I'm not sure when Cracker was on TV or cable, but it is an interesting show. It's a combination of CSI and Psych 101. Pastorelli plays a psychologist hired by the police department to help get into the minds of murderers. Josh Harnett also stars along with Lee R. Emery.

I'm replacing a few of the DVDs that were taken from my home. I'm trying to organize the DVDs to which are most important. Special features will have a case to themselves. Sometimes I look at the special features, but I'm more likely to look at the disk if its on the same disc as the feature film. One day I'll just sit down and watch special feature DVDs for a month or so. I won't spend any more money on cases at the moment. I'm going to see a few of my VHS tapes and books. I need to go through my movie posters that survived and see what I want to do with them. Well, that's it for now. I continue to watch The White Shadow and Miami Vice. I watched the Ten Commandments Sunday night and last night I watched Godzilla. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The White Shadow

I watched two more episodes of the White Shadow. It was a TV show that I watched when I was in High School. The show starred Ken Howard, Thomas Carter, Timothy Van Patten and Kevin Hooks. Centered around a white pro basket ball player who's career is ended by an accident on the court. He is offered a job by a fellow friend in a high school where the kids are in need of guidance. Through basketball the coach struggles to gain the trust of the students. The two episodes I watched were fun episodes, the characters still struggle to get to know each other and deal with their fears. One episode shows the team going to a tournament and getting onto an airplane for the first time. The other episode has the team in Vegas and they lose their shirts, but learn a lesson in returning money that isn't theirs. I was going to take in a movie, but I had some things to take care of. Maybe tomorrow or over the weekend. Soon I'll be planning on returning to NOLA. Sometimes even time moves fast for me. LOL. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, April 7, 2006

16 Blocks

I decided I would take in a movie while I was in NOLA. I haven't been to the movies since I saw King Kong. I've been watching a lot of television while I'm in NOLA. A lot of television for me is watching more than Oprah. I've been watching Deal or No Deal, come on can't we do better than this? I do enjoy The Amazing Race. I can picture me and my brah hiking and pushing each other to the limits to win the big prize. LOL. Survivor has always been interesting and I love the CSI shows and The Unit. Of course I've also been watching the news and reading the local newspaper. Things I normally don't do. Old habits are hard to kill. LOL. Okay, now back to our feature presentation, 16 Blocks. I had no idea what the film was about, but because Mos Def was attached to the film I wanted to see it. That's how I choose my films. The film also stars, Bruce Willis and David Morse. It's a film filled with dialogue, action and twists and turns. Mos Def gives the best performance of his career to date. He just continues to escalate and in time he'll be nominated for an Oscar if he continues to select the same great roles. It's a film about change and proving to people that it can be done. Anything is possible. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, March 24, 2006

I am a fan of Adrien Brody

Ever since I saw Spike Lee's Summer of Sam I've been intrigued by his look and his performances. Adrien has done numerous films which prove he is a good actor. From Ten Benny, The Restaurant to Love the hard way and The Pianist. His role in King Kong was overshadowed by the big ape. LOL. He'll also be remembered for giving Halle Berry a surprising tongue on stage when she presented him with his best actor Oscar. That lucky guy. LOL. His performanc in Oxygen is okay and he pulls off an interesting role in the film The Jacket. He plays a veteran that dies once and is brought back only to change the lives of a few people before he is killed again. The visuals in The Jacket are great. Adrien has a screen presence so you are drawn to him. Even if there is another actor on the screen you are interested in his every move. The Jacket also stars, Keira Knightly, Kris Kristopherson, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Daniel Craig ( Who also has screen presence) and Kelly Lynch, daughter of David Lynch. If you like films that deal with the mind, you'll enjoy the jacket. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Mysterious Skin and Kinsey

Tuesday night I watched Mysterious skin and tonight I watched Kinsey for the second time. Kinsey is the film about scientist and sexologist Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey studied the sexual habits of thousands of people of all walks of life. It's an interesting film in the fact that it makes us think. I like films and books that make us think. That's what I try to do, make people think. Open your mind and ask yourself the question, what if...? The film stars, Liam Neeson, Laura Linley, Chris O'Donnel, Peter Saarsgard and Timothy Hutton. Give it a look see if your game. LOL.

Mysterious Skin is by Asian film maker, Greg Araki. I first met Greg at the Seattle film festival. It was the screening of Totally F**ked up. I applaude anyone that sees their dream come true no matter how bad it may turn out. The following year I believe, Greg returned with a film called The Doom Generation. This showed just how sick a puppy Greg really is, but it is classic and one of my favorite films. It's a cross between a Tarentino film and a porn film. The film stars James Duvall who is like Greg's alter ego and Rose McGowan. Okay, now our featured presentation. Mysterious skin is about two young boys and their connection in life. There are some things we block out and we never bring them forth until life just pushes and pushes and we have no choice if we wish to move forward. Mysterious Skin stars, Joseph Gordon - Levitt, some of you may remember him from Third Rock from the Sun. The other actor is Brady Corbet from the film Thirteen. Elizabeth Shue has a small role playing the mother. Greg always manages to get some good actors in his films. In Nowhere he brought us Ryan Phillipe. Sex, space and violence are all connections that Greg makes in his films. This film is based on the book of the same name by Scott Heim. Now that Greg is older his work has changed and it has depth and a story that is real. If you're squeemish, or have an issue with sexual situations, you don't want to rent this film. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Shampoo & Queen of the Damned

I watched Shampoo for the first time. It just wasn't one of those films I was interested in. I wanted to see it, but I couldn't find it at the library. I was in Wal Mart, going through there $5.50 bin and I ran across it. I figure now would be a good time to get it. I need to watch it again because there were several interruptions during my viewing session. I hate that! LOL. Anyway, from what I saw the film is interesting. Warren Beatty's hair looked great. Goldie Hawn looked good in all those mini dresses as well as Julie Christie. It was Lee Grant that won an Oscar for her supporting role in this film. There are many familiar faces in the film including Jack Warden. Give it a look see if you've ever thought of a career in hair. It settles the myth about the impression people get of hair dressers. LOL.

Queen of the Damned stars Stuart Townsend and the late singer Aliyah. Now I am not a fan of Anne Rice. I wanted this film because it was Aliyah's last film. It's just a shame that this has to be her final project. She does look good in the film I must say. It's just not that good of a film. And who is Stuart Townsend? I've never heard of him and he isn't Tom Cruise. In this version The Vampire Lestat is a rock star. I'll leave it up to you if you wish to see this film. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Catching up

I've watched another episode of Miami Vice. They are going to do an updated version of the popular television series. Miami Vice changed the way we looked at television in the 80's. In the film version, Jamie Foxx and Colin Farell will star. Looks like it may be interesting. I watched the Bourne Supremecy, but it wasn't as good as The Bourne Identity. It does have moments. The films are based on the novels by Robert Ludlum which are very good. If you love espionage and intrigue then you'll enjoy the books. If you're a fan of Matt Damon then check out the film. That and the fact that Julia Stiles is in the film is why I purchased it. Last night I watched a film that I had never seen in its entirity. The film is called Penitentiary, which stars Leon Isaac Kennedy. I always thought his wife, the lovely Jayne Kennedy was in this film, but I was wrong. The film has moments and it did create a sequel which I did see because Playboy centerfold, Ola Ray had a small part in the film. It's good to go back from time to time to see those films that one enjoyed when they were younger. Some films hold up, such as Coffy which stars Pam Grier, but others fall short and are just seen as guilty pleasures which is the case of Blacula. The 70's was the age of Blaxploitation films and there were some good ones. I need to catalog some films now. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Tonights feature might be the Feast of All Saints. Here are some films I'll be watching this week. Trapped with Kevin Bacon and Cherlize Theron, Queen of the Damned with the late singer Aliyah, The Piano II with Johnny Depp and The Legend of Bagger Vance with Will Smith.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Big Hit

I've seen this movie several times. It's one of those movies that just makes you feel good. It's a comedy drama with some action and attractive faces. The film stars, Mark Walhberg, Lou Diamond Phillips and Christina Applegate. It's a story about a hit man with a heart. It's about using people and betrayal. If you're looking for a fun film to watch, this is a good one. Here are some other film recommendations: Up the Creek without a Paddle, Dude, Where's my car?, The American Pie movies or the Scary Movie movies. LOL. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Snipes & A Soldier's Story

Snipes is a film about hip hop music and what happens when dreams are shattered before they begin. The film stars Nelly, and Dean Winters. A Soldier’s Story by Charles Fuller based upon his Pulitzer Prize winning play of the same name. The film stars, Howard E. Rollins, Adolph Caesar, Denzel Washington, Robert Townsend, David Allen Grier and Patti Labelle as Big Mary. As a stage Play it is intense and the movie brings that same intensity with such a great cast. The film is directed by Norman Jewison. If you haven’t seen this film or even heard of the play, I highly recommend you see this film. Spike Lee’s School Daze is the only other film I know to really deal with racism amongst blacks. That happens to be my favorite Spike Lee film. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

xXx State of the Union

Sounds like the title of a porn film. I picked up this film because it starred Willem Dafoe. Willem usually plays these bizarre characters. He played Gas in eXistenz and he was a villain in Speed 2. His role in Shadow of a Vampire earned him an Oscar nom and he was incredible in Animal Factory. State of the Union wasn't all that great. I will have to watch it again. One reason is that I was cooking dinner and trying to see the film which means the opening didn't have my full attention. Sometimes that makes all the difference in the world when it comes to film. The film also stars, Ice Cube and Samuel Jackson. I know it wasn't the film I said I would watch, but that happens also. The mood changes. So tonight's film is anyone's guess. I'm trying to watch films I haven't seen before. I have all these films I've purchased and haven't watched. LOL. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Cat Woman

There was talk of a sequel to this film. I watched it again last night for the 3rd time. Halle Berry is an exceptional actress. She's been choosing the right roles which is difficult for most black actresses. If a script is good and the characters are real then take the role and prosper. If you haven't seen Cat Woman, check it out. The film stars, Halle Berry, Benjamin Bratt and Sharon Stone. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Tonights feature will probably be A Place in the sun with Montgomery Cliff and Elizabeth Taylor.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Day After Tomorrow

I've watched this film 3 times now. I just get in these moods when I want to see certain films. Last week I watched War of the Worlds which gave me a flashback of Katrina and now this film. A few months ago I watched Category 6 which was also about the ultimate of disasters around the world all at once. One day it could happen. I would hope not because we'd really be in trouble. The special effects in the film are really good. It's difficult to tell a story when you only have a short period of time. I'd be able to tell more in a book about Katrina as opposed to doing a film unless it were a mini series. It's going to come together. It will be slow, but once I get that flow it will be steady. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. I think I may watch Myra Breckenridge tonight. I want to watch something I haven't seen yet. Time for something new.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

I'm still watching

Since It's hard out here for a pimp won an Oscar for original song I've been in a good mood. The fact that Philip Seymour Hoffman has won an Oscar has made me happy. In time Terrence Howard will win an Oscar. There are many great performances for him to give. Just as Seymour has done with Magnolia, Boogie Nights, Happiness and The Talented Mr. Ripley. Tonight I watched I Robot which I enjoyed for the second time. Tomorrow I'll watch Day After Tomorrow. I'm going to have to get me a television and DVD player to watch movies on. It takes its toll on the laptop. I watched War of the Worlds while I was in NOLA and the special effects were remarkable. The story however was weak. I'm glad King Kong won a few Oscars. The special effects as I stated in my review were spectacular. Once I file away my DVDs I'll see how many openings I have to purchase movies for my collection. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Steel Magnolias

I hadn't seen Steel Magnolias in years. I found it used at a good priced so I added it to the collection. I have quite a few films starring, Julia Roberts. This is film contains a great ensemble cast of female heavy weights. Shirley Maclaine, Sally Field, Olympia Dukakus, Daryl Hannah, and Dolly Parton. The males include Sam Shepard, Dylan McDermott and Tom Skeritt. If you've never seen this film I highly recommend it. It's about going for your dreams, keep no secrets, gossip and friendship. It's funny and has some great emotional moments. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Three movies in one day

It was a triple threat today of movies. I stayed in so was nothing else to do. I watched, Waterproof with Burt Reynolds, April Grace. Whitman Mayo and Janet DuBois. You may remember Whitman from Sanford and Son and Janet from Good Times. April Grace is a lovely actress that is coming into her own. She has appeared in such films as Playing by Heart and Magnolia. In Waterproof she has the lead which is the first time I've seen her in a lead role. It's an interesting film, sort of a comedy drama. Very touching and gives you something to think about.

French Kiss stars Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline. I'm not a big fan of Meg Ryan. I don't know, maybe she's too cute. I saw her in When Harry Met Sally because of Billy Crystal. To see a film because it starred her well, it wasn't something I'd run out and do. It's an interesting film that also stars Timothy Hutton and Jean Reno.

The Mirror Has Two Faces rounded out the evening of films. The film stars Barbra Streisand, Jeff Bridges, Pierce Brosnan, Mimi Rogers, George Segal and Lauren Bacall. It's a good film about love, sex, relationships and mathematics. There has to be a formula to love. So far no one has figured that one out. All of the films were quite entertaining. Check them out if you haven't seen them. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lady sings the blues

I decided to watch Lady Sings the Blues tonight. I've never seen this film all the way through. It's been a part of my DVD collection for a few months now. I had recorded it a long time ago when I had cable, but I was never in the mood to watch it. Tonight I felt up for it. It is a great film and Diana Ross gave a great performance in which she was nominated for an Oscar. I'm not sure who the competition was that year, but that's the politics of Hollywood. Although the film is based on a book by Billy Holiday, Diana plays the role looking more like herself then the Jazz legend. Perhaps the budget kept them from doing a serious make over. A few years later, Diana Ross did a television special, An Evening with Diana Ross. On that show she showcased her talents, not only as a singer, but as an actress. Diana had longed wanted to play the legendary Josephine Baker. There are even photos of her in the famous pose. On this special Diana played three of the all time greats, Bessie Smith, Josephine Baker and Ethel Waters. They were her audience as Diana in her Billie Holiday garb, stands on stage singing and the legends critique her. I wish they would release that on DVD. It's quite an entertaining show. Berry Gordy was determined to get all that he could out of Diana and the next film would be Mahogany followed by The Wiz which wasn't a great film. Long musical numbers and elaborate sets. It did use New York to its potential despite the fact that there was a garbage strike going on. Diana Ross did make two television films, one in which she played a woman who was schizofrenic and Platinum about an entertainer who neglects her daughter. I never saw that perticular film. If you've never seen Lady Sings the Blues or have an interest in Billie Holiday or just enjoy Jazz and blues. Give this film a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

What you been watching?

The White Shadow and 21 Jump street. I’m still watching both of these television programs now available on DVD. They were both shows I enjoyed as a teenager and young adult. I had no idea The White Shadow was as cutting edge as it was. It touched on racisim a lot, along with homosexuality, gangs and of course basketball. I only recall Ken Howard doing one film and then he sort of vanished once the television show went off the air. Tell me that you love me Junie Moon, starred Liza Minelli and Ken Howard. It was a film about people being different. If you like watching your telelvision on DVD, then check out both of the series. I’m watching the first seasons. 21 Jump street also tackled some of the same issues along with pornography and prostitution. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Where did I leave off?

Above the Rim, is a so so film that stars Duane Martin, Tupac, Leon and Marlon Wayans. It has its moments. There are some great basketball moves. It's the typical story of a man with a promising career deals with the repercussions of what life presents when ones dreams fade away.

La Femme Nikita, this is the original film in which Point of No Return was based. The film is quite violent with a bit of a twist. A con gets a second chance by being made a criminal with all the right tools. From Luc Besson, the film that paved the was for film like The Professional and The Fifth Element.

Cape Fear, I've seen Cape Fear quite a few times. I believe I saw the original once after learning this was a remake. The film stars Robert DeNiro, Nick Nolte, Jessica Lange and Juliette Lewis who was nominated for an Oscar for her role as the naive and trouble daughter. Lots of religious references. Robert DeNiro gives a great performance. Robert Mitchum who starred in the original makes an appearance in this one. Give it a look see. Great scenes and special effects. Cinematography is tops. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Truth About Charlie

Last night I didn’t watch a film, I was taking care of some other business. From time to time I do find some things that maybe just a little more important than watching a movie, but that is rare. LOL. Tonight I was having problems with the laptop so luckily I was able to watch the television and use the DVD player. I watched The Truth About Charlie which starred Mark Whalberg, Thandie Newton, and Tim Robbins. It’s an okay film, not one of Mark Whalberg’s best. Rockstar and Boogie Nights are tops on my list followed by The Big Hit and Fear. The Truth About Charlie is a remake of Charade. Seems Mark has been involved in two remakes, the first being The Italian Job. It’s an interesting thriller directed by Johnathan Demme. I’ll have to watch it again because the DVD did skip a few times even on the DVD player. I’ll also try cleaning my laptop DVD/CD Rom drive and see if that helps. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

2-13, Oxygen was the film for last night. The first stars Adrien Brody, Maura Tierney, and Terry Kinney. It’s an interesting story, more of a psychological thriller. We wait to see whether or not the victim will be found dead or alive. It’s a mind game between a kidnapper/killer and a cop with a dark side. Adrien Brody is great on screen in one of his earlier roles. If you’re not familiar with Adrien’s work, check out, Summer of Sam, The Pianist in which he won an Oscar or Ten Benny. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Hustle & Flow

I've own this film for almost a month now. I needed the right time to sit down and let myself be immersed in the film. I wanted to see this film because of the subject matter and because it starred Terrence Howard. Terrence Howard is now coming into his own as a leading man. He's played many supporting roles along side Harold Perrineau, David Arquette and others. In Hustle and Flow, he plays a pimp called Djay that has dreams. The performances by everyone are truly outstanding. The raps bring back that memphis sound all put together by Al Kapone. This film will make you feel emotion for every character on the screen. Isaac Hayes, Anthony Anderson, Taryn Manning, Ludacris, DJ Quall, Elise Neal and many others bring this film to life. If you only see one film, this is the one. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Making Love & Solo

Making Love & Solo, seems like titles for porn films, LOL. Actually, my DVD of Making Love arrived and so I decided to watch it. Solo was the scheduled film on my list. Solo stars Mario Van Peeples, I first saw Mario many, many years ago when he was a fashion model on the pages of GQ and other fashion magazines. It’s sort of like Universal Soldier, Terminator and Rambo rolled into one. Solo being the ultimate cyborg, learns to think for himself and all havoc breaks loose. There was also a surprise in this film. Adrien Brody appears as a doctor. So his screen time makes the film bearable. Mario isn’t the super hero type. It’s entertaining and has moments. Tomorrow nights feature will be Kung Fu Hustle. I'm hoping it will be a hoot. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, February 9, 2006

A Double feature

Airport ‘75 will always be my favorite out of the Airport films. Tonight I did a double feature, Airport ‘77 and Concorde, Airport ‘79. Every two years they were cranking out these all star resurrect the old timers careers. LOL. Airport ‘77 stars Lee Grant who I believe was nominated for an Oscar. I’m not sure if she won. I know the film was nominated for a couple of awards. Jack Lemon, along with Olivia DeHaviland, James Stewart, Robert Hooks, Christopher Lee and Brenda Vacaro star along with George Kennedy reprising his role. Chris Lemmon, Jack’s son has a small role in the film. All of Airport films were taken from the original film which was based on a novel by Arthur Hailey. In Concorde, Airport ‘79 we get another all star cast and this time the film takes a twist. The plane gets attacked lands and then gets into trouble again. The stars also change just a little. We get Cicely Tyson, which I don’t know if she needed the money or needed to fulfill a contract clause. Jimmy Walker shows up as a pop head sax player. Lots of International stars including Charo in a cameo, which is quite funny. George Kennedy has a bigger role this time and comes on board to fly the plane. Avery Schrieber, Susan Blakely, Robert Wagner and John Davidson round out the cast. If you have nothing better to do, pop some corn and enjoy the ride. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Airport '75

As I mentioned, I don't recall seeing Airport '75 on the big screen. It wasn't until years after it won an Academy award or two that I got a chance to see the film. It hailed and all star cast including some new up and coming stars that would make their way to television. Sharon Glass and Eric Estrada among them. The film stars Karen Black as the lead stewardess who must fly the plane after the pilot is injured when a twin engine plane crashes into a 747. Karen Black's unusual features are what makes her so good. I believe she was nominated for an Oscar, but not sure if she won. George Kennedy reprises his role as the builder of the Columbia airlines jet. Gloria Swanson came out of retirement and plays herself in this film. Everyone who is anyone is in this picture. You've got Linda Blair who you get the eerie feeling that she may just barf or turn her head. This was her first film after the success of The Exorcist. You have Helen Reddy who plays a singing nun. I guess Sally Field wasn't available. There's Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Charleton Heston, Myrna Loy, Sid Caesar, Jerry Stiller father of Ben Stiller, and many others. Once again we see what maneuvers would be conducted if a plane needed assistance and could actually be helped. Tomorrow nights feature, Airport '77, it was a two year thing. Incidentally, Airport '75 was inspired by the film Airport. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Airport 1975 changing things

Tuesday, February 7, 2006


Tonight I watched the film Airport. This was the first in the genre of disaster flicks for the big screen. At least it was the first one I recall. I never saw this one on the big screen. Airport stars Burt Lancaster, Dean Martin, George Kennedy, Helen Hayes and Jaqueline Bissett to name a few. The film has interesting visuals and sort of has that soap opera feel to it. Bad marriages, love affairs and secrets, lots of secrets. Tomorrw I will watch Airport '75 which I've seen many times. I like Karen Black. It wasn't until Airport 77 that I actually went to a theater to see an Airport film. The main focus of these films was to show the attempts that are made if and when a disaster in the sky occurs. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Do you speak Spanglish?

 The first time I saw this film I was on a flight to Kona, HI. It was a double feature, Spanglish and Because of Winn Dixie. The film introduced us to several child stars. The most I’ve ever seen in one film. Paz Vega is easy on the eyes. Tea Leoni who I’ve liked since her days on the Fox network gives a great performance along with Cloris Leachman and Adam Sandler. I’m not a big fan of Adam Sandler, but every now and then he gives a performance that is real. He was good in Punch Drunk Love. If you haven’t seen this film I highly recommend it. it’s a film that makes us look at not taking life so serious and accepting things for what they are. We can’t all be perfect. Who is perfect anyway? Okay, I’ve just started a debate. Cool. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, February 6, 2006

Do you speak splanglish

Brokeback Mountain

Is it me or what? I had heard so much about Broke Back Mountain. It’s based on a short story about two cowboys who fall in love back in 1963 and their meetings every four years for twenty years to be together. Sort of reminds me of the film, Same time next year. I was not impressed with this film. It is definitely not a gay film. There’s no singing and dancing, both guys are quite masculine and the film moves slowly for me. I will say the cinematography is excellent. Watching the sheep roam the mountainside of Wyoming. It seems the parts of the film most people have a problem with are what I like about the film. Anne Hathaway gives another great performance as the wife of Jack Twist. She sort of poor white trash who gets money. Michelle Williams of Dawson Creek Fame plays the wife of Ennis who actually gets to see her husband in the act of making out. The scene works very well and it happens to be the first scene shot in the film. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal have a screen presence and most of the story is told through their eyes when they raise up their heads or aren’t wearing their cowboy hats. If there were more rodeo riding or bar fighting I would say this would be a great buddy film. Many of the cliches show up in this film in a subtle way. Two guys get drunk, a cold winters night, the sheep are so far away so they end up in a pop tent together. Hey, did someone drink too much last night. The struggle and aggressive nature of the sex adds some intensity, but there are openings that need to be filled. There could be an intentional pun there. What made Jack attracted to Ennis? It seems Ennis already knew what Jack wanted. Deep down he had feelings himself, but didn’t know how to deal with them exactly. Jack’s assistance helped and at the same time created a struggle within himself. It’s a film you’ll have to decide if you wish to see it. I was surprised at the ending, but that’s life. We all make decisions and we have to live with them. You may want to wait until it arrives on DVD instead of paying $6.25 or more depending on where you live. Here in Austin the Matinees are $6.25. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, February 3, 2006

L. A. Law The Movie

L. A. Law was one of my favorite television shows. I've always been interested in law, ever since I saw Perry Mason for the first time. L. A. Law The Movie picks up 10 years later and is a reunion of law partners of McKenzie and Brackman. The original cast, Harry Hamlin, Corbin Benson, Susan Dey, Richard Dysart and others show up along with some new faces. It's entertaining, but it's not the series itself. That's life. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Tomorrow nights film is Hollow Man with Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth Shue.

Chill Factor

This film stars Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Skeet Ulrich. Why would someone name their child Skeet? Has to be short for something or a nickname and he wanted to be different. He just skeet on out of there. LOL. Must have been a running joke when he was growing up. The film is an interesting action film about a nuclear type formula that can wipe out a thousand mile radius. Cuba and Skeet young guys who've had run ins with the law are our unlikely heroes as they try to do good while dealing with their own insecurities and their differences with each other. I've seen this film many times. Its good entertainment. Today I'll go out and see if I can find any other films to add to my collection. Next week I hope to have Making Love. I've waited a long time for this film to be released. Just two more, Cruising with Al Pacino and Mahogany with Diana Ross. Tonights feature, L.A. Law (The Movie). Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Coming to America

It has been years since I've seen this film. Although I didn't find it laugh out loud funny it does have some moments. There were people in this film that I didn't know were apart of it at the time. Of course they weren't famous either. Eric LaSalle, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Garcelle Beauvais, Vanessa Bell, Paul Anderson, Shari Headly, James Earl Jones, Samuel L. Jackson, Madge Sinclair, John Amos, Asenio Hall and of course Eddie Murphy. There was some controversy surrounding this film when EM was accused of stealing the story for the film. I think that's probably why I saw it originally. I love a controversial film. Thursday night's feature is Chill Factor with Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Skeech Ulrich. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Upcoming films I'll be watching, A Time to Kill, Harlem Nights, Above the Rim, Cool World, Priest, johns and Wild River. Check 'em out with me.

Good Fence

From Havoc to Good Fence my film choices are trying to tell me something. LOL. The Oscar nominations came out and the only film nominated that I saw is Crash. It’s the only film I remember. I’ll have to look at the entire list, but I only saw a handful of new films last year. I do remember seeing Sin City. I think that was last year. Things come and go so quickly and then they pop up on DVD. That was the case with Good Fence and perhaps Havoc. I don’t recall either of these films having a release in New Orleans. So is life. Our city gets passed by because we just aren’t a target audience or so they say. Maybe if they gave us some good quality films we might see things differently. Broke Back Mountain is breaking records, but why? It’s like when Making Love came out in the 80’s. Everyone wanted to see what the hoopla was all about. Of course Michael Ontkean and Harry Hamlin weren’t well known stars. I still think Making Love holds up well, but there are people that would say otherwise. I think the story is true in today’s world. Broke Back Mountain is a period piece to a degree and it stars two young up and coming stars. Most people are running out because they hear about the kiss. Controversy always gets them in. LOL. I’ve not seen the film yet so I won’t say anymore. Good Fence stars Whoopi Goldberg and Danny Glover as wife and husband moving up the ladder of success and how the past brings them into the future. Our behavior from the past makes us react to different situations in ways that some people just don’t understand. It’s a film about being perceived a certain way. Trying to fit in and the scars that it leaves on every level. From start to finish. Check it out. Tonight's feature, Coming to America. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, January 30, 2006

El Dorado

The Road to El Dorado, Disney is always pushing the envelope. The Road to El Dorado is beautifully done. Great characters, scenery and music. Kevin Kline, Kenneth Branaugh, Rosie Perez, Armande Assante, and Edward James Olmos supply the voices to the main characters. This is a good film that everyone can enjoy. It’s about love, friendship and greed. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

The Prince of Egypt

this is my favorite Disney film as I’ve mentioned before. The chariot race is breathtaking. There are a few musical numbers, but not the traditional Disney fare. I’ve seen this film about 5 times now. I was watching this movie just before the power went out in NOLA during Katrina. Maybe I was using my battery, but I know I couldn’t finish watching it because I couldn’t charge my battery. My line up of movies for the up coming week will be as follows: Havoc, Good Fence, Coming to America, Chill Factor, L. A. Law (The Movie), Hollow Man, and another episode of The White Shadow and 21 Jump Street. Watch along if you can find these films. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Sinbad vs. Hairshow

Actually there is no comparison between the two films. Sinbad is an animated feature with incredible visuals and Hairshow is a Barbershop rip off that doesn't have the same flair. The film does have moments, but its the same old story. More attention could have been paid on the hairshow itself that might have been more interesting.

Sinbad breaks ground as creating a Disney female character with short hair and more of an adventurous spark. She also wears pants. The movement and action of the characters is sensational. If you don't like animation because you think it's for kids, think again. Creature comforts is an interesting claymation film that your might like. Tonight I'll watch The Road to El Dorado.

Friday, January 27, 2006


I placed my movie review for Antz on my journal for ArtbyDlonzo. Oh well it happens. Tonight's feature will be Sinbad, the lengend of the seven seas. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Only Disney can

I watched the Hunchback of Notre Dame as I move into five days of animated films. Disney has managed to throw in religion, amongst the love story based on the story by Victor Hugo. The voices of Demi Moore, Tom Hulce and Jason Alexander are featured in this musical of yet another beauty and the beast story. There were too many musical numbers for me. Maybe it was the fact that the numbers weren't so entertaining. Maybe it was my mood. I'm not sure. The visuals were great, but The Prince of Eqypt remains my favorite film when it comes to animated humans, but The Lion King is still tops for it's spectacular visuals. If you like animation you'll enjoy this film. Lots of jokes even one scene taken from the Wizard of Oz. See if you can find it. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

21 Jump Street

The 70’s was all about color. Putting together those patterns your mother told you never to mix and match. LOL. The Disco era. The 80’s was about the hair, New Wave fashion was what it was called. 21 Jump Street was the trendy new show that everyone was talking about. The show starred Johnny Depp, Holly Robinson, Peter DeLuise, and Dustin Nguyen. Undercover cops who looked young enough to get away with going back to school. The show tackled some pretty interesting issues that teens around the U.S. were dealing with. It paved the way for so many other shows that would hold the interest of teens and adults alike. 21 Jump Street was the first hit crime drama for the Fox network. It introduced us to many of the stars that would take over the tube. Christina Applegate, Jason Priestly and Shannon Doherty all appeared on episodes of 21 Jump Street before becoming residences themselves. Check out a few episodes if you’ve never seen this show. It holds up pretty well. If you have any film recommendations that I might not have seen yet, drop me a line. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The White Shadow

This was a television series that I would not miss. The story centered around a group of basketball players, mostly black, who were challenged by a white coach. The show was diverse in its depiction of the various backgrounds and the topics it covered. Ken Howard plays the coach who once had a promising career in the NBA until a knee injury benched him. A fellow friend and school principal hires him for his touch exterior to become coach, big brother and father to the guys of Carver High’s basketball team. Tonight I’ll watch an episode of 21 Jump Street. The rest of the week it’s Animation starting with The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Antz, Sinbad, The Road to El Dorado, and the Prince of Egypt. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, January 23, 2006


- I had two copies of the film in the VHS format. How did that happen? One copy went bad and I replaced it. Then I debated about having it on DVD. I recently found it at a good price and picked it up. The film stars Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise as brothers. Dustin Hoffman plays an Idiot Savant, the new politically correct term is Autistic. Dustin won an Oscar for his performance as Raymond Babbit aka Rainman. The first time I saw this film in the theaters it brought back some memories of someone I knew had gone through a similar incident that is talked about in the film. We all have secrets. Even if we share them with just one person, it’s still a secret to others around us. Is it a good thing to have secrets? If we told the truth about everything that we did, what would be the outcome? Do people even hear what we are saying? I remember once in one of my newsletters my opening line was a confession, but unless it’s plastered where everyone who visits me can see it, it means nothing. I’ll remember to post that opening statement on my Blog. LOL. If you haven’t seen Rainman give it a look see. It’s an interesting film that deals with hatred, betrayal, love and compassion. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. I’ve not selected my films for the week at this writing. I will probably begin watching The White Shadow or 21 Jump Street. Check back to find out what it will be.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Ordinary People

Ordinary People - This is one of those films that when it first came out I wasn’t interested in seeing. I didn’t know any of the stars, well I did know Mary Tyler Moore, but the story just didn’t seem to be something I was interested in. I was used to action pictures, some comedies, but serious drama I wasn’t into at the time. After seeing Taps, Falcon and the Snowman, Iceman, I became a fan of Timothy Hutton. So I had to see the film in which he was nominated for an Oscar. When we are young there are just certain things we can’t relate to, that we can when we think we are all grown up. Depression, death, weren’t prevalent in my life at the time. At least not to a degree where I couldn’t cope. The film is about love, understanding, compassion and control. The film deals with the psyche and how we all at some point blame ourselves for events that we actually have no control over. If you haven’t seen this film I suggest you give it a look see. If you have seen it, why not see it again. Share it with a friend and see how your life has changed. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Tonight’s feature: Rainman. Coming soon: Havoc, Lady Sings the Blues, Oxygen, Harlem Nights, Above the rim and Steel Magnolia’s.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Glengarry Glen Ross

This is not just a film about real estate, this is a film about sales. It is a film about determination and survival. Everyone is at there best in this film, Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Alan Arkin, Kevin Spacy, Alec Baldwin, Johnathan Pryce and Ed Harris. This is a dialogue film. We don’t get too many of those. Quentin Tarantino gives us dialogue amongst action, but this is all dialogue and little action. We’re watching a stage play which is quite a change. Check out this film and see how you react. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Runaway Jury

There aren’t a lot of great movies that have been filmed entirely in New Orleans. There aren’t a lot of great movies that even feature New Orleans. Usually it’s a jazz funeral, Mardi Gras parade, voodoo or cemeteries. Live and Let Die, The Killer Bees, Candyman, Farewell to the Flesh, A Streetcar Named Desire, Cat People, Easy Rider, Tight Rope, Drum, Monsters Ball, Murder at the Mardi Gras and Pretty Baby to name a few. Most of the films get the accent wrong or they pronounce the streets differently. I like how a character can stay on one side of town and walk to another side. They’d be exhausted. Runaway Jury starts off kind of foolish. I’ve hesitated to purchase this film, but I found it at a good price. I paid around $6.00. Unless its something I don’t want to take a chance not getting I usually pay the price. I wish I had done that with Priest and now I’m having the hardest time getting it added to my collection. So I keep trying. Runaway Jury stars Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman, John Cusack, Luiz Guzman, New Orleans locals Audela Gautier and Carol Sutton and many others. It turns out to be an interesting film. The film is taken from a novel by John Grisham. Give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Angel Heart

When I first saw this film oh, so many years ago, it was because of Lisa Bonet. Many of you may not even know who she is. Lisa Bonet played Denise Huxtable on the Cosby Show. Denise was the artistic Huxtable, so I was drawn to her character right away. She dressed differently, had her own ideas and just went with her own flow. Does art imitate life? Lisa was looking to change, but Cosby suggested she think things through. When an actor takes that first role they have to be very careful. So from a safe place, Lisa went against Cosby and took the role of Epiphany. She played a young voodoo priestess, walking around half naked and doing a bloody sex scene with Mickey Rourke. The film originally had an NC-17 rating, so the sex scene was cut short. In the DVD version, the scene is seen in its entirety. Voodoo experts criticized the film because they didn’t understand what it had to do with the film. Those affiliated with the film, lots of locals, tried to justify the dance sequences and the fact that most people who practice voodoo or seek voodoo are searching for themselves. The DVD is also filled with some useful knowledge from local practioners. It also gives insight on Marie Laveau, the most famous of all Voodoo priestesses. Marie Laveau was a beautician and a nurse. She used Voodoo in both professions. The history behind Voodoo and it’s origins are quite interesting. New Orleans is at the core of it all. Check out this DVD if only for the extra features by some local New Orleanians. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Gingerbread Man

1-18-06 The Ginger Bread Man - The film stars a few heavy weights, Robert Duvall, Daryl Hannah, Robert Downey, Jr., Troy Beyer, Tom Berenger and Kenneth Branaugh. The film is filled with twists and turns, using the tale of the Ginger bread man as an outline. Catch me if you can. I’m sure the book was better than the film, but I liked the idea of a hurricane being the undercurrent. It’ll help me when I begin my tale. In keeping with my theme of films made in and around Louisiana. Tonight’s feature will be the controversial, Angel Heart. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

All images are from the film, Island in the sun. Notice the natural beauty and sexual aura being given by all of the characteres. 1) John Justin and Dorothy Dandridge 2) Harry Belafonte and D. D. 3) Harry Belafonte and Joan Fontaine 4) Joan Collins

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Mr. 3000

   Mr. 3000 - I finally sat down and watched this film. It was okay. I’m not a Bernie Mac fan. The reason I got this film is because I had a very, very small part. So small in fact you can’t even see me. I thought the scene might get cut and then it appears early in the film. If they hadn’t done a fade in you might get to see me moving around. This week I’ll be watching films that were filmed in and around New Orleans. I spoke with Paul Sorvino, but I didn’t know he was in the film. It’s funny how you can be a part of something and not know what the finished product will be. Now I understand how Bob Guccione pulled off Caligula. Anyway, the film stars Angela Basset and Steve Haughn, I think that’s his name. He played in Sahara with Matthew, 8 mile with Eminem and National Security with Martin Lawrence. He’s always the side kick, a little comic relief. Mr. 3000 is a Bernie Mac film, he appears in every scene. If you like Bernie Mac or if you like Baseball then you’ll enjoy this film. In case your wondering which scene I am in. It’s when Bernie is batting balls in the batting cage, I’m one of the janitors in the background. Then they do a fade in, inside of a baseball. Tonight I will watch, The Gingerbread Man. This should be interesting. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, January 16, 2006

We are all colored people

We’re all colored people - I watched an interesting and powerful film. It was hailed as being a milestone in courageous picture making, by Variety. The film I’m talking about is Darryl F. Zanuck’s Island in the Sun. The story was by Alec Waugh and directed by Robert Rossen. The screenplay was written by Alfred Hayes. The film stars, James Mason, Joan Fontaine, Dorothy Dandridge, Joan Collins, Michael Rennie, Diana Wynyard, John Williams, Stephen Boyd, Basil Sydney and Harry Belafonte as Boyeur. Such a cool name, but it turns out to be his last name in the film. It reminded me of the name of one of my characters in Pieces of Reality. Hollywood magic made things seem possible. Once again life imitates art or vice versa. The film is set on a Caribbean island in 1957. Politics, murder, interracial relationships and scandal make this film worth a look. It’s funny how people look at films and videos today and talk about the girls half naked. Maybe because the women appeared to be more lady like justified them walking around half naked? Maybe it’s the fact that they are beautiful and the girls that we see in videos come across as sluts. Although Joan Collins and Dorothy Dandridge look glamorous, walking around half naked leaves something to the imagination. All the subtleties of what might be a kiss turns into a hug or the faces come within inches of each other to display intimacy. Harry Belafonte doesn’t kiss Joan Fontaine and Dorothy Dandridge doesn’t kiss John Justin. Harry Belafonte gets to sing which is no surprise. He also sings the title song; Dorothy gets to do the limbo and quite gracefully. This film was not received well in the South upon it’s first weeks of release. The whites were depicted as adulterers, murderers and scandalous, while the blacks were depicted as kind and noble. Quite a switch from the stereo type most people have come to know. I miss the days when people used to dress up. This film brings that back. Even seeing Belafonte in a pair of blue jeans or Dandridge in a sarong is very stylish. The cinematography in this film is so artistic and the imagery is insatiably erotic. As the films of old, that cast black actors in leads, come to light. Please check them out. Cabin in the Sky, Hallelujah, and Purlie Victorious, all come to DVD in honor of black history month. Hey, we’re making history everyday. Check out some old films and see what today’s Hollywood is missing. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Here are some recommendations: Giant, Gone with the Wind, Carmen, and Stormy Weather.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Hitch Hiker's Guide

1-14-06 The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. I finally got my hands on a copy of this film at a good price. I wanted this film because it starred Mos Def. Sam Rockwell and the Voices of Alan Rickman and Helen Mirren. It has a few very funny moments. It’s a change seeing Mos Def in a silly role. Quite entertaining. I do recommend this. As I prepare for the Da Vinci Code, this is an enlightened approached to the search for answers. Everyone wants to know, how did we get here. What is the truth? Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

1-13-05 Oh my, it’s Friday the 13th, the first one of the year. I was going to buy Friday the 13th part 2 and 3, but they were gone when I went back to get them. I was going to buy them used of course. I only buy new films if I am in a hurry or fear the film may not become available used. I still have not run across the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy new or used. I need to revise my list again. I went out and bought The White Shadow, but I stumbled across some other interesting films and so I need to eliminate something from my list. I picked up a film with Dorothy Dandridge that should be interesting, Island in the Sun. I’ve only seen her in Carmen, which was directed by Otto Preminger. Tonight I watched the remake of the film, The Longest Yard. Let me start by saying I never saw the original all the way through. I wasn’t really a fan of Burt Reynolds. Something about him I didn’t like. I do remember seeing Smokey and the Bandit and Sharkey’s machine, but that was on television. I have seen Deliverance twice now, but it was because of the story, not Burt Reynolds. Burt does appear in the remake and he actually looks better than I’ve ever seen him. In the film Striptease he looked so fake. Too much plastic surgery. I didn’t buy this film and it won’t be a part of my collection. I borrowed it from my nephew. I am a fan of Chris Rock and Nelly has a few speaking parts. It’s an entertaining film. I’m not a big fan of Adam Sandler either, but I did enjoy him in Punch Drunk Love. So, if you’re sitting around and not sure what to watch, pop in The Longest Yard for a few laughs and lots of hard hitting football action. I’m going to play the next few nights by ear. My nephew has a few films I haven’t seen, so I may borrow them from his collection. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Sunday Bloody Sunday

I love when the English use the word bloody. Of course I don't recall it being used in this film at all.

1-11-06 Sunday Bloody Sunday, this is not the film I was expecting. I guess for it’s time it was controversial, but it wasn’t like Making Love or Cruising. The story revolves around a doctor who loves a young man who loves an older woman. The young man spends his time going back and forth enjoying the company of both parties until he gets tired. His main focus is his art and not his relationship with either party. Artists are difficult creatures sometimes. They are hard to understand and their art is their life. I think I know something about that. LOL. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Tonight’s feature will be, Million Dollar Baby.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

True Stories

1-10-06 Donnie Brasco stars Al Pacino and Johnny Depp. This film is based on a true story. It’s an interesting film and all of the actors give great performances. Including Bruno Kirby, Michael Madsen, Anne Heche and James Russo. If you have not seen this film and you like crime films, I suggest you check this one out. Tonight’s feature will be Sunday Bloody Sunday. I’ve never seen this film, but the story sounds interesting.

Monday, January 9, 2006

Category 6: Day of Destruction

Category 6: Day of Destruction. This appeared to be one of those made for TV films like Aftershock, earthquake in New York. I’m realizing it will be easier to write a story about Katrina, but to have it put on film may not work well. Of course the Perfect Storm worked as well as the Titanic. Once I start to get it down on paper I can see what direction I would go. In a book you can have lots of characters, but in a film you want the audience to be able to keep up. You don’t have as much time. Category 6, stars, Brian Dennehy, Thomas Gibson, Nancy McKeon, Randy Quaid, and Dianne Wiest. There was a time when we thought these films were just someone’s imagination going haywire. Now art has imitated life or vice versa. Nature is fighting back with a vengeance. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.