Sunday, February 19, 2006

What you been watching?

The White Shadow and 21 Jump street. I’m still watching both of these television programs now available on DVD. They were both shows I enjoyed as a teenager and young adult. I had no idea The White Shadow was as cutting edge as it was. It touched on racisim a lot, along with homosexuality, gangs and of course basketball. I only recall Ken Howard doing one film and then he sort of vanished once the television show went off the air. Tell me that you love me Junie Moon, starred Liza Minelli and Ken Howard. It was a film about people being different. If you like watching your telelvision on DVD, then check out both of the series. I’m watching the first seasons. 21 Jump street also tackled some of the same issues along with pornography and prostitution. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

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