Thursday, February 9, 2006

Airport '75

As I mentioned, I don't recall seeing Airport '75 on the big screen. It wasn't until years after it won an Academy award or two that I got a chance to see the film. It hailed and all star cast including some new up and coming stars that would make their way to television. Sharon Glass and Eric Estrada among them. The film stars Karen Black as the lead stewardess who must fly the plane after the pilot is injured when a twin engine plane crashes into a 747. Karen Black's unusual features are what makes her so good. I believe she was nominated for an Oscar, but not sure if she won. George Kennedy reprises his role as the builder of the Columbia airlines jet. Gloria Swanson came out of retirement and plays herself in this film. Everyone who is anyone is in this picture. You've got Linda Blair who you get the eerie feeling that she may just barf or turn her head. This was her first film after the success of The Exorcist. You have Helen Reddy who plays a singing nun. I guess Sally Field wasn't available. There's Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., Charleton Heston, Myrna Loy, Sid Caesar, Jerry Stiller father of Ben Stiller, and many others. Once again we see what maneuvers would be conducted if a plane needed assistance and could actually be helped. Tomorrow nights feature, Airport '77, it was a two year thing. Incidentally, Airport '75 was inspired by the film Airport. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

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