Sunday, May 28, 2006

Thank God It's Friday

I know it's Sunday, but while I was in NOLA I discovered the film Thank God It's Friday was on DVD. I couldn't believe it. How did I miss this one? Columbia never sent me a notice, nor did Moviefone. Well, it was meant for me to find it on my own. I went to Tower Records in NOLA since they are operating again. You have to help the businesses out if we plan to have the city again. I also ran across another film I've been wanting for many years. Class of 1984. This was one of my favorite films. It stars Perry King, Roddy McDowell and Micheal Fox before he added the J. I'll watch that one tonight. The film Thank God It's Friday stars Ray Vitte, before he was known as Raymond Vitte. You may remember him from the film Car Wash. His career ended early when he died back in the early 80's. Jeff Goldblum, Valerie Lansburg, The Commodores, Debra Winger and Donna Summer make this an interesting look at a night at a Discoteque.

I picked up several films that I hope to watch while I'm back in Texas. I need to put the 128 most watched movies in a case and then go from there until each DVD is logged in. I've got a job ahead of me. I also want to make sure I don't duplicate any DVDs as I try to replace some that were stolen. I also don't want to buy any DVDs if I don't have a slot for them in the books. One book will be dedicated to supplemental features. I'll also have one book devoted to television and another for animation. I don't have 128 foreign films, so that will share the spot with something else. That's it for now, why don't you watch some movies with me. See if you can find either of the films mentioned or Stag, Fresh Horses, Less Than Zero or perhaps, The Craft. I'll be watching them soon.Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

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