Friday, June 23, 2006

D world of film, Act 6 scene 23

I've watched almost a dozen films since my last entry. Let's see, there was The Long Kiss Goodnight, Hercules, Tokyo Godfathers, Wicker Park, A Dirty Shame, King Kong, and School Daze. I'm sure I missed a few. I didn't make note of them all. Oops!. School Daze is one of my favorite Spike Lee films. While watching the film this time I noticed just how much screen presence Jasmine Guy had back then. No matter who was in the scene your eyes, well, my eyes were drawn to her. There were several things that played against Jasmine working more in films. One was everyone only saw her as Whitley Gilbert, the spoiled southern girl on the hit TV series, A Different World. Secondly was that she was so attractive everyone wanted to see her with her clothes off. She finally gave in to the pressure in the not to good film, Klash playing a Jamaican dancer. Giancarlo Espisito also starred in that film and SD. The Long Kiss Goodnight is an action film with Geena Davis and Samuel L. Jackson. It's really a good film. Hercules has become a favorite animated film. I did not see the film in the theater, but it is a great piece of art. It's different from most Disney films. The musical numbers are done as part of the story telling and the lead characters only sing one song instead of every song. Tokyo Godfathers is an animated film from Japan. The story line is different. A homeless man, drag queen and runaway, find a baby on Christmas eve. Each character longing for something tells a tale of their life as they get battered, chased and ridiculed in the process of trying to return the child. It's a funny film with a message. Wicker Park is a good film that stars Josh Harnet and Mathew Lilliard. It's a film about love, loving the right person, settling and then going after the right person. It's a boy gets girl, loses girl, betrays friend unknowingly, ditches girl, gets girl. I know, it sounds confusing. You have to check it out. King Kong I've seen three times now. I'm not going to count the time that I fell asleep. A Dirty Shame is a wacky film by John Waters. John Waters has been taking his sick film making and bringing it into main stream cinema. It all started with Cry Baby and Hairspray. Pecker was very edgey as is this film about releasing all sexual inhibitions to find a sex act that hasn't been done yet. Hmmmm, is there such a thing? Check out the film to find out. The film stars Selma Blair, Tracy Ulman, Johnny Knoxville, Mink Stole, and Patty Hearst. John Waters also makes an appearance as a sex addict. It's sick, it's twisted and it's fun. If you don't have anything to do, check out the films listed. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. I'll be watching Capote soon and the television remake of the classic, The Posiedon Adventure.

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