Monday, January 23, 2006


- I had two copies of the film in the VHS format. How did that happen? One copy went bad and I replaced it. Then I debated about having it on DVD. I recently found it at a good price and picked it up. The film stars Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise as brothers. Dustin Hoffman plays an Idiot Savant, the new politically correct term is Autistic. Dustin won an Oscar for his performance as Raymond Babbit aka Rainman. The first time I saw this film in the theaters it brought back some memories of someone I knew had gone through a similar incident that is talked about in the film. We all have secrets. Even if we share them with just one person, it’s still a secret to others around us. Is it a good thing to have secrets? If we told the truth about everything that we did, what would be the outcome? Do people even hear what we are saying? I remember once in one of my newsletters my opening line was a confession, but unless it’s plastered where everyone who visits me can see it, it means nothing. I’ll remember to post that opening statement on my Blog. LOL. If you haven’t seen Rainman give it a look see. It’s an interesting film that deals with hatred, betrayal, love and compassion. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. I’ve not selected my films for the week at this writing. I will probably begin watching The White Shadow or 21 Jump Street. Check back to find out what it will be.

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