Saturday, December 31, 2005

Action Jackson

Action Jackson was a film that starred Vanity along with Carl Weathers a local New Orleanian who made it. Most of you may know him as Apollo Creed in Rocky. The film also stars, Bill Duke, (I misspelled his name in the last entry.) Sharon Stone and Craig T Nelson. It's your typical action picture with little drama. LOL. It's the one film that showed that Vanity was more than just a sexy woman with great looks. Of course before Vanity came to the United States, she was a model and actress in Canada. She worked under her real name, Denise Mathews. Then Prince added her to his entourage and she became part of Vanity 6. Now she's born again and no longer part of the entertainment industry. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Have a safe and happy new year!!!


Exit Wounds stars rapper turned actor DMX. Steven Sagal plays a bad ass cop trying to teach everyone a lesson. When a film has the right mix it can certainly do well. I'm not a fan of S S. I think the first film I saw him in was Above the Law. The only reason I saw this film was because of the lovely, Pam Grier. It seems Steven wanted to work with every black star that would work with him. Exit Wounds is an interesting story and other stars get to shine so it isn't all about S. S. Tom Arnold, Anthony Anderson, Bill Dukes, Issiah Washington and Michael Jai White round out the cast. Everyone gets to kick some butt. If you haven't seen it, give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Come back and find out the last film I view for 2005.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Brother to Brother

I watched Brother to Brother and pulled away from it a line that I relate to. In reference to why people liked Langston Hughes. He had looks, brains and he knew how to talk to people as well as listen. It's an interesting film of a young artist dealing with his sexuality and race. He meets an aging poet who lived during the renaissance era. Their lives intermingle with a look back and how things may or may not have changed. I've reviewed this film before. Now finally have it on DVD after finding it at the right price. LOL. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Let's Talk about KONG

The newest remake of King Kong, takes on the story of the original, but the humor and love story of the last remake. King Kong is an adrenaline rush. My palms were sweating. It's an edge of your seat thrill ride. Naomi Watts looks good and in a few scenes reminds you of Faye Wray. In fact there is a reference to Fay playing the part in Carl Denham's film. The role played by Bud Cabot becomes a character and Jack Driscoll becomes a writer. There is an added addition as a black actor has a bigger part on the boat and the natives become very unusual looking. I'm sure Peter Jackson was making his own personal statement which was right on the money. The natives have dark skin, striking eyes and features and some have blonde hair. There's no theatrical dance - wedding ceremony. The special effects do steal the film. This film should definitely be nominated for Special effects, visual effects, sound effects, and set design. I also see an Oscar nomination for Jack Black who plays Carl Denham. Adrien Brody plays Jack Driscoll. There is a scene on the boat that becomes a scene within a scene. There are a few lines taken directly from the original script. King Kong is quite an entertaining film. I suggest eating before going to see the film. Then you can sit there and enjoy it. I was glued to my seat as stuff just happened. There were some scenes taken away and many scenes added. This will definitely be a part of my DVD collection. I know it's going to be costly because there will be those added features that I'll definitely want to have. In any case if you love film, love CGI, this film will blow you away. There isn't a rape scene in this Kong picture. Now, I know you're saying to yourself, what rape scene? In the original and the remake there is a scene where Kong fondles the women. He removes their clothing. This became a running joke as the rape scene. The crew who worked the hand named it. Jessica Lange got a few bruises from being slapped around by the hand. I'm sure Naomi had her share of bruises and dizziness. You just have to see it for yourself to see what I'm talking about. No flesh from Naomi, but she does look good. So get yourself together and go in expecting nothing, then you'll be surprised. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Sometimes movies just literally fall off the shelf at me and it happens to be something I'm interested in seeing. Aftershock was a made for tv movie about an earth quake rattling New York City. It's one of those all star cast deals with several story lines going on at one time. It's about families coming together when things just aren't so great. It's about survival life and death. Reminded me a lot of Katrina. The film stars, Tom Skeritt, Charles S Duton, Jennifer Garner, Lisa Nicole Carson and Cicely Tyson. The special effects always over shadow the film. Give it a look. Of all the landmarks in New York, the Twin Towers seemed have been unscathed yet in reality... Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. 

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Beauty Shop and a classic

I like Queen Latifah. She has a screen presence and has proven herself as an actress. Set it Off, Living out Loud and Chicago have all had rave reviews. Beauty Shop brings her character from Barbershop 2 to life. She's good, but it's Alicia Silverstone, Kevin Bacon, Bryce Wilson and Keisha Knight Pullman that steal the show. You remember Keisha as Rudy on the Cosby show. Well, she's all filled out now. If you think the Olsen twins are hot get a loud of Keisha. Bill Cosby must be going crazy. Although it was Lisa Bonet that made the bad choices, Keisha seems to be doing quite well keeping all of her clothes on. LOL. If you want some laughs, check this film out. Alfre Woodard, Muri Survani and Andie McDowell along with many others appear in this film. It's better than Barbershop, and B2.

I watched the Wizard of Oz tonight. I usually watch this film once a year. It's just one of those films that hasn't lost its charm. I've seen the film at least 40 times. LOL. You're always getting something new from this film. It is for the child in us all despite the political messages that are hidden through out.

Tomorrow I will watch the film 54 which stars Ryan Phillippe, Breckin Meyer, Selma Heyak, Neve Campbell, Sela Ward, New Orleans own Mary Griffith and Mike Meyers. It's a fun film about the famous 70's club, Studio 54. It brings back memories. LOL.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Top Gun

I had put off seeing this film for a long time. Since I've been building the ultimate DVD collection I've added a few Tom Cruise films, but I have not added Magnolia which I feel is his best role. The only reason I haven't added the film is because of the price. I'll stumble across a used copy soon. At one of the Seattle film festivals, oh way back when. LOL. There was a film I saw called Sleep with Me. The film starred Eric Stolz, Craig Sheffer and Meg Tilly. Quentin Tarantino made an appearance. Now when a writer writes, he has the power to be satirical or to be down right cruel. Sometimes during filming, a director gives his actors freedom and they just ad lib. Sometimes this adds to the character and the flow of the film and sometimes not. There is a party scene and Quentin is in the kitchen and he goes off on the symbolism of Top Gun being about homosexuality. It's a riot and it makes you think... Top Gun is a guy movie, all the b s, hormones, competitiveness and comaraderie that goes on when men get together. The film starred a bunch of up and coming actors and actresses including, Kelly Gillis and Meg Ryan. Anthony Edwards, Val Kilmer, Michael Ironside and Tom Skeritt. I never had the opportunity to meet Tom Skeritt, but I used to pass by his condo. (No I wasn't a stalker, it was the same block.) It was on the way to the condo where I was staying on 1st avenue, near Pioneer Square in Seattle. Here are some holiday film recommendations and a few of which I will be watching. Tonights feature will be Beauty Shop with Queen Latifah, tomorrow the classic film, The Wizard of Oz. I watched episode 8 of the L word and I am hooked. Now I want more. It's inspired me to do some writing which is a good thing. I love cutting edge, but I also like good writing. I just hope my stories hold up and are still interesting when I put them out there or they are discovered in a box some day. My life in four chapters. Sounds interesting. I will make Pieces of Reality a reality and then I'll work on Confessions in Exile. Now that sounds interesting. What could that be about? You'll have to stick to Open Your Mind for that. LOL. Have a Merry Christmas, thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind and watch a movie. Perhaps you'll unwrap a good film. LOL.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

King Kong (1933)

I watched the original King Kong. I had watched it once this year along with the remake with Jessica Lange. This was however my first time watching it on DVD. It was just recently released for the first time on DVD. This film is still incredible for many reasons. Although there are some comedic moments, whether intentional or accidental this film is classic. The stop motion, live action against a ground breaking form of animation and special effects. As I watched the film I wondered about some films that were surrounded by controversy. Howard Hughes' The Outlaw received flack because of  Jane Russells breasts. Yet, Fay Wrays nipples were at attention in one of the earlier scenes of the film and one breast gets exposed when she is rescued from the water. I also began to think about the fact that the NAACP has never rallied about the treatment of blacks in this film. They always felt Gone with the Wind treated the blacks poorly. It's film, it's fantasy. Of course there are instances where art imitates life and vice versa. In any event these things are prevalent in out society. To not see this is to be in denial. This was one of the things I couldn't understand about blaxploitation films of the 70's. This was the world I knew. So what was it? Art imitiating life or ... There will always be controversy in film, in art in general. Take a real look at King Kong and see it for its artistry. I also realized that King Kong has now had two remakes and Mighty Joe Young has had one, but the Son of Kong has never been remade to my knowledge. Or prehaps that was the one with Linda Hamilton. Help me out if you know of a remake of SOK. I remember when Kong roamed the streets of New Orleans. That's another story, check out my journal for that one. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Tomorrow I'll watch episode 6 of the L word and the feature will be Top Gun with Tom Cruise.

Welcome to Fight Club

I've seen Fight Club at least six times if not more. There is a lot going on with this film that I can relate to. Each time we look at a film we can take away something different if we look closely. We all have that rebellious side to us, but we don't act upon it. Well some of us don't. LOL. We create personalities or we get into personalities depending on who we are around. Sometimes we are like little children waiting to be told what to do. Other times we can be very aggressive. There are many people that are in total control on their jobs and they like to relinquish that control in other areas of their lives. Everyone is searching for their true identity and only a handful of us actually find out that truth. In Fight Club we delve into the psyche of the split personality. We all have it, but some of us have more than two. Your first personality is that of the baby. Once you recognize your name you try to live up to it. Some of us have a nickname and that causes another personality. Once you start meeting friends you see another side of yourself and when you become an adult another side. We desperately look for the happier times in our lives. For most of us it's when we were kids. When we were free, no responsibilities. Someone told us what we needed to do and we either did it or we tried to get around it. LOL. There are things we would love to experience in our lives and the only way to do that is to create another persona. This is captured quite well in the film Fight Club. If you haven't seen this film I highly recommend it. If it's been a while since you've seen it, check it out and see if you can see something different. Can you see something in yourself that has changed? It rates high on my list. If you're a fan of Brad Pitt or Edward Norton then you will really enjoy Fight Club. I also recommend, American History X and The Spy Game. Both actors give outstanding performances in these films. Although my favorite Edward Norton film has to be Primal Fear. And my favorite Brad Pitt film is Kalifornia. Check them all out and let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The L Word

I've begun watching the Showtimes series, the L word. I purchased a use copy of the first 8 episodes. I was interested in the series for several reasons. It deals with woman to woman relationships and it stars Jennifer Beals and Pam Grier. Jennifer Beals has had a long road to prove herself as an actress. She was a cute face that came to fame via a dance craze. Flashdance made Jennifer a house hold name, but then there was nothing to keep her going. The film didn't show case nothing more than her looks. It took three dancers to make Jennifer come alive. Other than taking off her clothes without revealing skin and some snappy dialogue, she was just pretty to look at. Many years later, she's now proving herself as an actress. If you've got an open mind, give the L word a look see.

I just completed watching the 5th season of OZ. Now I await the 6th season to be released on DVD. The 5th season was quite exciting. It had a good flow and lots of the formula that made OZ the hit show it had become. I'm hoping the 6th season will be a good one. Although it seems its gonna be difficult to end on a note we can all be happy with. Life isn't filled with happy endings or is it? Just depends on how you look at it. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fifth Season of OZ

I watched the first two episodes of the Fifth Season of OZ, they were addictive as the previous seasons were. It's a shame it all had to end. I really have enjoyed the first 4 seasons. After I finish OZ I'll either watch Dallas or Miami Vice. I'm hoping I can get a used copy of Season 2 of MV. That would be so cool. Thanks for stopping by; keep coming back. Keep an open mind. Here are some film recommendations. Claudine, Witches of Easwick, and Giant. I'll be watching all of them in the next few weeks. I will also watch the Classic The Wizard of Oz. I watched The Posiedon Adventure for the 100th plus time. I usually watch this film once a year.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Bloom is an unusual film, It's supposed to be based on the James Joyce novel Ulysses. There were more references to Shakespeare than JJ. It was an okay movie, it's a period piece. Heavy English and Irish accents. It's one of those films where you have to keep your eye on the screen. Stephen Rea stars as Mr. Bloom.

Sunday, December 4, 2005

The Trial

I know, it's been a while. I've been busy. You're probably saying if you're not going to keep it up why do it at all? Well, someone might stop by and look back at past reviews and recommendations. I had thought about adding the films to my journal, but I have my reasons. I do from time to time add snipets to get the reader to come to this link. In any event here's my latest review. The Trial is a film by Orson Welles. It is his vision of the Franz Kafka novel. I picked this film up because it starred Anthony Perkins. Since reading the book Split Image some 6 years ago, I've developed an obsession with Anthony Perkins. I always thought he was great in Mahogany with Diana Ross and Billy Dee Williams. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he played a fashion photographer. It would have been nice to have met him since he seemed to have a very dark side. LOL. I was only two years old when The Trial was released. It's the story of a man who awakens to be committed of a crime, but not knowing what the crime is. He delves deep into the surreal world to prove his innocence. The film also stars, Jeanne Moreau, Orson Welles, Romy Scheider, Elsa Martinelli and Akim Tamiroff. If you're a fan of Anthony Perkins you will certainly enjoy this film. It is his best. The film has a few slow moments, it's in black and white, but the cinematography and set design are worth the watch. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


I'm now watching the fourth season of OZ. This is the second time for that one. It's quite good as I lead up to the last season. I just hope the 5th season goes out properly if there isn't a sixth season. Last night I watched Reindeer Games. Just so happened it was one of the films I brought with me from my last visit to NOLA. As soon as I finish OZ I think I'll do an animated fest. I have lots of Disney stuff. They are my favorite. I hope to buy a few new movies next week or maybe a series or two. I'm debating on the 20th anniversary of Oprah DVD. If the price comes down or if I can find a used copy. Time for a visit to Waterloo. I want to add Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and I think I want Kung Fu Hustle. There is a Hip Hop movie that looks like fun. There is a film called The Trial with Anthony Perkins and Orsen Wells at Half Price Books. I'll make up my mind. Don't want to get too many DVDs that aren't on my list. I've also been thinking about finally getting a DVD recorder. I have several movies that don't seem as if they will ever make it to DVD. Mahogany with Diana Ross and Anthony Perkins, Cruising with Al Pacino, Sparkle with Irene Cara and Phillip Michael Thomas, Class of 1984 with Perry King and Michael Fox before he was Michael J. Fox, and Making Love with Harry Hamlin, Kate Jackson and Michael Ontkean. Just to name a few.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Film recommendations

Are you looking for some films to get you throught the holidays? Here is a list of some of my favorite holiday films. The Wizard of OZ, I usually watch this one around Thanksgiving. When I was younger they would televise it around that time. Toy Story, Monster's Inc, Jingle all the way, A Christmas Story, A chance of snow, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer, Reindeer Games and Die Hard. This is only a few of my favs. This year I'll have to find some new holiday films as the majority of my collection remains in NOLA. Soon I'll be reunited with it. I'm gonna buy myself some cases that I can transport my films where ever I'll be for long periods of time. I can keep myself occupied. LOL. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Let's do it again

I like movies, no I take that back, I love movies. I watch movies often. At least one a day. I recently watched Sahara for the 2nd time and I watched The Wedding Planner for the 6th time. JLO and Mathew Maconaghey are great. I've been watching the HBO series OZ. Each time I get a new season I start from the beginning. I think this is some of the best writing ever. In my opinion its better than the Sopranos and Six feet under. It's gritty, a bit edgy, wild and always entertaining. After I finish OZ I'll do Miami Vice and then Dallas. I'll probably go back to Johnny Quest and Friends. I have the first season of GoodTimes and a few episodes of ER. I'm thinking about getting the series 1st and Ten. The price is right and I do like some of the stars attached to the series. I'll let you know. The 20th anniversary of Oprah seems like a good DVD to have, I'll wait for the price to come down, but the proceeds to benefit charity. I'll think about it. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Have u been six feet
AOL is acting up
AOL is acting up today, I can't seem to make a proper entry. Check out the series Six Feet Under and OZ which I am currently watching from the first episode working my way to episode 5
I mean to say the fifth season. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, November 9, 2005


Experimental films are always interesting. It's sort of a hit or miss on both sides. For the film maker and for the audience. There have been many films that have challenged its actors and viewers. How many of you remember Time Code. It was a film that was made as events actually happened in real time or close to it. The camera followed four main characters all at the same time. The screen was split in four. The viewer tends to watch where the action is. Just like with television. You flip the channels until something catches your eye. Manic is shot as if it were a documentary, but it has more of an actors workshop appeal. It's as if the actors were doing improv as well as the camera men. I picked up this film because it stars Don Cheadle as a drug counselor who seems to be battling his own addictions. The film has moments, but it is violent. It brings us into a gritty side of abuse on many levels. The anger that young kids feel and pass on to one another. This is not a film for everyone, but give it a look see if you really enjoy film and want to see something different.

Tuskegee Airmen - I picked this film up because the price was right and it's a piece of history I wanted to add to my collection. The only person I knew who served in any of the World wars passed and I didn't get a chance to get a full comprehension of his experiences. He was a decorated veteran, but we didn't discuss it much when I was younger. I can only imagine what my male relatives experienced during this time despite the fact that they were good at what they did. The color of their skin was still a major obstacle for them. The fact that black men no matter how educated they are, either with or without degrees, they have to fight and continue to fight. No one can understand how someone can get ahead if they are deemed to be inferior. I just over look a lot of things, but some of my associates treat me like that even though they may not even realize what they are doing. I just play by my rules. The film stars an incredible cast of the A list of young black actors in Hollywood. Laurence Fishburne, Allen Payne, Malcolm Jamal Warner, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Courtney B. Vance, Mehki Pfiefer and Andre Braugher. The film reiterates the legacy that most black men with any education must become the ambassadors for their race. It's a heavy burden, but someone has to do it. Check out this film as well as Joe and Max and Miss Evers' Boys. All incredible works of art. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Mos Def

Every now and then I'll see a movie that I've never heard of. That's possible, there are so many films being made that go straight to the video stores or don't get distribution. Since I don't read the movie magazines much or attend the film festivals I just have to see what's out on the shelves or rely on info from the movie clubs. Civil Brand was a film I saw on the shelves some time last year. I was interested in it because Mos Def appears in the film. Mos Def is a rapper with a social message turned actor. He has appeared in such films as Brown Sugar, The Woodsman, Something the Lord has made and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I hope to add that one to my collection soon. In the film Civil Brand, Mos plays a correctional officer who is working his way through college to get a degree in law. It's a small role, but he certainly has a screen presence. The film stars Lisaraye, who finally gives a good performance. She has a look, but her acting wasn't all that in previous films. I was surprised to see Lark Voohries in the film. She appeared on the morning television series, Saved by the Bell. She's quite good in this one playing a good girl role. Monica Calhoun, N'Bushe Wright, MC Lyte, Tichina Arnold, Da Brat and Clifton Powell round out this great ensemble of black actors. It's a prison film that is done well. Give it a look see when you can find it. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, November 6, 2005

Movies, movies and more movies

I've watched many movies just to pass the time, but nothing that made a great impact. During Halloween I did get to watch the classic of all horror films, Halloween with Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasance. It's the one film that was able to scare me even as an adult. I watched Wishmaster and Wishmaster II, I don't know why I put myself through that, but I do like movies. The special effects were ok. The acting a bit over the top. There's blood, guts and gore. If you're not a fan of horror films, stay away from these. I'll begin watching the TV series Dallas and then move on to Oz. I'll be starting from the beginning of Oz and watching all 5 seasons. I only have seasons one and two of Dallas. It'll be fun. I was crazy about Victoria Principle and Charlene Tilton. Dallas changed the face of night time TV, introducing men to the world of soap operas if they hadn't already discovered it when they had to stay home on occasion. I have quite a few movies to check out that I have not seen. There was one great film that I saw, the story of Boxing great, Joe Lewis, the Brown Bomber. The film is called Joe and Max about the fights between him and Max Schmeling. Leonard Roberts of Drumline fame plays Joe Louis and Til Schweiger plays Max. The film is from the director that brought us Hoop Dreams. It's a very interesting film that I highly recommend if you can find it. I'm stumbling across some great films to add to my collection. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Night of the Living Dead

Alexander the mediocre. That was the running joke back in NOLA when this film was released. The film isn't that bad. Collin Farrell whom I'm getting used to seeing in films is quite good in this film. I also thought he was good in Phone Booth and S.W.A.T. The film could have been another Caligula had they decided to delve more into the sexuality of Alexander. The film stars all of the beautiful people of Hollywood. Jared Leto, Angelina Jolie, Val Kilmer, Rosario Dawson, Johnathan Rhys Davies and Anthony Hopkins to name a few. The battle scenes are very gory and you wonder if any animals were hurt in the process. Of course with digital photography just about anything can be done and this film adds a lot of realism. I guess that's what makes a film good when you wonder about people getting hurt, etc. It's worth a look. I found it more entertaining than Gladiator, but that's just my opinion and I do like Russell Crowe, but the film didn't do it for me. Perhaps I'll watch it again and see if I get a better take on the film.

It has been many, many, many years since I've seen Night of the Living Dead. George A. Romero's classic horror film about zombies. This film has been colorized since it's making, but I watched a remastered black and white version on DVD. This film must have been something when it was first released. There are so many taboos present. First you have a black lead put against a white cast. Sexual inuendos between a black man and a white woman. Power struggles for who would be in control. And the film didn't have a happy ending. This film has inspired many horror film makers as well. You can also see that Mr. Romero was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock. The lighting, the shadows, the scene in which the little girl kills her mother. This was inspired by the famous shower scene from Psycho. You never see the gardening tool and the mother in the same shot. And the blood drips from the wall. It's a great scene. I think perhaps tonight I will watch Psycho before I pack up my laptop to take my journey back to NOLA to see how things are. I'm hoping to shoot some video and see what I can come up with. Perhaps a 15 minute short or maybe something longer. The artist in me will create something. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Always out numbered

This film stars Laurence Fishburn as an ex con trying to get his life together. It's a shame that the system doesn't allow people to get back into society easier. It's not the best work that Mr. Fishburn has done, but it is an interesting film. The cast also includes, Bill Nunn, Cicely Tyson, Natalie Cole, Isiah Washington and Laurie Metcalf. There are many stories intertwined in the telling of his story which gives it more of a real life feel. Check it out if you get time. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Soul Survivor

Okay, I picked this film up because I had never seen it, my horror collection was back in NOLA and there were some stars in the film that I liked. Also it was from the guy that brought us I know what you did last summer. I was expecting something unique and I guess in a way this film has a surreal, feel to it. It has great club scenes and the mind illusions and visuals are pretty cool. It's not a really bad movie, but it's not really a horror film. No chopping of heads or knives or any of that sort of thing. It's more of a thriller as to what is going to happen next. If you like Wes Bentley from American Beauty or Casey Affleck or Luke Wilson, these are the names that are tied to the film. The others are virtually unknown. One of the girls reminded me of the girl from the Sopranos, but I don't remember her name. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

An eye for an eye

The film stars Sally Field and Kiefer Sutherland in a thriller about justice. When I saw this film the first time the opening sequence was one of the best I had ever seen in film. That alone is worth the time to sit and watch this movie. The film also stars Ed Harris, Joe Mantega and Beverly D'Angelo. Give it a viewing. I think I'm gonna watch something scary tonight. Something I haven't seen. Perhaps I'll watch Soul Survivor. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

East of Eden

East of Eden was James Dean's first film. He was also nominated for an Academy Award. James Dean gives an incredible performance as a son trying desperately to get his father's love. So many men will be able to relate to this film. Everyone needs love and you get it where you can. Sometimes a person becomes destructive to themselves with the lack of love. If you have not seen this film, I highly recommend it. The film stars Julie Harris, Burl Ives and Raymond Massey. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Crash and the Sahara

I've reviewed Crash before, but because I love movies so much, I don't mind watching films over and over and over... A good film is never boring and art well, I can just stare at art all day long. The message in Crash is so powerful and it makes you think. How many times do we need to be touched, held, told that we are loved? Nature forced that upon many people who needed to know they were loved and that people cared. There are signs and messages all around us. People are too rapped up into their jobs and things that don't mean %***!!^& and they are missing out on something that people need to survive. Crash stars, Larenz Tate, Don Cheadle, Terrence Howard, Brendan Fraser, Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Espisito, Beverly Todd, Ludacris, Thandie Newton, Matt Dillon, Ryan Philippe and Loretta Devine. It is a must see film!

Now as for Sahara, I had no intention of seeing this film. I was going to see it with my Brah in Hawaii, but we opted for Miss Congeniality 2 since he's a fan of Sandra Bullock. In any case he did finally see the film and told me about it. Having met Mathew recently here in Austin, Tx, and not having a film of his here and not knowing if my collection is safe I decided to buy a film that I did not have in the collection. So, I got Sahara. Mathew looks as good in person as he does on film. In fact he was wearing similar cargo pants the day I met him. If only I had my camera. Oh well, things happen for a reason. The film is quite interesting and the irony of Dr. John's song I was in the right place opening up the credits, made me homesick. Sahara stars Penelope Cruz and Steve Zahn. All stars are good in the film and it is quite entertaining. There are a few slow moments, but you can easily overlook that with all the great visuals. One day I hope to visit parts of Africa. I've always wanted to go on an African safari and photograph the animals up close and personal. It's what I do with people. LOL. If you have nothing better to do, sit back and check out the two films. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Japanese animation is the forfront of the craft. American animation has taken it to new levels. Being an artist I guess, it's one of the reasons I like the craft so much. I used to draw charcters and a comic strip during my high school years. GTO stands for Great Teacher Onizuka. Onizuka is a young adult male student teacher who decided to teach so that he could be around young girls. That story line sounds familiar. LOL. We learn that Onizuka used to be a member of a gang and does have some insecurities when he is around women. Of course the series is translated so it's interesting how the story comes about and the characters don't all appear to be ethnic Asians. Great music and set design add to the story. It's part of a series, I'll be watching the first four episodes. The Legend Begins introduces us to Onizuka and he has to deal with some bullies and being set up by a beautiful student in an uncompromising position. Next episode, Enter Uchiyamada, Onizuka meets his nemesis. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Check back often.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Friday Foster

After such films as Coffy and Foxy Brown, Pam Griers films seemed to not have the same impact. In Friday Foster, Pam Grier stars as a photographer for Glance magazine. This film includes such great black actors as Eartha Kitt, Thalmus Rusalula, Scatman Crothers, Godfrey Cambridge, Jim Backus, New Orleans own, Carl Weathers and Yaphet Kotto. The film had an interesting story line, but it just seemed to fall short in some areas. Pam does to as well of a job as any, her hair looks great, not all wild as if they didn't know what to do with it. Her exotic beauty is really emphasized in this film as well as her body. Pam Grier remains tops with me. I'm still hoping that they release Drum on DVD. Pam Grier made this film in NOLA, in which she plays a slave and love interest to boxer, Ken Norton and slave owner, Warren Oates. If you don't know who Pam Grier is or you would like to see some of her films. Check out Black Mama White Mama, Coffy, Foxy Brown, Disney's Something Wicked This Way Comes and Quentin Tarrentino's Jackie Brown. She can also be seen on the cable series, The L word. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, October 8, 2005

The Corrupter and

The corruptor, stars Chow Yun Phat and Mark Wahlberg as cops going after an Asian gang. It has lots of action, killing and blood. It's your typical action cop movie with a couple of twists and turns to keep things fun. Rumble in the Bronx is filled with stunts by Asian great Jackie Chan. I never saw any of his films until I saw Rush Hour 2 with Chris Tucker. It's an entertaining story with lots of martial arts moves. His stunts are over the top and you can see where many American action films have gotten some inspiration, but certain things can't be copied. I picked up a few DVDs since I've been in Austin. I'm gonna buy two or three more and then I'll stop until I can get home and see if my collection is still in tact. Thanks for stoppin by; keep an open mind.

Monday, October 3, 2005

Mars Attacks

I wasn't interested in seeing this film, but then I heard that Pam Grier was in the film. Well, when I saw it at a cheap price, I couldn't resist. I held on to it for a while before sitting down and watching it. Tim Burton directed the film as sort of a tribute to Ed Wood. It's a bit campy, but fun. Jack Nicholson has a dual role that is interesting. The film is filled with stars. I think this is Pam Grier's first film where she is part of an all start cast. Annette Bening, Jim Brown, Glen Close, Sarah Jessica Parker, Pierce Brosnan and Danny Devitto to name a few. Miscommunication could be the underlying message in this film. It's worth a look for a few laughs. I've added a few more films to my collection so I'll have something to watch and I can share some new reviews. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Be Cool and Sin City

The film Be Cool, reteams stars John Travolta and Uma Thurman. The film has it's moments. The Rock plays a gay aspiring singer/actor. Vince Vaugh is a wanna be black man, a cross between Vanilla Ice and Emminem. Andre Benjamin of Outkast Fame is a Buppie, trying to be a gansta with a happy trigger finger. He has really proven himself as having talent. It won't be long before he gets the right film that will put him in the leading man seat. Steve Tyler of Aerosmith, Danny Devito and Sedric the Entertainer add to the ensemble of talent in this film. Give it a look see, it does have a few laughs.

This is my second time seeing Sin City, but the first time watching it on television. I still think it is artistically done. Mickey Roark, Bruce Willis and Clive Owen are great as the male leads and Rosario Dawson, Brittany Murphy and Miss Lohan take on the female leads. It you like comics, and you like films based on comics this film captures the style of the adult novels. The art direction, cinematography and costumes should definitely get an Oscar nod.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. I hope to get back to watching more movies soon.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Natural Born Killers

It's been a while folks. I'm slowly getting back into the groove of watching movies. I can't go overboard and I'm only buying a few films that I wanted to add to my collection anyway. There are a few films I picked up just because it seemed interesting and the price was right. I had seen Natural Born Killers many years ago. I don't recall seeing it in the movie theater, but a friend of mine had a full theater in his home and I think that is where I watched it. Originally I wanted to see the film because Robert Downey, Jr. was in it. Now that I've watched it again I've become a fan of Woody Harrelson. I thought he was great in the People vs. Larry Flint. Juliet Lewis has a relationship with the camera and she pulls off every role she takes on. From murderess to hooker, we're glued to the screen. I really liked her in Kalifornia with Brad Pitt, but she was also good in Basketball Diaries. Check out all of the films listed, they are exceptional. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Cradle to the Grave

Cradle to the Grave stars Angelina Jolie as the computer generated star. I've reviewed this film before. I was not as impressed with it as I was with the original, but I do like Angelina Jolie. I love movies and so I can always find something good about a movie. Just wanted to keep you up to date of what I'm watching. Tonight I think I'll watch Mars Attacks. I've never seen that one. Thanks for stopping by; keep on livin' and keep an open mind.

Monday, September 5, 2005

Movies, TV and all that good stuff

I've been watching movies on Satelite TV, Weird Science, Dallas, Knots Landing and Six degrees of Separation. So other than sitting in front of the computer, watching TV will be the other way to pass time until I can get my life in gear again. I can begin writing. Maybe put together a short story on the hurricane. All of this would make a great chapter in the story I was writing, Pieces of Reality. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Last night I did watch Who framed Roger Rabbit? I've seen the movie twice. This is a great piece of animation and live action. This is however, not a film for children. It is enjoyable and gets silly at times. I find Roger to be annoying, but Jessica was the bomb. I also watched an Anime film that is definitely only for adults. Private Pyscho Lessons, this animated film is filled with sex. I'm gonna try to watch something tonight as long as power holds up. I don't think I'll watch The Perfect Storm since they are calling Katrina the perfect storm. Nature can be so beautiful and so destructive at the same time. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Something the Lord made

Something the Lord made is a powerful film based on the true story of Vivien Thomas and Dr. Alfred Balock. The two got together to form the first heart surgery. Vivien, who got his name because his mother was sure she was going to have a girl. Was the son of a carpenter and he took up the trade, but he and his father had high expectations. Vivien wanted to become a doctor. He married young and started a family once he got a job assisting Dr. Balock and later moved at the doctor's request to work with him at John Hopkins. Although the film probably sugar coated things a bit, I'm sure the struggle was a tough one. This is a touching film that many can relate to. We all have obstacles in our lives. It is up to us to push them out of the way. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Clara's Heart

For most of you, Dougie Howser was your first glimpse of Neil Patrick Harris, but it was Clara's Heart with Whoopi Goldberg, Kathleen Quinlan and Michael Ontkean that introduced us to this young actor. The film is about love, neglect, adolescence and learning to be happy. It's a slow moving film, but it does hold your interest. Tonight I will watch Who framed Roger Rabbit or Dancing at the Blue Iguana. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Vera Drake

The world is filled with hustlers, cons, theives and politicians trying to get something for nothing. The Grifters is that sort of film. This film, directed by Stephen Frear stars, Angelica Huston, John Cusack and Annette Bening. It's not a bad film and the performances are good. Lots of nudity on the part of Miss Bening. If you haven't seen this film, give it a look see.

Vera Drake,Wow! This film is incredible. We all have our views on whether or not a fetus is a living human being or not. We all have different views on keeping secrets from people we care about. In Vera we find a woman who from her own personal experiences, decides to help young girls out. I don't want to give any of the film away so you're gonna have to watch this one. It may stir some emotions, but that's the beauty of film. Give it a look see, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Movie recommendations

Here are some film recommendations if you're looking for something to help you past the time or to make you think. Get Real a high school student deals with being gay. Barbershop, known as the black man's social club, conversation, deals, betrayal and fun make this an interesting film. Part 2 is worth a look. Bent, two men deal with lies, death, love, sex, and betrayal inside a Nazi concentration camp. Clive Owen, Ian McKellan, Lothaire Bluteau and Mick Jagger star. The Prince of Egypt, one of my favorite animated films, which tells the story of Moses. The animation is spectacular. Eldorado is another excellent tale. Check them out if you get a chance. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Sea Inside

I watched this film starring Javier Bardem, which is based on a true story. This is not a film I would have bought for my collection. It was a good film and quite educational. I am so glad I did not have to go through this. The film deals with a person's right to die. Ramon Sampedro was the first Spaniard to fight for his right to die with dignity. It was a 30 year campaign that was not acknowledged by the court. He got a group of friends together and they set everything up. Sort of like the Event except there was no party and he died alone, by using cyanide. Death and the right to die is another issue that the church always seems to step in and then the government doesn't want to seem like a rebel so they don't want to do the wrong thing. We as a people are slowly losing our rights. This is a tear jerker for those of you that get emotional. If you've ever been in a position to take care of someone that is ill or feel you might be in that position, I highly recommend this film. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Lord of the Flies

I wrote the wrong name of the author of Lord of the Flies. It is Sir William Golding. I was thinking about something else I guess. it happens.

Brown Sugar

Great film that takes hip hop and uses it as a metaphor for relationships. It's really a cool film, starring, Taye Diggs, Sanaa Lathan, Queen Latifah and Mos Def. This film shows how people put others in categories. How the one true love is right in front of our face, but our fears and blindness stop some of us for going after it. If you haven't seen this film, give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lord of the Flies

The film is based on the novel by Sir William S Burroughs. I read the book when I was a freshman in High School. The remake is interesting, but the 1960, b/w version is classic. I've watched the remake more times because of Balthazaar Getty. He was a good actor as a kid, but after the film Where the day takes you, I'm not sure what happened. In between he became a model of Gianni Versace and then he gained weight and he ends up in these obscure roles. I must admit that Shadow Hours is a guilty pleasure, I've seen it many times. It's one of those films that I watch once a year. Read the book, Lord of the Flies and then watch both movies if you've never done so. Watch them in order, b/w before color. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Life can be a drag

Patti Labelle was the first entertainer that brought the term drag to the hetrosexual community, but before RuPaul there was Sylvester. Sylvester's appearance mimicked that of Patti Labelle before her extreme makeover. In the films Jawanna Mann and Boat Trip we get to see men transform into something to gain the attention and affections of someone else. It's nothing new for men to dress as women. It started with Shakespeare, well with the English actually. Women weren't allowed to act and some men had to play the roles of the women characters. The first actors I ever saw in drag I believe were Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis in the comedy Some Like it Hot with sex goddess, Marilyn Monroe. The next memorable performance was that of Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie. Now there is Jawanna Mann and Boat Trip. Almost every actor in Hollywood has dawned drag at some point. Eddie Murphy. Chris Rock, Arsenio Hall, Kurt Russell, Jim Carrey, and Philip Wilson, who brought us the famous Geraldine. Both Jawanna Mann and Boat Trip have some funny moments. If you get a chance, check them out. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

The con game, the grift, the hustle but... Dirty Rotten Scoundrels stars Steve Martin, Michael Caine and Glenn Headley in a comical farce about getting over on people. The con works best on lonely or impatient people. Anyone who wants to think they are getting something for nothing or desperate for money can be conned. As I've written previously, this film is now a play on Broadway. It may be interesting, but some things just should be left alone. Unless you're a real fan of Steve Martin or Michael Caine, you may not enjoy this film. I have a tendency to like the quirky films, the films that other people just pass by in the video stores. I'm always looking for something different. Something to make me think. I prefer dark comedies to laugh out loud funny. Life is not a bowl of cherries. It may start out that way, but eventually the bowl gets empty. Then you have to start all over. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. I think tonight I may watch Who framed Roger Rabbit or Cool World.

Friday, August 19, 2005


My favorite Paul Newman film is Cool Hand Luke, followed by Cat on a Hot tin roof and the Towering Inferno. I've been discovering films with Mr. Newman that I really appreciate. Last night I watched Twilight which is an interesting film. The film stars Susan Sarandon, Gene Hackman, James Gardner, Stockard Channing, Reese Witherspoon and Liev Schrieber. Tonight I will watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. They have now turned this film into a musical on broadway. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Roman spring with Mrs. Stone

For most people growing old and being alone is a depressing thought. The more we think about things, the more we have a will to make them happen. In the above titled film, which stars Helen Mirren, Oliver Martinez and Anne Bancroft, we find an aging actress married to a wealthy man who supports her career which appears to be fading. He suddenly dies and she is left alone to comtemplate whether she was good at all. Being deprived sexually and to take care of her lonliness she is set up with a string of gigolos. There are several great scenes where she tries to manipulate the gigolo and he in turn does the same to her. Money doesn't buy happiness. It can buy flesh, companionship and even friendship, but once it's gone, the fairy tale ends. This film is based on the novella of the same name by Tenessee Williams. Give it a look see, perhaps you'll learn something. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Next week I'm thinking about looking at some animated films. Titan A. E. which I've seen many times, Kaena: The Prophecy, Cowboy Be Bop, The Prince of Egypt and El Dorado. These are some of my favorite animated films. If you haven't seen them or you aren't really into animation, give them a look see. Animation isn't just for kids.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

I picked up this film because of the ensemble cast. Bill Murray, Anjelica Huston, Owen Wilson, who all appeared in Wes Anderson's film, The Royal Tannenbaums.Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Cate Blanchet and Bud Cort of Harold and Maude fame also appear in this film. It's sort of a mockumentary on a character based on a Jacque Cousteau type of guy. There are some interesting effects and humor. It's one of those films you have to watch closely to get it all in. The set design is excellent. Give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind. This weeks viewing will consist of Vera Drake, The Sea Inside, The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone and Something the Lord made.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Life is like a box of chocolates

I finally opened Forest Gump today and watched it. Yes, you read correctly. I buy movies to have in my collection, but I don't always watch them immediately. And a film like Forest Gump needs my full attention. At 141 mins it was interesting watching it for the second time. It meant more now that I'm older than when I saw it the first time and I've experienced similar situations. I did get one surprise. The little boy that played Forest Gump's son was Haley Joe Osmant. Of course this was pre The Sixth Sense, the film he'll be remembered most for. This was also the second time that Sally Field and Tom Hanks worked together. Do you know the other film?

Once again we find a mother doing her best to have her child believe he is normal. Still I wonder, what is normal? No one knows everything. In fact even the person with the highest I Q doesn't know what may be important to someone who's I Q isn't so high. The mind, as I've mentioned before is one of those things that we don't understand, just like people and human behavior. I think its more important to know something about everything than to know a lot about one thing. Broadens your perspective on things.

If you didn't guess the film, it was Punchline. Sally Field and Tom Hanks play stand up comics. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Event, Bad Boy Bubby and Amelie

The Event is the story of a guy who is dying of AIDS and he decides to committ suicide with the help of his friends by throwing one big final event. He would have gotten away with it except that there seemed to be a trend taking place and the DA's office gets involved. It's an interesting story which brings to the surface the fact that we are not as free as we think. America, the home of the free. If you can decide how your going to die or that you should have the right to die, how free is that? It's our bodies, we should have the right to decide what we do with them. Soon there will be laws that you can't get a tattoo or piercing without government approval. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and freedom in general are slowly being taken away.

Moving on, it has been a long time since I had seen Bad Boy Bubby. This bizaar film had a profound affect on me. I saw this film at the Seattle Film Festival. There were scenes that I did not remember, but it still had the same impact. Although the film is a bit more personal now since I knew Nicholas Hope the star of the film and Interviewed both him and the director Rolf de Heer. The film is finally getting seen by people outside of the film festival circuit. The film is very controversial, including everything from incest, rape, murder and cruelty to animals. The film deals with the misunderstanding of love. Everyone wants it, but don't always know how to get it or recognize it when they have it. Which brings me to my final film, Amelie. A young girl only seeks love and affection from her father. Since he is a doctor she can only get him to touch her during an examination. Through the excitement of this gesture her heart races and she is diagnosed incorrectly. Once she becomes an adult the journey begins to make others happy. It strange how things change us. We all need something and we search for it, sometimes never getting it. The perfect high, the perfect person, just plain perfection. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Friday, August 12, 2005


I watched Kinsey today. It's an interesting story about human sexuality. I was not really familiar with Kinsey. It was Freud that I read and another scientist who's name escapes me at the moment. Kinsey created a scale of 1 to 6, 1 -2 representing heterosexuality, 3-4 representing bisexuality and anything above 4 representing homosexuality. I always find it interesting that most researchers have never partaked in their own studies. It's rare that you find a drug counselor that was actually an addict. How many psychologists are actually manic depressives? Kinsey did delve into some practices, but he was a late bloomer. Of course everything that we do stems from childhood, Kinsey had a lot of skeletons he had to deal with. The film has a great cast and allows many sexual issues to surface. It's interesting that some things have yet to change. Sex is still one of those topics that people are reluctant to talk about. Check out the film if you have some time. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind. I think I will watch The Life Aquatic or Bad Boy Bubby tonight. I'll flip a coin. LOL.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Mosquito Coast

Movies about escaping the hectic life of a big city are always interesting. It seems foolish that someone might want to be faraway from civilization. I thought about that a couple of times. It would be great for writing, but I do love being around people. I like getting inside of their heads and seeing what makes them tick. Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren and River Phoenix star in this film about being misunderstood. There are people with high I Q's that believe their way is the only way. The common sense factor seems to disappear. They can only deal with certain equations to create a concept. To be wrong is devastating. The film deals with strength, survival and betrayal. Give it a look see, may just learn a few things about yourself. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Cement Garden

This film is in no way to be confused with the film, The Secret Garden. I saw The Cement Garden over 15 years ago at the Uptown Square Cinema, which of course no longer exists. I'm always interested in those bizaar controversial films. This film was oneof them and I'm so glad I stumbled across it. It's an interesting story of a boy discovering his sexuality and becoming obessed with self pleasure. He soon develops an attraction to his sister. As the two are forced into the role of mother and father, growing up and being a kid become a struggle. I don't want to give anything away in this film. It's best if you make up your own mind. It's a dark, dark film with some true to life issues. If you love film then you have to see this film. There is a little nudity, cross dressing, slight mental abuse, incest and death.

Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. Tonight I'll finally sit down to watch Bad Boy Bubby. I'm not sure what impact this film will have on me now. It's been 8 years since I've seen this film.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005


Any film that deals with fashion, film, photography, art, drugs, sex, writing and the human psyche, I will sit through it. Of course I will sit through any movie once I've started watching it. The only way I will ever walk out on a performance of any kind is if the person I'm with and happens to be my transportation walks out then I have no choice. Unless I choose to get home on my own. Zoolander pushes every button in the fashion industry. (Does that sound familliar?) Ben Stiller is an incredible actor. He has pulled off comedy and drama. Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller work well together in this film. The fashions are over the top. The superficial essence of a model not being wrapped to tight. LOL. It's funny. The scene at the gas station, funny and tragic. We laugh at stupidity. (My friends laugh at me all the time, but so do I. You can't take things too seriously, it stresses you out.) The Mugatu fashion show brought back memories. It was fashion designer Willi Smith who changed the way people looked at fashion shows. Willi did a show in which the models were literally mannequins and the audience walked by looking at the models. The moving ramps helped them move along. It was quite the buzz in New York back in the early eigties. Many fashion designers have created some interesting shows and fashions. Some of my favorite designers are, Jean Paul Gaultier, Terry Muglier, Gorgio Armani, Claude Montana, Yoji Yamamoto, Yves Saint Laurent, Bob Mackie and Patrick Kelly who like Willi has gone to that big fashion cloud in the sky. Artistic freedom in the fashion world is copied by these designers. When I used to watch television, Style with Elsa Klench was the place to discover fashion. What most people don't understand is that, when an outfit is presented on the runway, it doesn't mean you're to wear it that way on the streets. Not everyone can get away with it. In fact only an artist can carry off something so unusual. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Monday, August 8, 2005

Zoolander, Bad Boy Bubby, The Cement Garden

That's part of the line up of movies to be viewed this week. One of my DVD players seems to be going on the blink. I'm not exactly sure what is wrong so I need to do some trouble shooting. I may venture off to the movie theater tomorrow. There aren't that many films that I wish to see on the big screen. I think this year I've seen 4 movies on the big screen. Perhaps six, I need to look at my stubs and make a count. Check back. I should have something to write about tomorrow. LOL.

Sunday, August 7, 2005

The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club is one of my all time favorite films. I usually watch this film at least once a year. The cast is excellent and the story is just so real. Once I saw Molly Ringwald on The Facts of Life, I knew she was going places. She had energy and a rare charm that takes to the screen. Perhaps its the red hair and those large lips. Or how her characters always seem to wear quirky fashions. She could have had the Julia Roberts roles had there not been differences between her and John Hughes. Molly was tired of being the sweet little girl on screen. It's difficult for an actor to grow up on screen when they continue to look like a kid. It's even worse if you haven't lived life yet. Molly Ringwald tried to grow up with such films as Fresh Horses and Strike it Rich, but she was back to playing a high school girl in the Fatal Attraction like film, Malicious. The film isn't that bad, but it is predictable. Molly appeared on television as have all of the stars from the film with the exception of Ally Sheedy. I don't recall Ally Sheedy being on regular TV. She did however appear on cable TV if we can put that in the same category as did Emilio Estevez. Ally has had her share of bad films and working with Molly on Betsy's Wedding. She played an interesting role in the Film High Art opposite Rhada Mitchell. I met Emilio while he was promoting the film, The War at Home. Judd Nelson is an interesting actor who has been type cast as a rebel, and mental defective. It is Anthony Michael Hall that I still like and I could relate to his character in the film. My favorite film of his is Out of Bounds. Anthony still struggles with getting the perfect role and working on his looks. Currently or last seen in the film Dead Zone. Everyone can make a come back if they try hard enough. If you haven't seen The Breakfast Club give it a look see. Perhaps it will bring back memories of your high school days. They were some of the best times of my life. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Straight to the point

There are many people that can't deal with the fact that I say what's on my mind and really don't give a... what others think about me. I'm a go with the flow kinda guy. I'm intelligent, adventurous and I like making my own rules as I go along. I support my friends and family, but the minute someone says they are going to do something and they don't it doesn't set well with me.

I watched Basquiat yesterday and Erin Brochovich this evening. Both characters were very unique in the fact that they played by their own rules. Using what they had to get where they felt they wanted to be. Though my life may appear like a book or movie, that's just the way my life was scripted. One episode after the other. It's such a great thrill ride. I like stepping into different arenas and seeing how well I can adapt to the surroundings. I can pull a story from just about any experience as some of you know. Life is meant to be lived to its fullest. Don't sit around thinking about the things you would like to do. Make it happen!!! Obstacles are created by ourselves, not other people.

I think I got a bit heavy on this one. Oh well, deal with it. This weeks line up: Mona Lisa Smile, with Julia Roberts. I think she has the prettiest smile in Hollywood. I'd love to sit down and chat with Julia sometimes. I think Julianne Margoulies is the best looking actress I've met to date. She wore no make up and television does not do her justice. Salma Hayek is also a beautiful actress standing at about 5' 4" and stacked. Oh, I'm sorry, I got off track. Continuing with the line up, Gods and Monsters, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club and Zero Effect. I've see this films many times, but as you know I love movies. See if you can find these films in your local video store or the library which they are free there. Watch along with me and share your comments on what you get out of these films.

Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Movies, movies, movies

I watched bits and pieces of movies that I had never seen before. There are some that I think I would like to see now in its entirity. The Man without a Face with Mel Gibson, Runaway Jury with Dustin Hoffman and Gene Hackman. The movie was filmed entirely in New Orleans. Flatliners with Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon and Keifer Sutherland. Lots of reality shows. I couldn't believe the number of shows that are out there on cable. Currently I'm watching Miami Vice the first Season. This weeks movies will include, Erin Brochovich, The Mexican, The Brothers, Sleeping with the Enemy and Basquait. If you can find them at your local video store or libray, then watch them with me. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Cooling Down

The weather cooled up a bit so that I was able to enjoy my mother theater. I guess your wondering why I have to wait for the theater to cool down? I'm cutting back and so I'm using the least amount of electric as I possibly can. Anyway, the films for yesterday were The Aviator and The Mummy. Tonight I'll watch the Mummy Returns and I may throw in another film for breakfast or lunch. Thanks for stopping by. Once the weather gets back to a steady temperature I'll have a better idea of what I'll be watching.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Catching up on film

I've been away for a while because AOL made some changes and I couldn't access my journal the way I used to. Anyway, I'm  back. It's been so hot in New Orleans that I've been camped out in my bedroom watching some TV and videos. This week I watched Alive, Axeon Flux, The Arena, and My Best Friend's Wedding. I picked up Bad Boy Bubby today at Best Buy, it was $15.99 the cheapest price I had seen. I didn't want to take a chance not buying the film hoping the price would go down. I'm having the hardest time finding such films as johns, Priest and even Beautiful Thing because the prices were high when I first saw them. It has taken almost ten years for Bad Boy Bubby to make it into the homes of the fool serious movie goer. (I wonder if Love and Human Remains is coming soon?) This is an interesting film that is sure to have a cult following. The film stars Australian actor, Nicholas Hope. It was directed by Rolf de Heer. I had the opportunity 10 years ago to sit down with Rolf de Heer and Nicholas Hope. It was that conversation and forming of a friendship that helped get me to Australia. The one thing about actors is that if your just starting out you want to take work when its available. That means plans change at the drop of a hat. I'm used to that so it didn't hinder my trip down under. Until the heat subsides I'm not sure what I'll be watching. So check back often for a list once I move back into my theater. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Get Christie Love

In the late 60's Diahann Carroll took television by storm with the series Julia. A young single professional mother taking care of her son Corey. In the 70's Theresa Graves became Christie Love in the detective series based on a book by Dorothy Uhnak, The Ledger, Aaron Spelling took the movie and created a series. There was the usual wise cracks, sexy clothing and sexual tension and overtones of an interacial relationship with her boss. Teresa Graves was a dancer on the Comedy Show Laugh In. She was definitely a beauty, but how people confuse her with Pam Grier I'll never know. Pam Grier didn't do television until later in her career. Theresa Graves did a few movies including Old Dracula and Love at First Bite with George Hamilton. Her religious views stirred her in a direction which lead her to turn down roles and her career suffered. In the film Get Christie Love, the acting isn't bad. The dialogue is so so, but all in all its good fun.

I also watched Sports Illustrated 1999 last night. This DVD unlike the previous shoots allow model Heidi Klum to host. I don't find Heidi all that attractive, but she does have a look at times. My favorite models include Kathy Ireland, Roshumba, Cindy Crawford, Veronica Webb, Stephanie Seymour and Iman to name a few. If you have an interest in photographing women this is a good series to watch. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Dreams, dreaming, day dreams

The Dreamers, is a film by Bernardo Bertulucci. The visuals in this film are incredible. There is some great editing as scenes are recreated from classic films and mixed in with the stories, games and dreams of our main characters. The lead in the film from a distance reminds you of Leonardo DiCaprio. The film deals with art, politics, sex, sexual awareness and love. The film is set in the late 60's as three film buffs become friends, roommates and then lovers. This film is not for everyone. This is art at its best. The film deals with incest, betrayal, jealousy, happiness and death. Check this film out if you haven't already. There are two versions of the film, the R rated version and the NC-17 version. Can you guess which one I purchased? When ever I buy a movie it has to be the controversial edition and in wide screen or letter boxed. I'm still trying to get my hands on the uncut version of Priest. The theatrical release in the U S was 98 minutes and the International release is 105 minutes. My curiosity gets the best of me to see what was added. I did the same thing with Showgirls. I know, but I'm a sucker for controversy. And it wasn't really that bad of a film. It was sort of the female version of Stayin Alive. I just love film and I can always find something good in it. Costumes, set design, location, actors, etc. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. Don't stop dreaming.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Most serial killers in any capacity seem to blame their killing spree on God or their dog. It's a lot easier to not be sacreligious if you say your dog made you do it. When in fact you mean the other. In the film Seven, directed by David Fincher, we get this info throw at us from many angles and mind sets. It's an interesting film where a serial killer who actually takes a year span before he starts again, to create the seven deadly sins. There are some inciteful pieces of information. Not many people knew about flagging books and people until this film presented it. Our government watches everything, but policy doesn't allow them to act upon it until it is too late. That's what happened with the Waco, Tx, incident. If you don't like blood and gore, then Seven is not a film for you. If you're a fan of Brad Pitt or Morgan Freeman then you want to give this film a look. Kevin Spacey also appears in the last few minutes of the film. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. The Pianist will be tonights feature and I'll watch the 70's film Get Christie Love which inspired the TV series of the same name. Aaron Spelling was the creator of jiggle TV. LOL.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Selecting a roommate

As I continue to make decisions that I feel will benefit me in the long run, the thought of having a roommate comes and goes. In the films Apartment Zero and Single White Female, we get to experience what obsessive behavior is like. There are people who are just lonely. Their life has no real meaning. They go to work, come home, bury themselves into a hobby and never leave room for socializing. Being in the company of people is very important. I think many people miss that by finding themselves sitting in front of their computers, day in a day out. Every free minute searching for something that is missing from their lives. The Internet may have the answers, but there is nothing like having a person right there in your face sometimes. I'm so used to being by myself that I'm not sure I can have a roommate share my space. It's one thing to have a house guest, but to see someone everyday; it's like marriage. LOL. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again. The film Apartment Zero stars Hart Bochner, you may remember him from the film Terror Train with Jaimie Lee Curtis and Collin Firth. It's the story of a guy who is obsessed with film (Sounds familiar?) and runs a theater in Argentina. He searches for a roommate and judges them on what they know about film. The tests that people create. Remember the scene in Diner where the girl had to pass a test to see if they were going to get married or not? Is it worth it? Apartment Zero has the feel of The Tenanent, one of Roman Polanski's films that he stars in. Single White Female which I have not watched this year as of yet, deals with a suicidal woman who just wants what everyone else has. The film stars Jennifer Jason Leigh, (one of my favorite actresses) Bruce Webber, and Bridget Fonda. It has some great moments. Give both films a look see if you haven't seen them. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Dead Calm

I have seen Dead Calm and Kalifornia many times now. They are films that I really like. My first impression of Dead Calm was the fact that a film could be made with just three characters and turn out well. The film stars Sam Neil, Nicole Kidman and Billy Zane. Only the ending is a bit silly, but the psychological aspects really work well. Kalifornia is hard, rough and gritty. We see how a person gets forced into a situation and has no choice. Brad Pitt and Juliet Lewis give some great performances. David Duchovney also stars, but he has yet to perfect his craft to being more than just a pretty face. If you have not seen either of these films, give them a look see. The talent is incredible. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Friday, July 15, 2005

The mind is terrible

I've heard the mind is a terrible thing to waste. What exactly does that mean? Take a serial killer for instance. He's using his mind to the best of his ability, does that mean it is wasted or isn't wasted? Most psychiatrists will blame their behavior on abuse, but not all people who have been abused become serial killers. There are three forms of abuse, verbal, physical and sexual. Although a pattern may form some people supress the past and have no reprocussions at all. In the case of Jeffery Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy, neither were sexually abused as young boys. They were both physically and verbally abused. Perhaps they were acting out their hatred toward themselves for having an attraction to men. John Wayne Gacy was married and had two children, it is estimated that he picked up some 2000 young men. Gacy molested and murdered at least 33 men. Dahmer was arrested for molesting a 13 year old boy, but only served 10 months of a one year sentence. He was then released and allowed to do it again. The laws of every state are different, especially during that time. The irony of Dahmer's situation is that he seemed more attracted to darker males and he worked in a chocolate factory. I just thought I'd throw that in. It was never brought out in any of the files. The Dahmer film was better this second go round as was the Gacy film. The first time I saw a film on Gacy was on television and Brian Denehy gave an incredible performance. I kept comparing this film to that one, but this time I was able to separate the two. It's a shame how some people can just turn up missing and no one seems to care until it's too late. The remainder of this weeks films, The Pianist, Kalifornia, Apartment Zero, Seven, and Dead Calm. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Humiliation and abuse

Red Dragon - Abuse and humiliation seems to be the main atributes that creates serial killers. Loneliness, low self esteem and little or no guidance contributes to a world created by an individual that only they can understand. Unlike artists, they have no one to relate to or converse with. There isn't a serial killers social club or is there? Sounds like a great title for a book or film. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Silence of the Lambs

Most of you know I have a thing for Psychology and Philosophy. As I try to get myself back into the writing mode to work on Pieces of Reality I'm watching films on Serial Killers. Getting inside of someone's mind has always been of interest. Why do we do the things that we do. Where does it all begin and how to we break away from patterns that have been with us all of our lives. That's the difficult part. Then there are those who get influenced by others around them. Like the too much of a good thing syndrome. See yesterdays entry for the film list. The Sopranos continue to peek my interest. It's getting better. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Secret Window

Last night I watched Secret Window for the 2nd time. I like this movie because I am a writer if only for myself and the mind has a tendency to wander. Sometimes it can be very confusing, but I like it. I become my characters and get involved in their lives so that when its read you will believe it. The events are actual accounts of reality. Secret Windown is based on the Stephen King short story Secret Window, Secret Garden which can be found in the collection of shorts, Four Past Midnight. This week the line up is as follows: I continue to watch The Sopranos, it appears to be getting better. Could have just been my mood. I can get like that, if I'm not in the right mood even the funniest thing can be not so funny. The Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon, Hannibal, Dahmer, Gacy, Seven and Kalifornia. Kalifornia is one of my favorites. Check 'em out with me if you can get your hands on them. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


I'm not sure if I reviewed this movie when I first saw it, but I'm sure I did. Its a typical film of a person playing by there own set of rules. Add in the boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back and some great band sounds. It's the music that makes this film interesting. Marching bands are the life of most events. As in film, real life needs music to set the pace. A parade would be nothing without the sounds of a marching band or horses hoofs throtting along. The sound of flags in the wind. Sound is an important element to everything around us. Give the film a look see, you might learn something about yourself. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Is it me?

I often wonder when people recommend a book or movie that is supposed to be so great and I read or watch it, but don't see it as such. Is there something wrong with me? My movie list for the week is as follows, The Cell, South Central, Drumline, The Secret Windo, The Silence of the Lambs, Dahmer, Red Dragon, Gacy, Hannibal and The Pianist. Currently I'm watching the Sopranos, I was told this was a great series and the writing was good, etc., etc. I like some of the cast members, but its not as well written as Oz. In fact, some of the stars from Oz are popping up on the show. Maybe I like Oz because I'm familiar with people going in and out of prison. I don't know much about mob life, but I do like the idea of a character seeing a psychiatrist. It reminds me of a piece I wrote many years ago. I'm also using it in Pieces of Reality which I'm working on. (It's the longest writing project I've ever encountered. Can't seem to push myself.)

I'll watch the first season of the Sopranos and see if it makes me want more. I'm gonna wait awhile before I buy the 5th Season of Oz, the price is too high. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, July 7, 2005

The God who wasn't there

I tried to write about this film the other day and AOL wouldn't allow me. Was that a sign or what? I'm the type of person that believes everyone should have the right to believe what they want. We all have to believe something right? The God who wasn't there is a documentary about whether or not the bible is a valid account of events dealing with God. There are many valid points that are made and some comedic humor also. When things are taken out of context things can be funny. Religion is something I don't discuss unless I'm defending my views on something. If you like documentaries and you want to see something interesting, perhaps get some answers to questions you may have, check this film out. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, July 2, 2005


A break from the in home theater. I went to see a film that I thought looked interesting. I was more interested in the films dancing than the actual story. After having a discussion with a friend I wonder if this could be seen as a mockumentary. As a photographer and visual artist, this film was filled with lots of great visuals. There were great movements of the body and along with some tats, there was some interesting face makeup or painting. RIZE is about an alternative life in Englewood California as opposed to being a gang banger. They are known as the Clowns and the Krumps and their are many groups of each. We know that most of the Clowns make their living as entertainers at birthday parties, but we don't really know how the Krumps survive. I'm sure after this film a few will pop up in some fashion ads. I'm now thinking of the guy in the Kaihula ads, with the oiled body, dreds and his drum. The origins of the hip hop movement go back to the dance of the West Indes and various parts of Africa. The film also combines the rituals of manhood and rites of passage as we see the Clowns preparing for battle. Dance has always been a competitive sport. (A guy that can dance has a better chance at hooking up with a girl then your wall flower, unless of course he has a great rap.) From the audition to keeping a performance going and competing for a spot or in a dance contest. I've won my share of dance contests in my day. Dance is a great way to keep the body fit. I was much thinner back then, even just two years ago. The film has inspired me on many levels. I have an idea for some sketches. If you like innovative dance, give it a look see. Running time is 85 min. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Friday, July 1, 2005

Movie Changes

You ever felt like a Meatball?  Or a Geek? Last night I watched the film Meatballs, but it was different. The soundtrack to the film had been changed. This is the second time I've watched a movie where the music was different from when I saw it the first time. The other film was Sixteen Candles. In Meatballs the theme song has been modified if you will. Rick Dees still gets credit, but Bill Murray has a voice over on the DVD. The VHS copy still remains with the original soundtrack. In Sixteen Candles the seen on the school bus changes when it goes from laser disc to television to video. The kids on the bus are playing kazoos and the song sounds similar to that of Star Wars and I also believe the opening titles sequence the music has changed. I'll be watching the film again to make sure. I think I'll do a Molly Ringwald film fest. If you want something to entertain you a little and if you haven't seen either of these films in a long time, give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Beach movies

They don't make beach movies anymore. I wonder if they would come off as being silly or campy? Ski Party is my favorite of all the beach movies. This appears to be the first film where Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello aren't romantically involved. In fact, Annette plays an older school teacher in this film with only a small role. I guess her contract called for that. Gotta stick to those contracts. The film had some great songs in it and it wasn't the typical every 5 minutes break into a song kinda movie. The beach movies always included a musical guests, from Little Stevie Wonder to James Brown who appears in Ski Party singing I Feel Good. Does that bring back memories. I used to impersonate James Brown at family gatherings. Those were the days. The film has its silly moments, but its still entertaining. Tonights feature will be Meatballs. The weekends line up will be The Bone Collector, The Karate Kid, Selena and Independence Day. Next week I'll do serial killers, Gacy, Dahmer, Red Dragon, The Cell and The Boys Next Door. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Movie theaters in New Orleans

At the suggestion of one of my film acquaintances, I went to see No More Joy _ The Rise and Fall of New Orleans' Movie Theatres. This is a documentary on the history of movie houses and the rise and fall of them, but centering mostly on The Downtown Joy theater as it was called. I must say it was very informative for me as there were things that I didn't know. I love movies. I'm not sure at what age I saw my first film in the movie theater, but I know I was hooked on it. I was 11 years old when I began going to the movies with friends. We'd walk over to the Circle Theater on St. Bernard Ave. It's no longer there, in its place stands a Rally's. Canal St. was the place for theaters in the 20's. They began as extravagant vaudeville houses. Elaborate decor for the rich. Movie companies built theaters to show their films. There was the Saenger, The Lowes, The Downtown Joy and The Orpheum. There were at least ten theaters on Canal St. and half a dozen more in walking distance. MGM held the rights to the Saenger, RKO soon bought out the Orpheum which is how the movie houses got their films. They catered to that particular studio. The other theaters had to wait for second runs or independent films. Films never played over a week at the larger grand theaters. This film is chocked full of information. It covers a good deal of history. Its a by gone era, and I'll certainly miss it. If this film plays in your area, give it a look. It was interesting learning that when Segregation was instituted, the balconies were put in theaters for black patrons. The Saenger refused to allow black patrons into their theater. The theater had the right to refuse any one they wanted. The girl in the booth was given a statement to say and that would make things alright. There is a funny story of how this came to an end. I guess this film would mean more to locals, but I think in general its a good documentary and it would make others remember times in their cities when going to the movie was an entirely different experience. It covers the grand theaters, the age of more theaters under one roof. Malls, the wide screen, surround sound and the digital age. It covers Drive Inns, the depression and the war years. I remember going to the movie theater for .50 cents and for the kiddie shows, it was .25 cents. Now here in New Orleans we pay $5.50 at some theaters for a matinee. Things have certainly changed. We no longer get cartoons before our movies, but fifteen or twenty minutes of previews. The experience is no longer the same. Unless I just have to see a film on the big screen, I prefer to wait and buy it on DVD. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Never use your real name

That's the catch phrase in the film, The Velocity of Gary. The film stars Thomas Jane, Vincent D'onofrio, Olivia D'obo and the lovely Salma Hayek. I saw this film at SIFF many years ago and I was not happy with it when I saw it the first time, but it has grown on me. It hold special meaning mainly because I had met Salma Hayek for the second time at that point and I saw Dan Ireland approach her to be a part of the project. Thomas Jane has come full circle, from a hustler to drug dealer to shark slayer and comic hereo. He's an uninhibited actor who has done some great work. Some of the film is rather campy, but its a good story with good visuals. Give the film a look see. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. Tonights feature will be Somewhere in Africa.

Monday, June 27, 2005

I Capture the Castle

This is an interesting film, that stars Henry Thomas of E.T. fame. I believe this is the first time he has ever exposed any skin on the big screen. I wondered while watching this film, wouldn't it be interesting if respectable homeless people just moved into an abandoned home and set up house keeping? It would be better than squatters or crack heads. This film deals with a dysfunctional family, most of whom are artists. Artists are a rare breed. There is a line in the film that I liked, Dreams are like a drug. That can be true for someone like me. I dream so often and get swept away. It makes for some great writing though. This film is dark, yet colorful with many quirky characters both rich and poor. Great costumes and a great cast including Bill Nighy from Underworld and Tara Fitzgerald. Give it a look see.

Metropolis, I finally sat down and watched this magnificent film by Fritz Lang. This film has inspired many filmmakers. You can see signs of Blade Runner and The Fifth Element as well as Brazil. Fritz was ahead of his time with technology, as a business man persuades a scientist to create a robot that will work better than man. The film is in black and white and filled with social conflict, sexual desire, betrayal and power struggles. There lightening and effects are great and still hold up. This is another must see for any film maker. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Friday, June 24, 2005

A Page of Madness

My friend, Lowell Doug Ing is a film maker. He is currently living in New York, but will be returning to Honolulu Hawaii soon. He has made many interesting short films. Recently he won two awards for his work. His film Jikken is a documentary on the Aono Jikken Ensemble and the traditional Asian instruments along with newer technology. The Aono Jikken Ensemble provides the music for the film, A Page of Madness. It's an interesting story of a man who tortures his daughter only to drive his wife insane. She is then put into a mental institution. The visuals are unique as they tell the story with great facial expressions. A Page of Madness was made back in the 1920's and is a silent film. The sound on this DVD is great. This is entirely different from his short Burnt Coffee which I like a lot. Jikken is a film within a film if you can call it that since it's a documentary. The instruments supply great sounds as well as being interesting works of art. Doug Ing was producer, director and worked as one of the cameramen. If you're interested in learning more about Doug's work, contact him at I'm sure he'd be delighted to to hear from you and you can arrange to purchase a copy of Jikken.

I wathced One Flew over the Cukoos Nest last night. I've only seen this film twice. I was never a big fan of Jack Nicholson until I saw the Witches of Eastwick. Then I looked back on some other films and then he did Batman and so I was interested in what he had done. He has that look as if he isn't wrapped to tight. He appears to be as crazy as the characters he plays. He has played some great characters though. Cukoos Nest was filled with great talent from Danny Divito, Christopher Lloyd, Scatman Crothers, ( who worked with Nicholson in The Shinning) Louise Fletcher and it introduced us to Brad Douriff who gave a great performance as the stuttering kid, Billy Bobbis. Brad would also go on to be cast in many films as the guy with mental problems. Type casting can be a bitch. If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend this one. Some of us never see the inside of a mental ward. We all have issues, but if it stays in tact we don't have a problem. LOL. I wonder though, what is the association with the 3rd floor. The majority of hospitals house their mental patients on the their floor. Why not the second floor? I mean if they are going to jump they'd have a better chance of surviving without breaking anything. I understand they wouldn't put them on the first floor because it would be easy for them to walk out should they get that far. In recent years the white uniform and white walls have become a thing of the past. Green is now considered the more soothing color for relaxation. It's one of the reasons some people play golf to feel at ease. Yeah right? If a man is a sore loser, it doesn't matter what game he plays, he is going to be stressed. LOL. Well, thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

12 Angry Men

There are many people that never step foot in a court room let alone get on the witness stand or become a part of a jury. I must tell you, it is not what you see on Television. The film 12 Angry Men is the closest thing I've seen to a realistic potrayal of a court trial. My experience in court angered me. I wish I could say it was because the guy on trial was black and the system didn't work because of that reason, but the guy on trial was white and the system didn't work because he was not, in my opinion, tried by a jury of his peers.

12 Angry Men stars Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, Jack Warren, Lee J. Cobb, Jack Klugman and Edward G. Robinson to name a few. It's a great piece of drama set in the juries chambers as 12 Men deal with their own personal demons to come up with the right verdict.

After my experience in court, I wrote this poem. The original title was a Jury of Whose Peers, but the New Orleans Poetry forum suggested I change the title. It was the least I could do since they found nothing else wrong with the poem. I rarely change anything, but I decided to do it this time. About 2 dozen of my poems are in the Archives at Loyola University under the New Orleans Poetry forum. That's what they told me anyway. Because of the way the journal is set up, after each comma it would be another line. This poem was written in 1999.

                                                A Jury of Whose Fears

Imagine being twenty nine, convicted of a crime, does not matter what it is, your fate, Is in the jury's hands, None of them homeless, they don't use drugs, in excessive amounts, not single or twenty nine, A jury of your peers, what kind of bullshit is that?, Mother would always say, "Our friends are not your friends, mind your own business." Who is right? Who is wrong? All of your greatest fears, A jury of your peers, Forget it, represent yourself, Twelve angry men, A vision comes to mind, Who are these people? A grey haired man, A professional, A woman resembles, your mother, What do they know, can they relate? I think not, They see a criminal, That is all, Guilty, Guilty, Guilty, A victim once themselves? Perhaps, Convict the sonofabitch!, No matter what the crime, no one wants to know you, lost in the system, A jury of your peers, Someone's greatest fear.

Thanks for stopping by, Keep an open mind. Tonights movie, One flew over the Cukoos Nest.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Tales in the City

One of my film buddies passed along this series for me to watch. It's night time soap for cable. It wasn't to bad and it had a few twists. It reminded me a little of the story I had written, Skeletons. Takes place in an apartment complex with lots of twists. What intrigued me most was the cast. There was Olympia Dukakis, Laura Linney, David Moffet, Chloe Webb, Cynda Williams and Thomas Gibson, to name a few. All of the characters seem to have a secret that reveals itself over the course of 3 discs. Cynda Williams had starred in Spike Lee's Mo' Better Blues and the film One False Move. But it was the surprise of seeing Thomas Gibson in the film. I met Thomas at SIFF in 94 or 95, and he was playing a gay character in the film Love and Human Remains. It was one of my favorite films that year. It was a very interesting film. Thomas was one of the first married actors I had ever met who had played a gay character on screen. It seems he would be type cast in similar roles. Good looks can hurt an actor just like the roles he chooses. If you have nothing to do and you like episodic television, give it a look. I just found out that the 5th season of Oz is now available. I need to see if I can get a cheap copy and I'll wait a few months to watch it since I just watched 1 thru 4 and I like to start from the beginning. That's just me.

I saw another interesting film, Garden State. The writing in this film was great. It was real, but not over the top like Tarrantino. The film was written, directed and starred Zach Braff. I think that's the correct spelling. The film stars Natalie Portman in a nice role, but its going to be hard for her to ever top her role in the Professional. Some actors get that first film role and they never get to show off their talents that way again. A few get lucky. Leonardo DiCaprio got a chance when he did Basketball Diaries, but What's eating Gilbert Grape will be his best role. Kurstin Dunst has had a few good roles, but Interview with the Vampire is where she really shines. Her role in Mona Lisa Smile was good. I think she has a better chance of getting better roles than most of the young actresses in Hollywood. There are however many things to factor in. A stars contract sometimes bounds them and they have to do so many films and that's why we see them in such awful stuff and we say, " Why did they do that?" Well, now you know. The other factor is money. If there lifestyle doesn't call for much then they may do one or two good films a year. If they need money sometimes they'll just show up in anything.

Now back to our feature. Garden State is a film about pointing blame. It's about finding out who a person really is. Making the right choices because its what is right for the individual and not the people around them. It's a film about life and how some people move forward and others just stand still. I recommend this film on many levels. If you are an artist or a film maker. If you feel like your life just isn't going anywhere and if you just want to see something different. Give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.