Monday, July 18, 2005

Selecting a roommate

As I continue to make decisions that I feel will benefit me in the long run, the thought of having a roommate comes and goes. In the films Apartment Zero and Single White Female, we get to experience what obsessive behavior is like. There are people who are just lonely. Their life has no real meaning. They go to work, come home, bury themselves into a hobby and never leave room for socializing. Being in the company of people is very important. I think many people miss that by finding themselves sitting in front of their computers, day in a day out. Every free minute searching for something that is missing from their lives. The Internet may have the answers, but there is nothing like having a person right there in your face sometimes. I'm so used to being by myself that I'm not sure I can have a roommate share my space. It's one thing to have a house guest, but to see someone everyday; it's like marriage. LOL. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again. The film Apartment Zero stars Hart Bochner, you may remember him from the film Terror Train with Jaimie Lee Curtis and Collin Firth. It's the story of a guy who is obsessed with film (Sounds familiar?) and runs a theater in Argentina. He searches for a roommate and judges them on what they know about film. The tests that people create. Remember the scene in Diner where the girl had to pass a test to see if they were going to get married or not? Is it worth it? Apartment Zero has the feel of The Tenanent, one of Roman Polanski's films that he stars in. Single White Female which I have not watched this year as of yet, deals with a suicidal woman who just wants what everyone else has. The film stars Jennifer Jason Leigh, (one of my favorite actresses) Bruce Webber, and Bridget Fonda. It has some great moments. Give both films a look see if you haven't seen them. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

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