Saturday, August 20, 2005

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

The con game, the grift, the hustle but... Dirty Rotten Scoundrels stars Steve Martin, Michael Caine and Glenn Headley in a comical farce about getting over on people. The con works best on lonely or impatient people. Anyone who wants to think they are getting something for nothing or desperate for money can be conned. As I've written previously, this film is now a play on Broadway. It may be interesting, but some things just should be left alone. Unless you're a real fan of Steve Martin or Michael Caine, you may not enjoy this film. I have a tendency to like the quirky films, the films that other people just pass by in the video stores. I'm always looking for something different. Something to make me think. I prefer dark comedies to laugh out loud funny. Life is not a bowl of cherries. It may start out that way, but eventually the bowl gets empty. Then you have to start all over. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. I think tonight I may watch Who framed Roger Rabbit or Cool World.

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