Friday, August 12, 2005


I watched Kinsey today. It's an interesting story about human sexuality. I was not really familiar with Kinsey. It was Freud that I read and another scientist who's name escapes me at the moment. Kinsey created a scale of 1 to 6, 1 -2 representing heterosexuality, 3-4 representing bisexuality and anything above 4 representing homosexuality. I always find it interesting that most researchers have never partaked in their own studies. It's rare that you find a drug counselor that was actually an addict. How many psychologists are actually manic depressives? Kinsey did delve into some practices, but he was a late bloomer. Of course everything that we do stems from childhood, Kinsey had a lot of skeletons he had to deal with. The film has a great cast and allows many sexual issues to surface. It's interesting that some things have yet to change. Sex is still one of those topics that people are reluctant to talk about. Check out the film if you have some time. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind. I think I will watch The Life Aquatic or Bad Boy Bubby tonight. I'll flip a coin. LOL.

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