Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lord of the Flies

The film is based on the novel by Sir William S Burroughs. I read the book when I was a freshman in High School. The remake is interesting, but the 1960, b/w version is classic. I've watched the remake more times because of Balthazaar Getty. He was a good actor as a kid, but after the film Where the day takes you, I'm not sure what happened. In between he became a model of Gianni Versace and then he gained weight and he ends up in these obscure roles. I must admit that Shadow Hours is a guilty pleasure, I've seen it many times. It's one of those films that I watch once a year. Read the book, Lord of the Flies and then watch both movies if you've never done so. Watch them in order, b/w before color. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

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