Thursday, December 29, 2005

Let's Talk about KONG

The newest remake of King Kong, takes on the story of the original, but the humor and love story of the last remake. King Kong is an adrenaline rush. My palms were sweating. It's an edge of your seat thrill ride. Naomi Watts looks good and in a few scenes reminds you of Faye Wray. In fact there is a reference to Fay playing the part in Carl Denham's film. The role played by Bud Cabot becomes a character and Jack Driscoll becomes a writer. There is an added addition as a black actor has a bigger part on the boat and the natives become very unusual looking. I'm sure Peter Jackson was making his own personal statement which was right on the money. The natives have dark skin, striking eyes and features and some have blonde hair. There's no theatrical dance - wedding ceremony. The special effects do steal the film. This film should definitely be nominated for Special effects, visual effects, sound effects, and set design. I also see an Oscar nomination for Jack Black who plays Carl Denham. Adrien Brody plays Jack Driscoll. There is a scene on the boat that becomes a scene within a scene. There are a few lines taken directly from the original script. King Kong is quite an entertaining film. I suggest eating before going to see the film. Then you can sit there and enjoy it. I was glued to my seat as stuff just happened. There were some scenes taken away and many scenes added. This will definitely be a part of my DVD collection. I know it's going to be costly because there will be those added features that I'll definitely want to have. In any case if you love film, love CGI, this film will blow you away. There isn't a rape scene in this Kong picture. Now, I know you're saying to yourself, what rape scene? In the original and the remake there is a scene where Kong fondles the women. He removes their clothing. This became a running joke as the rape scene. The crew who worked the hand named it. Jessica Lange got a few bruises from being slapped around by the hand. I'm sure Naomi had her share of bruises and dizziness. You just have to see it for yourself to see what I'm talking about. No flesh from Naomi, but she does look good. So get yourself together and go in expecting nothing, then you'll be surprised. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

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