Friday, June 24, 2005

A Page of Madness

My friend, Lowell Doug Ing is a film maker. He is currently living in New York, but will be returning to Honolulu Hawaii soon. He has made many interesting short films. Recently he won two awards for his work. His film Jikken is a documentary on the Aono Jikken Ensemble and the traditional Asian instruments along with newer technology. The Aono Jikken Ensemble provides the music for the film, A Page of Madness. It's an interesting story of a man who tortures his daughter only to drive his wife insane. She is then put into a mental institution. The visuals are unique as they tell the story with great facial expressions. A Page of Madness was made back in the 1920's and is a silent film. The sound on this DVD is great. This is entirely different from his short Burnt Coffee which I like a lot. Jikken is a film within a film if you can call it that since it's a documentary. The instruments supply great sounds as well as being interesting works of art. Doug Ing was producer, director and worked as one of the cameramen. If you're interested in learning more about Doug's work, contact him at I'm sure he'd be delighted to to hear from you and you can arrange to purchase a copy of Jikken.

I wathced One Flew over the Cukoos Nest last night. I've only seen this film twice. I was never a big fan of Jack Nicholson until I saw the Witches of Eastwick. Then I looked back on some other films and then he did Batman and so I was interested in what he had done. He has that look as if he isn't wrapped to tight. He appears to be as crazy as the characters he plays. He has played some great characters though. Cukoos Nest was filled with great talent from Danny Divito, Christopher Lloyd, Scatman Crothers, ( who worked with Nicholson in The Shinning) Louise Fletcher and it introduced us to Brad Douriff who gave a great performance as the stuttering kid, Billy Bobbis. Brad would also go on to be cast in many films as the guy with mental problems. Type casting can be a bitch. If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend this one. Some of us never see the inside of a mental ward. We all have issues, but if it stays in tact we don't have a problem. LOL. I wonder though, what is the association with the 3rd floor. The majority of hospitals house their mental patients on the their floor. Why not the second floor? I mean if they are going to jump they'd have a better chance of surviving without breaking anything. I understand they wouldn't put them on the first floor because it would be easy for them to walk out should they get that far. In recent years the white uniform and white walls have become a thing of the past. Green is now considered the more soothing color for relaxation. It's one of the reasons some people play golf to feel at ease. Yeah right? If a man is a sore loser, it doesn't matter what game he plays, he is going to be stressed. LOL. Well, thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

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