Thursday, June 2, 2005

The cycle of life

There are things that happen to us when we are younger that stick with us as adults. Unless of course we seek therapy because we find we are harboring feelings or desires that we don't understand. A few weeks ago the Ira Glass show, This American Life, talked about us not being able to choose our parents. Most of us at some point think that there is a posibility that we are adopted. We don't seem to fit in with our families or they don't understand us, so what other reason could there be? There are many people that don't get the chance to say what is on their minds to the people it needs to be said to. One way to deal with this is to write a letter to that person. If you can mail it do so, if not you'll feel some relief because you have allowed the words to come out.

In the film The Mother, we see a family struggling to succeed. Trying to please their parents and competing against each other. A lonely mother that finds what she's been missing and goes after it at any cost. The film is very visual. It stars Anne Reid and Daniel Craig. It's worth a look. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.


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