Monday, June 13, 2005


There are many people that have secrets. We may have trust in a few select people to share our dreams, and desires. Sometimes we may even experience things with people because it feels right at the moment. Partners in the perfect crime. I've been thinking about that lately. The perfect crime.

In the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith, John and Jane have been married for five or six years and they don't know everything about each other. In fact, they don't appear to know each other at all. They are like robots, on synchronized time and their secret lives just seem to fit in. I like both Angelina Jolie, ( those lips and those eyes.) and Brad Pitt, he has an interesting look. (his body takes on a new look with each role he does.) From the previews I kept thinking, The War of the Roses. That was the film with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. Of course it was about divorce, but it was the destruction of each other inside of their home that I saw the similarities in this film. There may have been some inspiration from it. Great mines... The film also stars, Kerry Washington and Vince Vaughn. The film seems to escalate. It starts off slow and the audience is just stuck with sticking it out or walking out. I've never walked out of a movie before, okay maybe once, but that's because I wasn't driving. I always give every artist the satisfaction that their project will come together in the last 15 minutes. Most movies whether bad or good can gain some air in that time frame. Angelina looks quite stunning in her dominatrix outfit. I used to date a dominatrix. Oops! Did I just reveal another secret? The special effects are great, they seem a bit over the top, but that's film and that's hollywood. Sometimes life can be over the top. The film runs 2 hours, so if you're a fan of Brad or Angelina's then give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

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