Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Future is now

My introduction to computers happened when I went to high school. We'd work on math problems against the machine. I've been intrigued by computers, gadgets and robots, ever since. The first Sci Fi film that I was really fascinated with was Blade Runner. Sure I used to watch Star Trek and My Favorite Martian, but it was the gadgets and the idea of robots looking human. Cyborgs or Cybortronic beings. Blade Runner was taken from the book Do Androids dream of electric sheep? I always thought that was such a cool title. I wasn't much for reading Sci Fi, I took a class in high school which introduced me to Isaac Asimov, The Hugo Winners was a collection of sci fi stories that were editied by Isaac Asimov. In that book was one of my favorite stories Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes. The Man who folded himself was another interesting tale and then there is I, Robot by Isaac Asimov. I debated about getting this film. I like Will Smith, I thought the story was interesting, but I wasn't sure for some reason. Well, needless to say the film is in my collection and I'm sure I'll be viewing it again and again. It's a bit different than most sci fi movies. There's lots of dialogue, but its not boring. The special effects are top notch. Something to rival the Matrix films. Editing is on the money. Will Smith does a good job as a cop trying to figure out a murder that may or may not have been committed by a robot. He's prejudice toward robots. "Computers are like children, they only do what they are programed to do." When a computer is programed to enhance it's own programs, then we have problems. Sort of just like children. Take a look at the film if only for the effects. Keep an open mind and thanks for stopping by.

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