Monday, June 27, 2005

I Capture the Castle

This is an interesting film, that stars Henry Thomas of E.T. fame. I believe this is the first time he has ever exposed any skin on the big screen. I wondered while watching this film, wouldn't it be interesting if respectable homeless people just moved into an abandoned home and set up house keeping? It would be better than squatters or crack heads. This film deals with a dysfunctional family, most of whom are artists. Artists are a rare breed. There is a line in the film that I liked, Dreams are like a drug. That can be true for someone like me. I dream so often and get swept away. It makes for some great writing though. This film is dark, yet colorful with many quirky characters both rich and poor. Great costumes and a great cast including Bill Nighy from Underworld and Tara Fitzgerald. Give it a look see.

Metropolis, I finally sat down and watched this magnificent film by Fritz Lang. This film has inspired many filmmakers. You can see signs of Blade Runner and The Fifth Element as well as Brazil. Fritz was ahead of his time with technology, as a business man persuades a scientist to create a robot that will work better than man. The film is in black and white and filled with social conflict, sexual desire, betrayal and power struggles. There lightening and effects are great and still hold up. This is another must see for any film maker. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

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