Thursday, June 30, 2005

Beach movies

They don't make beach movies anymore. I wonder if they would come off as being silly or campy? Ski Party is my favorite of all the beach movies. This appears to be the first film where Frankie Avalon and Annette Funicello aren't romantically involved. In fact, Annette plays an older school teacher in this film with only a small role. I guess her contract called for that. Gotta stick to those contracts. The film had some great songs in it and it wasn't the typical every 5 minutes break into a song kinda movie. The beach movies always included a musical guests, from Little Stevie Wonder to James Brown who appears in Ski Party singing I Feel Good. Does that bring back memories. I used to impersonate James Brown at family gatherings. Those were the days. The film has its silly moments, but its still entertaining. Tonights feature will be Meatballs. The weekends line up will be The Bone Collector, The Karate Kid, Selena and Independence Day. Next week I'll do serial killers, Gacy, Dahmer, Red Dragon, The Cell and The Boys Next Door. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Movie theaters in New Orleans

At the suggestion of one of my film acquaintances, I went to see No More Joy _ The Rise and Fall of New Orleans' Movie Theatres. This is a documentary on the history of movie houses and the rise and fall of them, but centering mostly on The Downtown Joy theater as it was called. I must say it was very informative for me as there were things that I didn't know. I love movies. I'm not sure at what age I saw my first film in the movie theater, but I know I was hooked on it. I was 11 years old when I began going to the movies with friends. We'd walk over to the Circle Theater on St. Bernard Ave. It's no longer there, in its place stands a Rally's. Canal St. was the place for theaters in the 20's. They began as extravagant vaudeville houses. Elaborate decor for the rich. Movie companies built theaters to show their films. There was the Saenger, The Lowes, The Downtown Joy and The Orpheum. There were at least ten theaters on Canal St. and half a dozen more in walking distance. MGM held the rights to the Saenger, RKO soon bought out the Orpheum which is how the movie houses got their films. They catered to that particular studio. The other theaters had to wait for second runs or independent films. Films never played over a week at the larger grand theaters. This film is chocked full of information. It covers a good deal of history. Its a by gone era, and I'll certainly miss it. If this film plays in your area, give it a look. It was interesting learning that when Segregation was instituted, the balconies were put in theaters for black patrons. The Saenger refused to allow black patrons into their theater. The theater had the right to refuse any one they wanted. The girl in the booth was given a statement to say and that would make things alright. There is a funny story of how this came to an end. I guess this film would mean more to locals, but I think in general its a good documentary and it would make others remember times in their cities when going to the movie was an entirely different experience. It covers the grand theaters, the age of more theaters under one roof. Malls, the wide screen, surround sound and the digital age. It covers Drive Inns, the depression and the war years. I remember going to the movie theater for .50 cents and for the kiddie shows, it was .25 cents. Now here in New Orleans we pay $5.50 at some theaters for a matinee. Things have certainly changed. We no longer get cartoons before our movies, but fifteen or twenty minutes of previews. The experience is no longer the same. Unless I just have to see a film on the big screen, I prefer to wait and buy it on DVD. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Never use your real name

That's the catch phrase in the film, The Velocity of Gary. The film stars Thomas Jane, Vincent D'onofrio, Olivia D'obo and the lovely Salma Hayek. I saw this film at SIFF many years ago and I was not happy with it when I saw it the first time, but it has grown on me. It hold special meaning mainly because I had met Salma Hayek for the second time at that point and I saw Dan Ireland approach her to be a part of the project. Thomas Jane has come full circle, from a hustler to drug dealer to shark slayer and comic hereo. He's an uninhibited actor who has done some great work. Some of the film is rather campy, but its a good story with good visuals. Give the film a look see. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. Tonights feature will be Somewhere in Africa.

Monday, June 27, 2005

I Capture the Castle

This is an interesting film, that stars Henry Thomas of E.T. fame. I believe this is the first time he has ever exposed any skin on the big screen. I wondered while watching this film, wouldn't it be interesting if respectable homeless people just moved into an abandoned home and set up house keeping? It would be better than squatters or crack heads. This film deals with a dysfunctional family, most of whom are artists. Artists are a rare breed. There is a line in the film that I liked, Dreams are like a drug. That can be true for someone like me. I dream so often and get swept away. It makes for some great writing though. This film is dark, yet colorful with many quirky characters both rich and poor. Great costumes and a great cast including Bill Nighy from Underworld and Tara Fitzgerald. Give it a look see.

Metropolis, I finally sat down and watched this magnificent film by Fritz Lang. This film has inspired many filmmakers. You can see signs of Blade Runner and The Fifth Element as well as Brazil. Fritz was ahead of his time with technology, as a business man persuades a scientist to create a robot that will work better than man. The film is in black and white and filled with social conflict, sexual desire, betrayal and power struggles. There lightening and effects are great and still hold up. This is another must see for any film maker. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Friday, June 24, 2005

A Page of Madness

My friend, Lowell Doug Ing is a film maker. He is currently living in New York, but will be returning to Honolulu Hawaii soon. He has made many interesting short films. Recently he won two awards for his work. His film Jikken is a documentary on the Aono Jikken Ensemble and the traditional Asian instruments along with newer technology. The Aono Jikken Ensemble provides the music for the film, A Page of Madness. It's an interesting story of a man who tortures his daughter only to drive his wife insane. She is then put into a mental institution. The visuals are unique as they tell the story with great facial expressions. A Page of Madness was made back in the 1920's and is a silent film. The sound on this DVD is great. This is entirely different from his short Burnt Coffee which I like a lot. Jikken is a film within a film if you can call it that since it's a documentary. The instruments supply great sounds as well as being interesting works of art. Doug Ing was producer, director and worked as one of the cameramen. If you're interested in learning more about Doug's work, contact him at I'm sure he'd be delighted to to hear from you and you can arrange to purchase a copy of Jikken.

I wathced One Flew over the Cukoos Nest last night. I've only seen this film twice. I was never a big fan of Jack Nicholson until I saw the Witches of Eastwick. Then I looked back on some other films and then he did Batman and so I was interested in what he had done. He has that look as if he isn't wrapped to tight. He appears to be as crazy as the characters he plays. He has played some great characters though. Cukoos Nest was filled with great talent from Danny Divito, Christopher Lloyd, Scatman Crothers, ( who worked with Nicholson in The Shinning) Louise Fletcher and it introduced us to Brad Douriff who gave a great performance as the stuttering kid, Billy Bobbis. Brad would also go on to be cast in many films as the guy with mental problems. Type casting can be a bitch. If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend this one. Some of us never see the inside of a mental ward. We all have issues, but if it stays in tact we don't have a problem. LOL. I wonder though, what is the association with the 3rd floor. The majority of hospitals house their mental patients on the their floor. Why not the second floor? I mean if they are going to jump they'd have a better chance of surviving without breaking anything. I understand they wouldn't put them on the first floor because it would be easy for them to walk out should they get that far. In recent years the white uniform and white walls have become a thing of the past. Green is now considered the more soothing color for relaxation. It's one of the reasons some people play golf to feel at ease. Yeah right? If a man is a sore loser, it doesn't matter what game he plays, he is going to be stressed. LOL. Well, thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

12 Angry Men

There are many people that never step foot in a court room let alone get on the witness stand or become a part of a jury. I must tell you, it is not what you see on Television. The film 12 Angry Men is the closest thing I've seen to a realistic potrayal of a court trial. My experience in court angered me. I wish I could say it was because the guy on trial was black and the system didn't work because of that reason, but the guy on trial was white and the system didn't work because he was not, in my opinion, tried by a jury of his peers.

12 Angry Men stars Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, Jack Warren, Lee J. Cobb, Jack Klugman and Edward G. Robinson to name a few. It's a great piece of drama set in the juries chambers as 12 Men deal with their own personal demons to come up with the right verdict.

After my experience in court, I wrote this poem. The original title was a Jury of Whose Peers, but the New Orleans Poetry forum suggested I change the title. It was the least I could do since they found nothing else wrong with the poem. I rarely change anything, but I decided to do it this time. About 2 dozen of my poems are in the Archives at Loyola University under the New Orleans Poetry forum. That's what they told me anyway. Because of the way the journal is set up, after each comma it would be another line. This poem was written in 1999.

                                                A Jury of Whose Fears

Imagine being twenty nine, convicted of a crime, does not matter what it is, your fate, Is in the jury's hands, None of them homeless, they don't use drugs, in excessive amounts, not single or twenty nine, A jury of your peers, what kind of bullshit is that?, Mother would always say, "Our friends are not your friends, mind your own business." Who is right? Who is wrong? All of your greatest fears, A jury of your peers, Forget it, represent yourself, Twelve angry men, A vision comes to mind, Who are these people? A grey haired man, A professional, A woman resembles, your mother, What do they know, can they relate? I think not, They see a criminal, That is all, Guilty, Guilty, Guilty, A victim once themselves? Perhaps, Convict the sonofabitch!, No matter what the crime, no one wants to know you, lost in the system, A jury of your peers, Someone's greatest fear.

Thanks for stopping by, Keep an open mind. Tonights movie, One flew over the Cukoos Nest.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Tales in the City

One of my film buddies passed along this series for me to watch. It's night time soap for cable. It wasn't to bad and it had a few twists. It reminded me a little of the story I had written, Skeletons. Takes place in an apartment complex with lots of twists. What intrigued me most was the cast. There was Olympia Dukakis, Laura Linney, David Moffet, Chloe Webb, Cynda Williams and Thomas Gibson, to name a few. All of the characters seem to have a secret that reveals itself over the course of 3 discs. Cynda Williams had starred in Spike Lee's Mo' Better Blues and the film One False Move. But it was the surprise of seeing Thomas Gibson in the film. I met Thomas at SIFF in 94 or 95, and he was playing a gay character in the film Love and Human Remains. It was one of my favorite films that year. It was a very interesting film. Thomas was one of the first married actors I had ever met who had played a gay character on screen. It seems he would be type cast in similar roles. Good looks can hurt an actor just like the roles he chooses. If you have nothing to do and you like episodic television, give it a look. I just found out that the 5th season of Oz is now available. I need to see if I can get a cheap copy and I'll wait a few months to watch it since I just watched 1 thru 4 and I like to start from the beginning. That's just me.

I saw another interesting film, Garden State. The writing in this film was great. It was real, but not over the top like Tarrantino. The film was written, directed and starred Zach Braff. I think that's the correct spelling. The film stars Natalie Portman in a nice role, but its going to be hard for her to ever top her role in the Professional. Some actors get that first film role and they never get to show off their talents that way again. A few get lucky. Leonardo DiCaprio got a chance when he did Basketball Diaries, but What's eating Gilbert Grape will be his best role. Kurstin Dunst has had a few good roles, but Interview with the Vampire is where she really shines. Her role in Mona Lisa Smile was good. I think she has a better chance of getting better roles than most of the young actresses in Hollywood. There are however many things to factor in. A stars contract sometimes bounds them and they have to do so many films and that's why we see them in such awful stuff and we say, " Why did they do that?" Well, now you know. The other factor is money. If there lifestyle doesn't call for much then they may do one or two good films a year. If they need money sometimes they'll just show up in anything.

Now back to our feature. Garden State is a film about pointing blame. It's about finding out who a person really is. Making the right choices because its what is right for the individual and not the people around them. It's a film about life and how some people move forward and others just stand still. I recommend this film on many levels. If you are an artist or a film maker. If you feel like your life just isn't going anywhere and if you just want to see something different. Give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My Giant

I guess it was when I got into modeling that I actually found myself attracted to taller people. I always wished I were at least 6' tall, but you can have everything can you? I knew my modeling career was limited at 5' 8" but being thin gave the illusion that I was taller and I always wore shoes with a higher heel so that made me at least 5' 9". Being around taller people just makes me feel tall and I always have to look up so it keep me standing tall. The tallest person I've known was 6' 6" and I know a few people that stand at 6' 5" and 6' 2".

In the film My Giant we find a man that is tall, so tall in fact that he is thought of as a freak. Most tall people don't have the greatest coordination. They are always tripping or stubbing their toes. It takes a great foundation to balance a tower. My Giant is an interesting film that stars Billy Crystal as an agent who is out for the almighty dollar. Then he has to deal with his feelings and understand that money isn't everything. Sometimes we just have to do good for the sake of doing good. This film could be considered a tear jerker. If you like Billy Crystal, I think you'll like this film. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Longtime Companion

I watched the film Longtime Companion and each time I see it, I feel differently. When I first saw the film I had only known one person who had died of AIDS. By the time I had seen it the second time, I knew of someone who was living with AIDS and now that I've watched it probably for the 4th time, I know several people living with AIDS and many close friends who have passed on. I was angry when I lost one good friend because he was so young. He had a great modeling career ahead of him, but that wasn't the plan. The others were older and had lived adventureous lives, but they are still missed. Over 250,000 people are living with the HIV in Louisiana alone. Half of those don't even know they have it. As I've written before, safety is the key and the virus is only passed through blood contact. The risk is that if someone has dental problems, you may want to substain from kissing as blood can be transmitted through the saliva. Any breaks or tears in the skin can leave openings for blood to enter or flow out. Scientific studies have some a long way and people can survive even if they have AIDS, but they key is to being healthy, stress free and drug free. If you haven't seen the film Longtime Companion give it a look. It is one of the better films dealing with the subject. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. Lend your support in helping people with AIDS. Make donations or volunteer in your community. Every little bit helps.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

They shoot horses don't they?

It has been years since I've seen this film. This is only the second time that I'm watching it. The film stars, Jane Fonda, Gig Young, Michael Sarrazin, Susannah York, Bruce Dern, Bonnie Bedelia and Red Buttons. The film is based on a novel by Horace McCoy. It was one of the most depressing films I had seen until of course I discovered To Live. They shoot horses don't they takes places inside of a gymnasium in the depression era and for those that don't have money, a marathon is their way of getting some food and a place to sleep. There is also the possibility of winning the prise of $1500.00. It's a story of survival, about betrayal, making friends and losing friends. It's a story of hope and dispair. What is one's purpose in life and how far would you go to help someone you don't really know. It's a film with a lot to digest. If you haven't seen it, give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. I'm thinking about combining the journals again. Let me know if you would prefer that or to leave each journal separately. I want to make my readers happy. Tonights feature will be My Giant with Billy Crystal.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Fabulous Baker Boys

This film has been on my shelf for years. I finally opened the wrapper and stuck it into the VCR. I'm not crazy about Michelle Pfeiffer, but Jeff Bridges I've always thought was a good actor. He was great in the Fisher King and Fearless, but White Squall remains my favorite. I've seen this film over a dozen times. It's become a yearly thing. Beau Bridges is also in the film. The first time I ever saw Beau was in a film called Village of the Giants. It starred Tommy Kirk and a very young Ron Howard. It was a film about the goo, and whomever took it grew into a giant. This group of teens takes it and they take over the town. Interesting effects, it became one of those Sunday morning movies.

Okay, back to the Baker Boys. Jeff and Beau brought an intensity to the film. Michelle Pfeiffer gives a good performance as the escort/singer who resurrects the brothers careers. It's funny how we do things to please other people. We put our lives on hold and just tend to making others happy. So many people miss out on life. You have to do what will make you happy. I'm a hands on person. I like learning from experience, but that's just me. It's not for everyone. Some people need to be pushed and some just need to take their times to discover who they are. Some people don't seem to ever have that chance to know who they really are. Tonights feature will be They Shoot Horses don't they. Check it out if you have never seen this film. Keep an open mind, thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

She Hate Me

Spike Lee's film is about many things. It's an interesting film as most of his films are, but he's losing his Spike Lee charm. His earlier films were tight, strong and worked well. His later films are trying to center on too many subjects at one time and sometimes subjects he doesn't know a lot about. Singleton I felt did the same thing with his film Higher Learning.

In She Hate Me (It's ebonics) we get the same theme that plays in most of Spike's films, racial tension. Not just black and white, but black and black. We see the struggle between those with money and those without. The film deals with doing the right thing in one instance and doing the wrong thing in another. Sometime the wrong thing just feels right. It shows that each individual has a good and bad side. Whether it be money or love, we struggle with what is a person to do.

The main focus of the film is a young corporate executive, used to living a certain lifestyle. He loses his job and he is offered a proposition so that his life doesn't have to change and he takes it. It's a difficult transition when you have to go to making X amount of dollars to nothing at all. Especially if you aren't prepared. The new career of Jack Henry Armstrong is to be a sperm donor to lesbians. There's humor here and Spike tries to deal with the reversal of men treating women like sex objects, but it fall short. (I remember an interesting television show called All That Glitters, that was TV before its time.) There are some hints of Woody Allen's everything you always wanted to know about sex. There's some insight on many things, and some stuff no one may want to know or see. The talents of many actors are lost here in the film. Local actor Anthony Mackie stars in the lead with Kerry Washington and the cast of Spike Lee regulars. Spike's sister Joie, Lonette McKee, Ossie Davis and John Tuturo to name a few.

We all get into the political arena with insight into the Watergate scandal and talks of Enron, etc. Spike is an artist and he voices his opinion as he knows best, in film. Give the film a look see, you might learn something if not you'll have a few laughs. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Monday, June 13, 2005


There are many people that have secrets. We may have trust in a few select people to share our dreams, and desires. Sometimes we may even experience things with people because it feels right at the moment. Partners in the perfect crime. I've been thinking about that lately. The perfect crime.

In the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith, John and Jane have been married for five or six years and they don't know everything about each other. In fact, they don't appear to know each other at all. They are like robots, on synchronized time and their secret lives just seem to fit in. I like both Angelina Jolie, ( those lips and those eyes.) and Brad Pitt, he has an interesting look. (his body takes on a new look with each role he does.) From the previews I kept thinking, The War of the Roses. That was the film with Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. Of course it was about divorce, but it was the destruction of each other inside of their home that I saw the similarities in this film. There may have been some inspiration from it. Great mines... The film also stars, Kerry Washington and Vince Vaughn. The film seems to escalate. It starts off slow and the audience is just stuck with sticking it out or walking out. I've never walked out of a movie before, okay maybe once, but that's because I wasn't driving. I always give every artist the satisfaction that their project will come together in the last 15 minutes. Most movies whether bad or good can gain some air in that time frame. Angelina looks quite stunning in her dominatrix outfit. I used to date a dominatrix. Oops! Did I just reveal another secret? The special effects are great, they seem a bit over the top, but that's film and that's hollywood. Sometimes life can be over the top. The film runs 2 hours, so if you're a fan of Brad or Angelina's then give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Future is now

My introduction to computers happened when I went to high school. We'd work on math problems against the machine. I've been intrigued by computers, gadgets and robots, ever since. The first Sci Fi film that I was really fascinated with was Blade Runner. Sure I used to watch Star Trek and My Favorite Martian, but it was the gadgets and the idea of robots looking human. Cyborgs or Cybortronic beings. Blade Runner was taken from the book Do Androids dream of electric sheep? I always thought that was such a cool title. I wasn't much for reading Sci Fi, I took a class in high school which introduced me to Isaac Asimov, The Hugo Winners was a collection of sci fi stories that were editied by Isaac Asimov. In that book was one of my favorite stories Flowers for Algernon, by Daniel Keyes. The Man who folded himself was another interesting tale and then there is I, Robot by Isaac Asimov. I debated about getting this film. I like Will Smith, I thought the story was interesting, but I wasn't sure for some reason. Well, needless to say the film is in my collection and I'm sure I'll be viewing it again and again. It's a bit different than most sci fi movies. There's lots of dialogue, but its not boring. The special effects are top notch. Something to rival the Matrix films. Editing is on the money. Will Smith does a good job as a cop trying to figure out a murder that may or may not have been committed by a robot. He's prejudice toward robots. "Computers are like children, they only do what they are programed to do." When a computer is programed to enhance it's own programs, then we have problems. Sort of just like children. Take a look at the film if only for the effects. Keep an open mind and thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The Incredibles

I watched the film The Incredibles tonight and the special effects in this film are incredible. I didn't find it incredibly humorous, but I was just blown away by how real the set design looked. The characters have more realistic walks than most animated characters. The kids will definitely like this one. This may be the first animated film that didn't have any adult references. Maybe that's why I didn't find any humor. I do highly recommend this film. I'm still making my selection for the weeks films. As soon as I make a full selection I will post them. Thanks for stopping by. Keep an open mind.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Everything Hollywood

What's on the movie menu? I'm trying to decide which videos I want to watch. I was thinking, Mother's Boys and perhaps Death of a Centerfold, which both star Jamie Lee Curtis. Mother's Boys is a cross between, The Hand that Rocks the cradle and Fatal Attraction. Death of a Centerfold is the TV version of the Dorothy Stratton murder. Dorothy Stratton was a playboy centerfold and playmate who did a few films. Her most famous I believe is Galaxina with Avery Shriever, lots of T & A. I haven't watched She's Gotta Have in a while, that's Spike Lee's first theatrical release. Seven Years in Tibet and perhaps 12 Monkeys. That should be a nice start for the videos for next week. I watched Hollywood Homicide for the 4th time. I saw it the first time last year while in Seattle chillin' with my brah watching cable. It was quite funny and I just had to have it in my collection. That's it for now. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. Oh and I'll be working on my 100 favorite film lines.

Thursday, June 9, 2005

Let's do video

Next week I will watch a few videos, breaking away from the DVD's. I'll list the line up soon. Someone told me that there would be a special running with the 100 favorite lines from movies. I'm gonna compile my list of some of my favorite lines from movies. Some may not be printable. LOL. Tonight I watched About Schmidt for the 2nd time. The first time I saw this film my father had passed away and now I watch it almost 2 months after my mother's passing. Life is made up of the simple things. Not about all the money, you can't take it with you. It's about the here and the now. Enjoying life, and so many people miss out on that. They work and work and never get to enjoy themselves. I've known several people who retired and shortly after passed away. All the plans they had hoped to do after they retired. Waiting to travel and never getting the opportunity. Think about what it is you want to do and as soon as you can put it in motion. If you live long enough then do it again, but don't put things off. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Sharing images

From my celebrity collection - From Mahogany, Diana Ross and Anthony Perkins, I've seen this film countless times, I usually watch it once a year. It's predictable, but fun and Diana Ross designs the clothes in this film. Harry Hamlin in Making Love another yearly film, Michael Ontkean from the same film, Montgomery Clift from the film, The Big Lift, Rob Lowe, publicity photo and poster, Sean and Robin Wright Penn, I took this photo at the Seattel film festival back in 98. Two of the Wayans brothers, this is really a great picture, great lines, a little brotherly love. From one of my all time favorite films, The Breakfast Club, I've seen this film countless times and it has become a yearly film. Although Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall aren't doing such great work I still collect their films when I run across them. Alley Sheedy appeared in the 4th season of Oz as a television executive. Judd Nelson continues to play off the wall characters and Emilio Estevez continues to work in films, writing and directing as well as acting. I met Emilion at SIFF back in 96 or 97.

Monday, June 6, 2005


There are many people that will watch a movie once and rarely care to see the movie a second time. There are people that have their favorite films and look forward to seeing them when they air on television or they may have a few of them in their collection. Then there are people like me who can watch a film over and over. I try to make it a point to see certain films once a year since I have so many old films, plus new films to keep up with. LOL. Film is my life. I watched Party Monster for the 4th time tonight. It's entertaining. I have to look in my collection to see which films I have not watched. Which films haven't been opened and which films need a look see. That's enough to keep me busy. LOL. Thanks for stopping by. Keep an open mind. Why not watch a movie in your free time. Take care. Pictures will be coming soon to all journal entries and webshots. Stay tuned.

Sunday, June 5, 2005

Aladdin III

In the third installment of Aladdin, he and Jasmine finally tie the knot. Of course there is more of that Broadway showmanship and more jokes from the Genie, which is the voice if Robin Williams. The story moves better than II the Return of Jafar. The jokes are more adult oriented as most animated films of this scale seem to do. How else do you get an adult to sit down and watch a cartoon. Visuals, lots of visuals. If you sit through II then you must give III a look see. This weeks film line up will be, Party Monster, Air Force One, Hollywood Homicide, Living Out Loud and About Schmidt. Watch them along with me if they are part of your collection or you can find them at your local video store or library. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Saturday, June 4, 2005

Aladdin II, the return of Jafar

I've yet to see an animated film where the sequel is just as good as the original. Aladdin II is like a boardway musical. There are some cute catchy tunes and the animation is okay, but the story just doesn't do it for me. It's worth a look if you just want to listen to some cute tunes. Next up, Aladdin III. LOL. Yeah I know, but I have to do it. Thanks for stopping by. Check out Party Monster if you haven't already or see it again. It's my Monday night selection and then I'll list my movies for next week.

Thursday, June 2, 2005

The cycle of life

There are things that happen to us when we are younger that stick with us as adults. Unless of course we seek therapy because we find we are harboring feelings or desires that we don't understand. A few weeks ago the Ira Glass show, This American Life, talked about us not being able to choose our parents. Most of us at some point think that there is a posibility that we are adopted. We don't seem to fit in with our families or they don't understand us, so what other reason could there be? There are many people that don't get the chance to say what is on their minds to the people it needs to be said to. One way to deal with this is to write a letter to that person. If you can mail it do so, if not you'll feel some relief because you have allowed the words to come out.

In the film The Mother, we see a family struggling to succeed. Trying to please their parents and competing against each other. A lonely mother that finds what she's been missing and goes after it at any cost. The film is very visual. It stars Anne Reid and Daniel Craig. It's worth a look. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.


Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Oz 4th Season

This weeks movies include, The Mother, Eulogy, Being Julia. I'm about to watch the last episode of Oz the 4th season. The writing and acting is great. It's good to see the actors that have become a part of this ground breaking series. Michael Wright, Luke Perry, Method Man, and Treach just to name a few. Being Julia is a great film that stars Annette Bening. She really deserved the Oscar nomination for her role as an actress, who acts on and off the stage. An actor of life as I call it. Of course sometimes it can be confusing. You have to separate the real from the unreal. Eulogy is a comedy about a very dysfunctional family that discovers a secret about their father and themselves, as they come together to plan the funeral. It's funny how we don't find out things until a person is really sick or passes away. The secrets of life. The next group of films will include, Hercules, Aladdin, Aladdin II and III and Dahmer. See if you can locate them at your favorite video store. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.