Thursday, December 31, 2009

Last post for the year

I’ve watched quite a few movies this year. I only went to the theater once, maybe twice. I don’t remember if Knowing was this year or last year. I could have gone without seeing it. I do remember the film worth seeing was 2012. It was worth the price of a ticket. I saw Precious and The Blindside which were both surprisingly good. I will watch Precious again because I feel the hype has played out and I can give it a better viewing. Monique may get nominated for an Oscar, but whether or not she brings it home is another story. Of course last year everyone made a big deal over Slumdog Millionaire and it was a good film, but there were films that were better. Anything is possible in the world of entertainment.
Here’s a list of films that I did see and my rating. ***** must see /**** has moments’ *** You have to like one of the stars/ ** wait for the DVD /* view at your own risk
The Interview ***
The Visitor *****
Sunshine Cleaning ****
2012 ****
Precious ****
Paradise Now *****
Waltz With Bashir ****
Cadillac Records *****
Atonement *****
Rachel Getting Married ****
Grey Gardens *****
The Secret Life of Bees ****
W. *****
Nixon / Frost *****
The Keys to the House ****
Riligulous ****
Doubt ****
Spinning Butter ***
Far North *****
The Golden Door ****
Fireproof ****

Thanks for stopping by and do come back in the new year.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Catching up on film

I've watched quite a few films recently that were really great. I enjoyed Johnny Depp in Sweeny Todd, but yesterday I saw a film called Far North that was just jaw dropping. Set amongst the Tundra, the glaciers and emptiness adds to the power story.
The film was beautifully shot by Roman Osin and directed by Asif Kapadia. The film is truly a work of art. There is very little dialogue, but the film flows well and the back story can be figured out. The film has some predictability, but it does have a surprise ending. If you love film this film is a must see. The film stars Michelle Yeoh, Sean Bean and Michelle Krusiec. It's a film about survival, passion and revenge.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

D's Wonderful World of Movies II

Sometimes I’ll see movies based upon a friend recommendations. Sometimes I’ll pick up a film because a star that I like appears in the film. Then there are times that the title or if its ground breaking then I want to see what all the hoopla is all about. Conversation(s) with other women is an interesting film, and groundbreaking in the fact that it was made entirely on a Mac computer. Now this intrigued me since I have been making short videos on my laptop using Windows Movie Maker. Everyone keeps telling me I should get a Mac, but until I find that there is something I want to do and it can’t be done on my computer, then I have no reason to switch.

Conversations with other women, well it’s a two character film. There is only one conversation with one other woman so I guess the title does hold up. I had to think about that because last night it was like, “What is up with the title?” The film stars Aaron Eckhart ( I first saw him in the film, In The Company of Men) and Helena Boham Carter. The two actors work well together in this film of past lovers meeting again and one appears to still be in love with the other. Almost the entire film is shot on split screen which is done quite well. Other films usually use the technique in a particular scene, but once you get used to it, it works in this film. Just for the experimental purpose and anyone interested in making movies, I recommend this film.

Music within stars Ron Livingston, Melissa George and Michael Sheen. It’s based on a true story about Richard Pimentel, who lost his hearing in a bomb blast and fought for the rights of disabled Veterans and others with disabilities. Michael Sheen is incredible as the best friend Art, who is bound by a wheel chair. It’s a film that makes you think.

I also watched James Dean for the third time which stars James Franco who bears an uncanny resemblance to the iconic actor. There are some scene where you think you’re actually watching James Dean. The story has been told many times and played by many actors, but I feel Martin Sheen gave the best performance up until this version with James Franco. If you haven’t seen this film I’d give it a look see.

Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Come back again soon.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

D's wonderful world of movies!

It’s no secret that I love movies; they are an integral part of my life. I try to see as many new films as I can, but I prefer to buy movies instead of renting them or going to the theater. There are certain films that need to be seen on the big screen and that’s when I make an exception and go to the theater for a different experience. I prefer going to the earliest show possible so I’m not bombarded with the audience participation.

It used to be that the stereo type was that black people talked back to the screen, but now everyone wants to get in on the act. I just like to sit and watch a movie and if it makes me laugh great and if I have to shriek then so be it, but no one is there that knows me. LOL.

I really love movies and have sat through films that most critics will walk out on. I feel anyone who makes a film and gets it released deserves an audience and if I paid my money then I’m going to see it all the way through. Sometimes when you see it from start to finish the film makes sense. If it doesn’t then you share an experience that most people have passed up. I was fortunate to have experienced the film festival experience in Seattle and in New Orleans. You get to see those films that don’t get released. There are still many films I talk about that no one has a clue what I am talking about unless they were at the festival. This past week I watched five films that I had been wanting to see, but didn’t get around to it. They will stay with me, but I don’t think I will add them to my collection. Of course I’ve said that before and then I find a film at a good price and I bring it home with me. LOL.

The Keys to the House stars Kim Rossi Stuart, Andrea Rossi and Charlotte Rampling. It’s an interesting film as we go deep into the world of disabilities. The fears and embarrassment that people go through when dealing with someone that can’t really take care of themselves. It’s a story of compassion and love. It’s a story of self discovery. Sometimes we tell ourselves we can’t do something and then we are put in a situation and we find out yes we can.
This is a foreign language film, but even if you don’t like reading subtitles you can get the gist of the story. It is truly something everyone should see. There are language barriers that all of the characters face which adds to the fact that we can all have a disability at some point in our lives if we are put in a different environment.

Revolutionary Road was not the film I was expecting. I am a big fan of Leonardo DiCarpio and I was psyched about him and Kate Winslet being on the screen together again, but the film fell short of my expectations. Both actors are incredible, but I didn’t feel the film moved at a fast enough pace for me. There were some great moments and Kate Winslet looked stunning in the costumes, but I wanted more. Perhaps I will watch it again. Sometimes when a film doesn’t meet the expectations from the hype you miss out on some things. So I will give it another look just in case I change my mind.

The Reader on the other hand was very interesting. It was not what I was expecting and so I really enjoyed the film. The Reader had a personal and profound effect on me because of a similar experience. It’s funny how people can change our lives and how we view and participate in relationships. Kate Winslet speaks volumes without uttering a word in this beautifully shot film of an illiterate woman who needs stimulation from the mind and the body. The film shows just how erotic reading a book can be. A lot of people miss out on that particular experience. The film also stars, David Kross, Lena Olin and Ralph Fiennes as the grown up reader.

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

The art of film

Revolutionary Road - I am a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and the previews for the film looked great. Leo and Kate were great in Titanic and the promos pushed on the reunion of the two actors. The film which is directed by Sam Mendes came across as being slow moving. It has moments, but it wasn’t until the last twenty minutes that I felt the film really had some substance. Leonardo shows a lot of emotion, but I still hold Basketball Diaries as my second best Leo film after What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. Departed brings out a great performance from Leo and I need to watch Gangs of New York to see if I still feel the same way about the film. Romeo and Juliet and Titanic have recently been reinstated into my top 200 films.

If you are a fan of Leonardo or Kate Winslet then you will probably enjoy Revolutionary Road. Kathy Bates also stars as a real estate worker and friend to the Wheelers, played by Leo and Kate. Dylan Baker, Michael Shannon and Max Cassella of Dougie Howser fame appear in the film.

The film is set in the 1950’s when values were different and the roles of Men and Women were different than the way they are today. I must say both actors look great in the costumes.

Check the film out for yourself.

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Come back again soon.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Movies in New Orleans

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. There have been many films that have been made in, about and around New Orleans. Most of the films are rather quirky, B style movies. With the exception of A Street Car Named Desire and I think Jazebel, but films that were made after I was old enough to appreciate films weren’t so good. Jeopardy opened a door of better made films, but still there were some things that you would never see in New Orleans. When it rains, you won’t find a crowd of people with umbrellas unless they are at a bus stop or in a second line. The umbrellas would be sporadic. We don’t have meetings in cemeteries unless there is probably a drug deal or you are actually on the tour. You certainly won’t meet late at night. Interview with a Vampire changed everything and then there was Runaway Jury which I thought was interesting. I’ve always thought that if I would do a documentary I’d like to do one on all of the places in New Orleans that were used in films.

In any event, Benjamin Button is a good film. It’s interesting and the story flows very well. New Orleans always looks good on film and its been the inspiration for many of my great photographs.

I wasn’t expecting some of the back stories in NOLA, but I had figured out the front story. I glad that the background story was very subtle. It gave me some ideas for my story.

I highly recommend The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

I’m watching Charlie Rose as I write this with Quentin Tarantino. Quentin is one of the greatest writers around. I love the way he handles dialogue and it is the way that I like to write. I feel what people have to say is important, but I can be very descriptive and I know people can speak volumes without saying a word.

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Friday, July 3, 2009

4th of July movie fest weekend

Last night I watched Shadow Hours a film which starred Balthazar Getty, Peter Weller , Peter Greene, Brad Dourif and Rebecca Gayheart. It’s about the seedy side of life and desperation to make changes and conquer boredom.

Tonight I will watch Natural Born Killers. It has been a long time since I’ve seen this film with Woody Harrelson, Juliet Lewis and Robert Downey, Jr.

Over the weekend I will do an Airport marathon. Beginning with Airport starring Dean Martin and then Airport ‘75 with Karen Black. Ending with Airport ‘77 and The Concorde ‘79.

I realize there is nothing patriotic about these films, but the selection was made based upon my mood. I'll probably watch Platoon, Casualties of War and Full Metal Jacket in a few weeks. I might even throw in Independence Day.

Hope you have a happy and safe 4th of July. Send out good Karma to our soldiers fighting the battle.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Come back again soon.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A change of heart

It is no secret to people who know me that I love movies. I live movies. It’s a wonder I’m not a film critic to get paid for watching films. LOL. Because film is an art sometimes I may not like a film entirely, but there are actors or scenes that make it all worthwhile. I watched Blood Diamond for a second time the other night. When I first saw the film I wasn’t really crazy about it. I’m a big fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and I’ve seen almost everything he’s done. There are only two films that are not a part of my DVD collection, The Quick and the Dead and his last film. Black Diamond also stars Djimon Hounsou and I was really drawn into the film this time. That’s the reason I watch certain films at certain times. I need to be in the right frame of mind. Sometimes I’ll read a review or see a critic talk about a film and I like to make those decisions for myself. I won’t always run out to see a film when it opens, I’ll wait for the DVD. Then there are times that I want to see the film and don’t care what anyone has to say or if it’s a blockbuster. If it has the right stars or I like the premise then I might check it out. If you haven’t seen Black Diamond check it out. It’s a great film and Leonardo gives an incredible performance as does Djimon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Catching up on the movies

Now that the season finale’s have all taken place I’m catching up on my movie watching. I watched two of Spike Lee’s films that I hadn’t seen in quite some time. Do The Right Thing and Mo Better Blues. It’s interesting that as we get older and we go back and see things we’ve seen before we have a different view on them. Things we didn’t like we seem to appreciate and things we were so crazy about don’t have the same impact. Spike Lee has done a lot for film and the way blacks are depicted and can experience the medium. He’s also been an inspiration for other film makers. Spike will be honored at this years Seattle International Film Festival.

I watched Pinero and Capote in hopes that it would inspire me to write and it did. Both films are unique in their telling of these two different writers.

Body Shots is an interesting film of dating and did something happen or didn’t it? The film stars Sean Patrick Flannery, Emily Proctor, Ron Livingston, Amanda Peet and Brad Rowe. It has moments and is worth a look.

“O” was an interesting retelling of the Shakespeare tale of Othello. The film stars Josh Harnett, Mekhi Pfifer, Martin Sheen, Andrew Keegan, Julia Stiles and Rain Phoenix. The story is set inside a school and the rivalry on the basketball court takes center stage. It’s definitely worth a look to see these talented actors shine.

Bringing Down the House stars Steve Martin and Queen Latifah in a laugh out loud comedy about a tax lawyer who meets a woman online and finds out she isn’t who he thought she was. Steve Martin and Queen Latifah are at their best as well as Eugene Levy.

Thanks for stopping by; and do come back again.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Movies, movies, movies

I am a film lover, but there are still many, many movies that I have not had the chance to see. Of course some films I haven’t seen because I really didn’t want too or there was someone in the film that I just wasn’t a big fan.

I've been watching films that I haven't seen before. There are still a lot of films that I haven't seen. I really had no interest in seeing them or I didn't like who was in the film. That's always a big factor. There are certain stars I will go to see in a film and others I won't bother.

This weekend I watched, Grease, I wasn't a big fan of John Travolta or Olivia Newton John and I wasn't interested in the storyline. After watching the film its okay. It has moments, but some of the songs slow the film down. I am a fan of Stockard Channing and Jeff Conaway, but their musical numbers didn't work for me. Stockard Channing has made some films that moved her up in the acting world, but Jeff Conaway after Taxi seemed to only worked downward. He appeared in a few films one which I liked only because it dealt with fashion was Covergirl. Jeff Conaway plays a guy where money is no expense and falls in love with a cover girl. John Travolta’s career escalated with the success of Grease and he’s till on top of his acting game.

The other film I watched was 9 to 5 with Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin and Dabney Coleman. Ren Woods has a small non speaking part in this film. I decided to watch this film since its been turned into a musical. I saw a preview of one of the numbers on The View. Someone gave the movie to me last year so I opened the wrapper and gave it a look see. It was a good movie and made me think about the work place. It’s been almost 9 years since I’ve been a part of corporate America. I may have to step through those doors again.

Next up was Happiness, This was somewhat a disturbing film that starred the then unknown, Philip Seymour Hoffman. Lara Flynn Boyle, Cynthia Stevenson, Louise Lasser, Ben Gazzara, Dylan Baker and Elizabeth Ashley. The film captures the illusion of what some people consider happiness and what it really is all about. The film shows how some people are just so caught up in themselves that they don’t see what’s happening right in front of them. The film makes you think about the people around you. There are some disturbing images, but the film is worth a look. This is my third time watching the film. It is a part of the collection on VHS.

The last film I watched rounding out the weekend was The Patriot which stars Mel Gibson and the late Heath Ledger. It's a long film at 163 minutes, but it moves which is always a good thing. I really enjoyed the film which revolves around the battle between the Blue coats and the Red Coats. The film also stars Chris Cooper, (American Beauty, Adaptation) Rene Auberjonois, (The Lloyd Bridges look alike, The Eyes of Laura Mars) Jason Isaacs and Tom Wilkinson, (The Governess, The Full Monty).

Thanks for stopping by and do come back again.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Feet

I watched the film Happy Feet last night. It was by an accidental choice. The room where I normally watch movies were very hot and I didn’t want to turn on the air because I’m trying to save money. Anyway, I decided to watch TV in the guest bedroom which is a lot cooler since the sun had already passed on that side. That room rarely gets a lot of sun which is great. Its also where I make my office. So I decided to watch the movie because I also wanted to see 20/20.
I’ve always said that animation isn’t always for children. The characters are cute, but the adventures and innuendos aren’t for the little ones. I realize now that it’s a good way to get a parent and child to have a conversation. Its not always the conversation that the parent is expecting, but it’s a conversation just the same.

I remember one time I was watching a program with a friend of mine and her young son and the three legged man came out. He wanted to know where the man’s thing was. Well that was an interesting conversation.

Happy Feet is a cute film on many levels. I laughed and I felt sorry for the little creatures. It’s a story about being different and trying to be accepted. It’s a story of humans and nature. We have to make a conscious effort to realize what we are doing to each other. It doesn’t matter if it will help solve global warming or not. We are just hurting ourselves. We rely too much on technology and we don’t do things for ourselves. We have become consumed by stuff. Stuff that we can’t take with us. We are not Egyptians so we are not going to be buried with it.
Think about the people that have gone through major disasters. If you were in that situation, what would you grab first? In some cases you can’t grab anything. Sometimes the frame of mind isn’t thinking about that so you know what is really important.

I knew Happy Feet was going to get serious when the Guru was wearing the plastic device that is used to hold six packs. This was not a fashion statement. For some people not leaving their own backyard they don’t get to see what is around them. There are many people that don’t walk to the park or check out their neighborhoods. If you did then you could see the debris in the street that might go into a drain the minute a strong wind or hard rain comes along. You can see the candy wrappers or water bottles floating in the lake.

Check out the film if you want a few good laughs. It’s great fund despite the heavy message lurking in the ice.

Check out the above links if you haven’t already. Watch for new links.

Time to get back to reality. Rebuilding my life, one step at a time.
Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. What is meant to be…

Monday, April 20, 2009

2001: A Space Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick’s film which came about from a four year collaboration writer Arthur C. Clarke. I was just a kid when this film was released and I really wasn’t interesting in films about outer space, but I was always curious as to what was out there. I love looking up at the stars and the moon. Even the sun had a profound affect on me as a kid.
The music and visuals move this film like all of Kubrick’s films. He’s very visual and sexual. The film is clean, and the lines are crisp.
Most people let their imaginations wander from time to time. (See my imagination run wild in the above drawing)
You ask yourself what if… there are many people that were inspired by the film. Just about everything in the film has come to reality. We have talking computers. We’re spending more time in space, we have video phones, tracking devices. Scanning devices from eyes, voice and fingerprints. There’s the Internet that has made it such a relevant way to stay in touch, do business and meet new people. What was once thought of as science fiction is now the reality of science.

Check out the above links if you haven’t already. Watch for new links.

Time to get back to reality. Rebuilding my life, one step at a time.
Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. What is meant to be…

Friday, April 3, 2009


I wanted to see this film since it starred Kirk Cameron and it seemed like it might be a good film. It was interesting. I think it would be classified as a Christian film. There could have been a little more action and some of the actors appeared to be first timers. A few of Kirk's better scenes were actually cut. If you're a fan of Kirk's I'm sure you'll enjoy the film. It's focuses on couples trying to safe their marraiges and that no one is perfect and things happen in all relationships. Even the relationship one may have with a higher power. We have to look within ourselves to find the answers to all of our problems.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I went to the movies finally. Although I’m watching every penny, I just fest I should treat myself. I wanted to see Knowing because from the preview I had seen last time I went to the movies, it looked like a film I would enjoy. I’m not a big fan of Nicholas Cage, but I have enjoyed a few of his films, especially Leaving Las Vegas and Adaptation. The premise of tragic events being recalculated was intriguing, but the alien part was a bit much. The special effects are top notch, but unlike Day After Tomorrow, which was a more realistic depiction of things to come. I don’t see Aliens coming down to rescue us from global warming or the decay of the planet.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


When I first saw the Stanley Kubrick film I was instantly drawn to the film. It had a lot to do with the dialogue. As a writer I pay attention to the way people talk. Sometimes my stories almost seem like scripts. It just depends on the mood and the characters involved. When I read Eyes Wide Open, it turned out that Lolita is not one of Kubrick’s favorite films. Artist are their own worst critic. We know what works and we are harder on ourselves and sometimes we put things out just because we feel that we have to. Sometimes its done on purpose to see what others have to say. Sometimes we get fooled because people like what we’ve done even when we feel it isn’t complete or we didn’t give 100%.

Lolita is quite a long film as are most of Kubrick’s films. It’s a great cast and I think the film is better than the remake that was made with Jeremy Irons. The only Kubrick film I don’t have in my collection is Dr. No. I vaguely remember seeing it when I was younger, but for some reason it didn’t stay with me as did A Clock Work Orange which is my favorite Kubrick film.

I’ll add more links soon.

Time to get back to reality. Rebuilding my life, one step at a time.
Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. What is meant to be…

Monday, March 9, 2009

When The Levees Broke

I finally made myself watch the documentary by Spike Lee of the traumatic aftermath of Katrina. I had been putting off watching the DVD that I had borrowed from a friend until I felt I was ready. I wasn’t sure what type of emotions would come out of watching the documentary, but I’ve done a good job at getting myself over that hurdle. By not blocking things out I can deal with things that bring back the memories of that week of being in NOLA.

The documentary gives me a different perspective on the days that followed and the views of celebrities who are from NOLA and their families along with some average people and politicians. The documentary also captured how some of the stories were escalated into incidents that didn’t actually take place. It also caught people in the act of looting for survival and out of stupidity. It was understandable when you heard someone stole water, clothing, food, diapers, etc., but it made no sense to see someone stealing a television when there was no power. In times of disaster people don’t always think clearly. There were many mentally disabled people roaming around the city. Their medications had run out and there was nothing that anyone could do.

When the Levees Broke is a 3 disc DVD told in four acts with two additional segments.
The DVD includes, Spike Lee’s commentary which is optional. Phyllis Mouton LeBlanc, Wendell Pierce, Terrence Blanchard, C. Ray Nagin, Louella Givens, Dale Girard, Sean Penn, Fred Johnson, and many others. The DVD doesn’t sugar coat anything, even from the people that are talking.

I’ll add more links soon.

Time to get back to reality. Rebuilding my life, one step at a time.
Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. What is meant to be…

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Best Man

I’ve always liked this film, perhaps because it deals with a writer who writes about his friends and it deals with some underlying issues. It’s a great ensemble cast of some of Hollywood’s brightest black stars, Taye Diggs, Sanaa Lathan, Terrence Howard, Nia Long, Harold Perinneau, and Morris Chestnut. It’s a film in which I can relate to what the main character is going through. If you like any of the stars mentioned, I’m sure you will enjoy this film and it has a great soundtrack.

I’ll add more links soon.

Time to get back to reality. Rebuilding my life, one step at a time.
Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. What is meant to be…

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Color Purple

I decided to watch this film since I hadn’t seen it in a long time. Most of the movies in my top 200, I try to watch once a year. As I get older and my experiences change I see certain films differently. I’ve always had a connection with film, but rarely would I get emotional about a film. I remember as a kid watching the Wizard of Oz and having fear when Dorothy was carried away by the flying monkey. I remembered being scared by Blacula and Michael Myers, but it wasn’t until Less Than Zero that I could really relate to someone dying. I was a kid the first time anyone close to me had passed and it wasn’t something I had experienced before. It didn’t have a big impact on me. I would be an adult by the time anyone I had a bond with would pass away.

The Color Purple is based on the Pulitzer Prize winning book by Author Alice Walker. It brought to the surface issues that many black people just didn’t talk about.

The film received much praise and various awards. It launched the film career of Whoopi Goldberg. This is a must see film for anyone who likes movies and those fans of Whoopi Goldberg. The film was directed by Steven Spielberg who also directed the film Amistad.

I’ll add more links soon.

Time to get back to reality. Rebuilding my life, one step at a time.
Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. What is meant to be…

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Oscars

I haven't seen a lot of the Oscar nominated films. In fact, the only film I know for sure is The Dark Knight. I have other films I've been watching and I've been trying to watch my pennies. I'm sure I'll buy some of the films when they are available, but in the mean time I catch up on some films I missed. I still haven't sat down to watch Spike Lee's Documentary When The Levees Broke. I hope to do that this weekend and I have another film I need to watch called The Trip to Bountiful. These films are not part of my collection so I need to watch them so I can return them to their owner.

Last night I watched the last 15 minutes of a documentary on Billy Strayharn who was very instrumental in Duke Ellington's success. Its interesting how the people behind the scenes sometimes go unnoticed. I didn't know a lot about Billy Strayharn, and he doesn't show up in a lot of books. I'll have to do some research and see if I can find this documentary. I also have a documentary on Miles Davis that I need to watch. A film on the life of Billy Strayhard would be very interesting and a great role for the right actor.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday the 13th

I had debated since I saw the first commercial for the first film whether or not it was a remake or a new film. I was planning to see if since it was from the same people behind the remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre which I truly enjoyed. As the day got closer I wasn’t sure if it was a remake or a new film and then finally the midday news spot on films opening for the weekend said it was a remake. I’m not sure if they got it right because it did show Jason with a hockey mask and Jason didn’t get the mask until the third installment of the film. After Jason took Manhattan I was fed up with him. There were rumors when that there would be 13 films before Jason would be killed. You tend to lose something after a while.

Last night I had my own marathon of sorts. I watched Friday the 13th followed by Part III which was filmed in 3D and then ending with The final chapter which the ending is my favorite. It’s Corey Feldman looking like a young Jason from a newspaper clipping of an artist rendering of what the last survivor of the first film thought the boy looked like. Crispin Glover is also featured in this one. There were many killings that were similar to the first and third film. The arrow in the eye, a piercing through the neck while someone laid in bed. One day I’ll probably add Part II to my collection since it also had an interesting ending with Amy Steel pretending to be Jason’s mother by donning the old sweater and speaking as if she were channeling Mrs. Voohries.

I think Jason has certainly killed more people that Michael Myers or Freddie Kruger, but it has gone too far. What drugs does he take so that he can endure such pain? Then he was killed and resurrected… Then he took on Freddie Kruger, that was certainly just a way to get some money. LOL.

Some of us love to be scared, but the scariness isn’t what it used to be. It’s more gruesome then chilling. We turn out head instead of jumping or shrieking. They don’t make them liked they used too.

Halloween still remains my all time favorite horror film, with H2O coming in 2nd.

I’ll add more links soon.

Time to get back to reality. Rebuilding my life, one step at a time.
Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. What is meant to be…

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Black Cinema, Black History

Coffy - My favorite of all of Pam Grier’s films and the film that launched her career and gave her the title of the Queen of Blaxploitation films. Coffy is the story of a nurse who takes revenge on the drug pushers who got her little sister hooked on smack. It’s a no holds barred retaliation film on getting back when the system doesn’t seem to work.
I think of all of the films of this era this one still hold up quite well.

A Soldiers Story - Another film with a stellar black male cast that includes, Howard Rollins and Adolph Caesar. It involves an investigation into the death of a black soldier. Patti Labelle also makes an appearance as the singer in the bar.

Claudine - James Earl Jones and Diahann Carroll bring this film about a mother with several kids living on welfare to life. It was a love story for the time.

Menace II Society - Larenz Tate gives the performance of a lifetime in this tale of two friends looking for a way to make it in the world. The film also stars Jada Pinkett. This is one of my top 200 films.

School Daze -My favorite Spike Lee film. The musical numbers are a little long, but it’s a great story set in the weekend of Hell week at a fictitious black college. The cast includes Lawrence Fishburne, Spike Lee, Kadeem Hardison, Jasmine Guy, Tisha Campbell, Giancarlo Espisito, and Joi Lee among other up and coming stars of that time.

Do The Right Thing - Another Spike Lee film, I had issues with the films message when I first saw the film. It’s very controversial and makes you think. The film stars Spike’s usual players which have become a staple with him as with other famous film directors.

Get on the Bus - This is my second best Spike Lee film. It’s the story of a bus load of black men heading to the Million Man March which was put on by Louis Farakan. I think Spike captures the various images of a black man as they try to understand themselves and each other.

The Feast of All Saints - This film was adapted from the novel by Anne Rice and it deals with race relations among blacks in Louisiana. It gives us an insight on the Octoroon balls which were so famous. It’s an all star cast including, Ben Vareen, Pam Grier, and Jasmine Guy.

Eve’s Bayou - This film as I’ve written before assembles a black cast of some of Hollywood’s most beautiful women. Lynn Whitfield, Diahann Carroll and Debbi Morgan. It’s truly an interesting tale of a local doctor and the love of his daughter and his female patients.

Also check out: Cornbread, Earl and Me, Juice, Jungle Fever, Scream Blacula Scream, and Buck and the Preacher.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Black History

I’m not going to get into the fact that it’s the shortest month of the year. I’ve written about it before and every day some black person is making history.
Here are some movies that I recommend for those of you that really like film. As much as I do.

Carmen Jones - The musical of the famous Opera, features an all black cast, starring: Dorothy Dandridge, Harry Belafonte, Pearl Bailey, Diahann Carroll, Olga James and Joe Adams. Dorothy Dandridge was the first black actress to be nominated in a starring role. The film is directed by the then controversial director, Otto Preminger and music by Roger Hammerstein. It’s a must see film.

Ray - Which stars Academy award winner Jaimie Foxx for his portrayal of the legendary singer Ray Charles. The majority of this film was shot on location in New Orleans.

Dream Girls - The musical based on the Broadway play of the same name which was loosely based on the singing group The Supremes. Jennifer Hudson won an Oscar for her role as Effie White, the singer with the voice, but just not the look.

Sparkle - Another film about the music industry surrounding three sisters from New York who have talent, but the times create obstacles for them. The film stars Phillip Michael Thomas, Irene Cara, Lonette McKee, Dawn Smith, Mary Alice, Dorian Harewood and Tony King. Features a great sound track and a must see film.

Cooley High - The ultimate party film about High School antics and getting laid in Chicago in the early 60’s. The film stars Lawrence Hilton Jacobs and Glynne Turman.

Blacula - The first film that I know of to feature a black vampire. Part of the Blaxploitation films of the 70’s, the film starred the great stage actor, William Marshall. Also starred Denise Nichols from the television show Room 222, Thalmus Rusalus, and Vonetta McKee. It’s a little bit campy, but interesting as Dracula curses Mamawaldi for not letting Dracula have his wife. He in turns bites Mamawaldi turning him into Blacula.

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Time to get back to reality. Rebuilding my life, one step at a time.
Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. What is meant to be…

Monday, January 26, 2009


I’ve always been fascinated by animation. I guess a lot of it has to do with drawing at an early age. One of my favorite television shows was The Flintstones which was actually a cartoon for adults, but I liked it. I’m sure as a kid there were things that went over my head, but for the most part it was entertaining. The other television show that I really enjoyed was Johnny Quest, it was also the first cartoon to have a character of color. When it came to movies, Disney had the market, but they were typical fairytales brought to life. When I saw Akira, that changed my view on animation, but a couple of years later Disney came out with the Lion King. It just blew me away. Now my favorite is The Prince of Egypt. I then had to make a choice, but it was difficult so I came up with three categories. My favorite anime film is Akira. My favorite animal animation is The Lion King and my favorite animation film is The Prince of Egypt with Road To El Dorado coming in 2nd. CGI animation Beowulf gets the top spot and Pixel has Toy Story and Monsters Inc. One day I hope to be able to make my own animated or stop motion film. It does take a lot of time.

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