Sunday, September 13, 2009

The art of film

Revolutionary Road - I am a fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and the previews for the film looked great. Leo and Kate were great in Titanic and the promos pushed on the reunion of the two actors. The film which is directed by Sam Mendes came across as being slow moving. It has moments, but it wasn’t until the last twenty minutes that I felt the film really had some substance. Leonardo shows a lot of emotion, but I still hold Basketball Diaries as my second best Leo film after What’s Eating Gilbert Grape. Departed brings out a great performance from Leo and I need to watch Gangs of New York to see if I still feel the same way about the film. Romeo and Juliet and Titanic have recently been reinstated into my top 200 films.

If you are a fan of Leonardo or Kate Winslet then you will probably enjoy Revolutionary Road. Kathy Bates also stars as a real estate worker and friend to the Wheelers, played by Leo and Kate. Dylan Baker, Michael Shannon and Max Cassella of Dougie Howser fame appear in the film.

The film is set in the 1950’s when values were different and the roles of Men and Women were different than the way they are today. I must say both actors look great in the costumes.

Check the film out for yourself.

Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Come back again soon.

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