Sunday, August 28, 2005

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Last night I did watch Who framed Roger Rabbit? I've seen the movie twice. This is a great piece of animation and live action. This is however, not a film for children. It is enjoyable and gets silly at times. I find Roger to be annoying, but Jessica was the bomb. I also watched an Anime film that is definitely only for adults. Private Pyscho Lessons, this animated film is filled with sex. I'm gonna try to watch something tonight as long as power holds up. I don't think I'll watch The Perfect Storm since they are calling Katrina the perfect storm. Nature can be so beautiful and so destructive at the same time. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Something the Lord made

Something the Lord made is a powerful film based on the true story of Vivien Thomas and Dr. Alfred Balock. The two got together to form the first heart surgery. Vivien, who got his name because his mother was sure she was going to have a girl. Was the son of a carpenter and he took up the trade, but he and his father had high expectations. Vivien wanted to become a doctor. He married young and started a family once he got a job assisting Dr. Balock and later moved at the doctor's request to work with him at John Hopkins. Although the film probably sugar coated things a bit, I'm sure the struggle was a tough one. This is a touching film that many can relate to. We all have obstacles in our lives. It is up to us to push them out of the way. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Clara's Heart

For most of you, Dougie Howser was your first glimpse of Neil Patrick Harris, but it was Clara's Heart with Whoopi Goldberg, Kathleen Quinlan and Michael Ontkean that introduced us to this young actor. The film is about love, neglect, adolescence and learning to be happy. It's a slow moving film, but it does hold your interest. Tonight I will watch Who framed Roger Rabbit or Dancing at the Blue Iguana. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Vera Drake

The world is filled with hustlers, cons, theives and politicians trying to get something for nothing. The Grifters is that sort of film. This film, directed by Stephen Frear stars, Angelica Huston, John Cusack and Annette Bening. It's not a bad film and the performances are good. Lots of nudity on the part of Miss Bening. If you haven't seen this film, give it a look see.

Vera Drake,Wow! This film is incredible. We all have our views on whether or not a fetus is a living human being or not. We all have different views on keeping secrets from people we care about. In Vera we find a woman who from her own personal experiences, decides to help young girls out. I don't want to give any of the film away so you're gonna have to watch this one. It may stir some emotions, but that's the beauty of film. Give it a look see, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Movie recommendations

Here are some film recommendations if you're looking for something to help you past the time or to make you think. Get Real a high school student deals with being gay. Barbershop, known as the black man's social club, conversation, deals, betrayal and fun make this an interesting film. Part 2 is worth a look. Bent, two men deal with lies, death, love, sex, and betrayal inside a Nazi concentration camp. Clive Owen, Ian McKellan, Lothaire Bluteau and Mick Jagger star. The Prince of Egypt, one of my favorite animated films, which tells the story of Moses. The animation is spectacular. Eldorado is another excellent tale. Check them out if you get a chance. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Sea Inside

I watched this film starring Javier Bardem, which is based on a true story. This is not a film I would have bought for my collection. It was a good film and quite educational. I am so glad I did not have to go through this. The film deals with a person's right to die. Ramon Sampedro was the first Spaniard to fight for his right to die with dignity. It was a 30 year campaign that was not acknowledged by the court. He got a group of friends together and they set everything up. Sort of like the Event except there was no party and he died alone, by using cyanide. Death and the right to die is another issue that the church always seems to step in and then the government doesn't want to seem like a rebel so they don't want to do the wrong thing. We as a people are slowly losing our rights. This is a tear jerker for those of you that get emotional. If you've ever been in a position to take care of someone that is ill or feel you might be in that position, I highly recommend this film. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Lord of the Flies

I wrote the wrong name of the author of Lord of the Flies. It is Sir William Golding. I was thinking about something else I guess. it happens.

Brown Sugar

Great film that takes hip hop and uses it as a metaphor for relationships. It's really a cool film, starring, Taye Diggs, Sanaa Lathan, Queen Latifah and Mos Def. This film shows how people put others in categories. How the one true love is right in front of our face, but our fears and blindness stop some of us for going after it. If you haven't seen this film, give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lord of the Flies

The film is based on the novel by Sir William S Burroughs. I read the book when I was a freshman in High School. The remake is interesting, but the 1960, b/w version is classic. I've watched the remake more times because of Balthazaar Getty. He was a good actor as a kid, but after the film Where the day takes you, I'm not sure what happened. In between he became a model of Gianni Versace and then he gained weight and he ends up in these obscure roles. I must admit that Shadow Hours is a guilty pleasure, I've seen it many times. It's one of those films that I watch once a year. Read the book, Lord of the Flies and then watch both movies if you've never done so. Watch them in order, b/w before color. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Life can be a drag

Patti Labelle was the first entertainer that brought the term drag to the hetrosexual community, but before RuPaul there was Sylvester. Sylvester's appearance mimicked that of Patti Labelle before her extreme makeover. In the films Jawanna Mann and Boat Trip we get to see men transform into something to gain the attention and affections of someone else. It's nothing new for men to dress as women. It started with Shakespeare, well with the English actually. Women weren't allowed to act and some men had to play the roles of the women characters. The first actors I ever saw in drag I believe were Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis in the comedy Some Like it Hot with sex goddess, Marilyn Monroe. The next memorable performance was that of Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie. Now there is Jawanna Mann and Boat Trip. Almost every actor in Hollywood has dawned drag at some point. Eddie Murphy. Chris Rock, Arsenio Hall, Kurt Russell, Jim Carrey, and Philip Wilson, who brought us the famous Geraldine. Both Jawanna Mann and Boat Trip have some funny moments. If you get a chance, check them out. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

The con game, the grift, the hustle but... Dirty Rotten Scoundrels stars Steve Martin, Michael Caine and Glenn Headley in a comical farce about getting over on people. The con works best on lonely or impatient people. Anyone who wants to think they are getting something for nothing or desperate for money can be conned. As I've written previously, this film is now a play on Broadway. It may be interesting, but some things just should be left alone. Unless you're a real fan of Steve Martin or Michael Caine, you may not enjoy this film. I have a tendency to like the quirky films, the films that other people just pass by in the video stores. I'm always looking for something different. Something to make me think. I prefer dark comedies to laugh out loud funny. Life is not a bowl of cherries. It may start out that way, but eventually the bowl gets empty. Then you have to start all over. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. I think tonight I may watch Who framed Roger Rabbit or Cool World.

Friday, August 19, 2005


My favorite Paul Newman film is Cool Hand Luke, followed by Cat on a Hot tin roof and the Towering Inferno. I've been discovering films with Mr. Newman that I really appreciate. Last night I watched Twilight which is an interesting film. The film stars Susan Sarandon, Gene Hackman, James Gardner, Stockard Channing, Reese Witherspoon and Liev Schrieber. Tonight I will watch Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. They have now turned this film into a musical on broadway. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Roman spring with Mrs. Stone

For most people growing old and being alone is a depressing thought. The more we think about things, the more we have a will to make them happen. In the above titled film, which stars Helen Mirren, Oliver Martinez and Anne Bancroft, we find an aging actress married to a wealthy man who supports her career which appears to be fading. He suddenly dies and she is left alone to comtemplate whether she was good at all. Being deprived sexually and to take care of her lonliness she is set up with a string of gigolos. There are several great scenes where she tries to manipulate the gigolo and he in turn does the same to her. Money doesn't buy happiness. It can buy flesh, companionship and even friendship, but once it's gone, the fairy tale ends. This film is based on the novella of the same name by Tenessee Williams. Give it a look see, perhaps you'll learn something. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Next week I'm thinking about looking at some animated films. Titan A. E. which I've seen many times, Kaena: The Prophecy, Cowboy Be Bop, The Prince of Egypt and El Dorado. These are some of my favorite animated films. If you haven't seen them or you aren't really into animation, give them a look see. Animation isn't just for kids.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

I picked up this film because of the ensemble cast. Bill Murray, Anjelica Huston, Owen Wilson, who all appeared in Wes Anderson's film, The Royal Tannenbaums.Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Cate Blanchet and Bud Cort of Harold and Maude fame also appear in this film. It's sort of a mockumentary on a character based on a Jacque Cousteau type of guy. There are some interesting effects and humor. It's one of those films you have to watch closely to get it all in. The set design is excellent. Give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind. This weeks viewing will consist of Vera Drake, The Sea Inside, The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone and Something the Lord made.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Life is like a box of chocolates

I finally opened Forest Gump today and watched it. Yes, you read correctly. I buy movies to have in my collection, but I don't always watch them immediately. And a film like Forest Gump needs my full attention. At 141 mins it was interesting watching it for the second time. It meant more now that I'm older than when I saw it the first time and I've experienced similar situations. I did get one surprise. The little boy that played Forest Gump's son was Haley Joe Osmant. Of course this was pre The Sixth Sense, the film he'll be remembered most for. This was also the second time that Sally Field and Tom Hanks worked together. Do you know the other film?

Once again we find a mother doing her best to have her child believe he is normal. Still I wonder, what is normal? No one knows everything. In fact even the person with the highest I Q doesn't know what may be important to someone who's I Q isn't so high. The mind, as I've mentioned before is one of those things that we don't understand, just like people and human behavior. I think its more important to know something about everything than to know a lot about one thing. Broadens your perspective on things.

If you didn't guess the film, it was Punchline. Sally Field and Tom Hanks play stand up comics. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Event, Bad Boy Bubby and Amelie

The Event is the story of a guy who is dying of AIDS and he decides to committ suicide with the help of his friends by throwing one big final event. He would have gotten away with it except that there seemed to be a trend taking place and the DA's office gets involved. It's an interesting story which brings to the surface the fact that we are not as free as we think. America, the home of the free. If you can decide how your going to die or that you should have the right to die, how free is that? It's our bodies, we should have the right to decide what we do with them. Soon there will be laws that you can't get a tattoo or piercing without government approval. Freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and freedom in general are slowly being taken away.

Moving on, it has been a long time since I had seen Bad Boy Bubby. This bizaar film had a profound affect on me. I saw this film at the Seattle Film Festival. There were scenes that I did not remember, but it still had the same impact. Although the film is a bit more personal now since I knew Nicholas Hope the star of the film and Interviewed both him and the director Rolf de Heer. The film is finally getting seen by people outside of the film festival circuit. The film is very controversial, including everything from incest, rape, murder and cruelty to animals. The film deals with the misunderstanding of love. Everyone wants it, but don't always know how to get it or recognize it when they have it. Which brings me to my final film, Amelie. A young girl only seeks love and affection from her father. Since he is a doctor she can only get him to touch her during an examination. Through the excitement of this gesture her heart races and she is diagnosed incorrectly. Once she becomes an adult the journey begins to make others happy. It strange how things change us. We all need something and we search for it, sometimes never getting it. The perfect high, the perfect person, just plain perfection. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Friday, August 12, 2005


I watched Kinsey today. It's an interesting story about human sexuality. I was not really familiar with Kinsey. It was Freud that I read and another scientist who's name escapes me at the moment. Kinsey created a scale of 1 to 6, 1 -2 representing heterosexuality, 3-4 representing bisexuality and anything above 4 representing homosexuality. I always find it interesting that most researchers have never partaked in their own studies. It's rare that you find a drug counselor that was actually an addict. How many psychologists are actually manic depressives? Kinsey did delve into some practices, but he was a late bloomer. Of course everything that we do stems from childhood, Kinsey had a lot of skeletons he had to deal with. The film has a great cast and allows many sexual issues to surface. It's interesting that some things have yet to change. Sex is still one of those topics that people are reluctant to talk about. Check out the film if you have some time. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind. I think I will watch The Life Aquatic or Bad Boy Bubby tonight. I'll flip a coin. LOL.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Mosquito Coast

Movies about escaping the hectic life of a big city are always interesting. It seems foolish that someone might want to be faraway from civilization. I thought about that a couple of times. It would be great for writing, but I do love being around people. I like getting inside of their heads and seeing what makes them tick. Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren and River Phoenix star in this film about being misunderstood. There are people with high I Q's that believe their way is the only way. The common sense factor seems to disappear. They can only deal with certain equations to create a concept. To be wrong is devastating. The film deals with strength, survival and betrayal. Give it a look see, may just learn a few things about yourself. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

The Cement Garden

This film is in no way to be confused with the film, The Secret Garden. I saw The Cement Garden over 15 years ago at the Uptown Square Cinema, which of course no longer exists. I'm always interested in those bizaar controversial films. This film was oneof them and I'm so glad I stumbled across it. It's an interesting story of a boy discovering his sexuality and becoming obessed with self pleasure. He soon develops an attraction to his sister. As the two are forced into the role of mother and father, growing up and being a kid become a struggle. I don't want to give anything away in this film. It's best if you make up your own mind. It's a dark, dark film with some true to life issues. If you love film then you have to see this film. There is a little nudity, cross dressing, slight mental abuse, incest and death.

Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. Tonight I'll finally sit down to watch Bad Boy Bubby. I'm not sure what impact this film will have on me now. It's been 8 years since I've seen this film.

Tuesday, August 9, 2005


Any film that deals with fashion, film, photography, art, drugs, sex, writing and the human psyche, I will sit through it. Of course I will sit through any movie once I've started watching it. The only way I will ever walk out on a performance of any kind is if the person I'm with and happens to be my transportation walks out then I have no choice. Unless I choose to get home on my own. Zoolander pushes every button in the fashion industry. (Does that sound familliar?) Ben Stiller is an incredible actor. He has pulled off comedy and drama. Owen Wilson and Ben Stiller work well together in this film. The fashions are over the top. The superficial essence of a model not being wrapped to tight. LOL. It's funny. The scene at the gas station, funny and tragic. We laugh at stupidity. (My friends laugh at me all the time, but so do I. You can't take things too seriously, it stresses you out.) The Mugatu fashion show brought back memories. It was fashion designer Willi Smith who changed the way people looked at fashion shows. Willi did a show in which the models were literally mannequins and the audience walked by looking at the models. The moving ramps helped them move along. It was quite the buzz in New York back in the early eigties. Many fashion designers have created some interesting shows and fashions. Some of my favorite designers are, Jean Paul Gaultier, Terry Muglier, Gorgio Armani, Claude Montana, Yoji Yamamoto, Yves Saint Laurent, Bob Mackie and Patrick Kelly who like Willi has gone to that big fashion cloud in the sky. Artistic freedom in the fashion world is copied by these designers. When I used to watch television, Style with Elsa Klench was the place to discover fashion. What most people don't understand is that, when an outfit is presented on the runway, it doesn't mean you're to wear it that way on the streets. Not everyone can get away with it. In fact only an artist can carry off something so unusual. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Monday, August 8, 2005

Zoolander, Bad Boy Bubby, The Cement Garden

That's part of the line up of movies to be viewed this week. One of my DVD players seems to be going on the blink. I'm not exactly sure what is wrong so I need to do some trouble shooting. I may venture off to the movie theater tomorrow. There aren't that many films that I wish to see on the big screen. I think this year I've seen 4 movies on the big screen. Perhaps six, I need to look at my stubs and make a count. Check back. I should have something to write about tomorrow. LOL.

Sunday, August 7, 2005

The Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club is one of my all time favorite films. I usually watch this film at least once a year. The cast is excellent and the story is just so real. Once I saw Molly Ringwald on The Facts of Life, I knew she was going places. She had energy and a rare charm that takes to the screen. Perhaps its the red hair and those large lips. Or how her characters always seem to wear quirky fashions. She could have had the Julia Roberts roles had there not been differences between her and John Hughes. Molly was tired of being the sweet little girl on screen. It's difficult for an actor to grow up on screen when they continue to look like a kid. It's even worse if you haven't lived life yet. Molly Ringwald tried to grow up with such films as Fresh Horses and Strike it Rich, but she was back to playing a high school girl in the Fatal Attraction like film, Malicious. The film isn't that bad, but it is predictable. Molly appeared on television as have all of the stars from the film with the exception of Ally Sheedy. I don't recall Ally Sheedy being on regular TV. She did however appear on cable TV if we can put that in the same category as did Emilio Estevez. Ally has had her share of bad films and working with Molly on Betsy's Wedding. She played an interesting role in the Film High Art opposite Rhada Mitchell. I met Emilio while he was promoting the film, The War at Home. Judd Nelson is an interesting actor who has been type cast as a rebel, and mental defective. It is Anthony Michael Hall that I still like and I could relate to his character in the film. My favorite film of his is Out of Bounds. Anthony still struggles with getting the perfect role and working on his looks. Currently or last seen in the film Dead Zone. Everyone can make a come back if they try hard enough. If you haven't seen The Breakfast Club give it a look see. Perhaps it will bring back memories of your high school days. They were some of the best times of my life. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Straight to the point

There are many people that can't deal with the fact that I say what's on my mind and really don't give a... what others think about me. I'm a go with the flow kinda guy. I'm intelligent, adventurous and I like making my own rules as I go along. I support my friends and family, but the minute someone says they are going to do something and they don't it doesn't set well with me.

I watched Basquiat yesterday and Erin Brochovich this evening. Both characters were very unique in the fact that they played by their own rules. Using what they had to get where they felt they wanted to be. Though my life may appear like a book or movie, that's just the way my life was scripted. One episode after the other. It's such a great thrill ride. I like stepping into different arenas and seeing how well I can adapt to the surroundings. I can pull a story from just about any experience as some of you know. Life is meant to be lived to its fullest. Don't sit around thinking about the things you would like to do. Make it happen!!! Obstacles are created by ourselves, not other people.

I think I got a bit heavy on this one. Oh well, deal with it. This weeks line up: Mona Lisa Smile, with Julia Roberts. I think she has the prettiest smile in Hollywood. I'd love to sit down and chat with Julia sometimes. I think Julianne Margoulies is the best looking actress I've met to date. She wore no make up and television does not do her justice. Salma Hayek is also a beautiful actress standing at about 5' 4" and stacked. Oh, I'm sorry, I got off track. Continuing with the line up, Gods and Monsters, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club and Zero Effect. I've see this films many times, but as you know I love movies. See if you can find these films in your local video store or the library which they are free there. Watch along with me and share your comments on what you get out of these films.

Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Movies, movies, movies

I watched bits and pieces of movies that I had never seen before. There are some that I think I would like to see now in its entirity. The Man without a Face with Mel Gibson, Runaway Jury with Dustin Hoffman and Gene Hackman. The movie was filmed entirely in New Orleans. Flatliners with Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon and Keifer Sutherland. Lots of reality shows. I couldn't believe the number of shows that are out there on cable. Currently I'm watching Miami Vice the first Season. This weeks movies will include, Erin Brochovich, The Mexican, The Brothers, Sleeping with the Enemy and Basquait. If you can find them at your local video store or libray, then watch them with me. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.