Thursday, July 28, 2005

Cooling Down

The weather cooled up a bit so that I was able to enjoy my mother theater. I guess your wondering why I have to wait for the theater to cool down? I'm cutting back and so I'm using the least amount of electric as I possibly can. Anyway, the films for yesterday were The Aviator and The Mummy. Tonight I'll watch the Mummy Returns and I may throw in another film for breakfast or lunch. Thanks for stopping by. Once the weather gets back to a steady temperature I'll have a better idea of what I'll be watching.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Catching up on film

I've been away for a while because AOL made some changes and I couldn't access my journal the way I used to. Anyway, I'm  back. It's been so hot in New Orleans that I've been camped out in my bedroom watching some TV and videos. This week I watched Alive, Axeon Flux, The Arena, and My Best Friend's Wedding. I picked up Bad Boy Bubby today at Best Buy, it was $15.99 the cheapest price I had seen. I didn't want to take a chance not buying the film hoping the price would go down. I'm having the hardest time finding such films as johns, Priest and even Beautiful Thing because the prices were high when I first saw them. It has taken almost ten years for Bad Boy Bubby to make it into the homes of the fool serious movie goer. (I wonder if Love and Human Remains is coming soon?) This is an interesting film that is sure to have a cult following. The film stars Australian actor, Nicholas Hope. It was directed by Rolf de Heer. I had the opportunity 10 years ago to sit down with Rolf de Heer and Nicholas Hope. It was that conversation and forming of a friendship that helped get me to Australia. The one thing about actors is that if your just starting out you want to take work when its available. That means plans change at the drop of a hat. I'm used to that so it didn't hinder my trip down under. Until the heat subsides I'm not sure what I'll be watching. So check back often for a list once I move back into my theater. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Get Christie Love

In the late 60's Diahann Carroll took television by storm with the series Julia. A young single professional mother taking care of her son Corey. In the 70's Theresa Graves became Christie Love in the detective series based on a book by Dorothy Uhnak, The Ledger, Aaron Spelling took the movie and created a series. There was the usual wise cracks, sexy clothing and sexual tension and overtones of an interacial relationship with her boss. Teresa Graves was a dancer on the Comedy Show Laugh In. She was definitely a beauty, but how people confuse her with Pam Grier I'll never know. Pam Grier didn't do television until later in her career. Theresa Graves did a few movies including Old Dracula and Love at First Bite with George Hamilton. Her religious views stirred her in a direction which lead her to turn down roles and her career suffered. In the film Get Christie Love, the acting isn't bad. The dialogue is so so, but all in all its good fun.

I also watched Sports Illustrated 1999 last night. This DVD unlike the previous shoots allow model Heidi Klum to host. I don't find Heidi all that attractive, but she does have a look at times. My favorite models include Kathy Ireland, Roshumba, Cindy Crawford, Veronica Webb, Stephanie Seymour and Iman to name a few. If you have an interest in photographing women this is a good series to watch. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Dreams, dreaming, day dreams

The Dreamers, is a film by Bernardo Bertulucci. The visuals in this film are incredible. There is some great editing as scenes are recreated from classic films and mixed in with the stories, games and dreams of our main characters. The lead in the film from a distance reminds you of Leonardo DiCaprio. The film deals with art, politics, sex, sexual awareness and love. The film is set in the late 60's as three film buffs become friends, roommates and then lovers. This film is not for everyone. This is art at its best. The film deals with incest, betrayal, jealousy, happiness and death. Check this film out if you haven't already. There are two versions of the film, the R rated version and the NC-17 version. Can you guess which one I purchased? When ever I buy a movie it has to be the controversial edition and in wide screen or letter boxed. I'm still trying to get my hands on the uncut version of Priest. The theatrical release in the U S was 98 minutes and the International release is 105 minutes. My curiosity gets the best of me to see what was added. I did the same thing with Showgirls. I know, but I'm a sucker for controversy. And it wasn't really that bad of a film. It was sort of the female version of Stayin Alive. I just love film and I can always find something good in it. Costumes, set design, location, actors, etc. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. Don't stop dreaming.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Most serial killers in any capacity seem to blame their killing spree on God or their dog. It's a lot easier to not be sacreligious if you say your dog made you do it. When in fact you mean the other. In the film Seven, directed by David Fincher, we get this info throw at us from many angles and mind sets. It's an interesting film where a serial killer who actually takes a year span before he starts again, to create the seven deadly sins. There are some inciteful pieces of information. Not many people knew about flagging books and people until this film presented it. Our government watches everything, but policy doesn't allow them to act upon it until it is too late. That's what happened with the Waco, Tx, incident. If you don't like blood and gore, then Seven is not a film for you. If you're a fan of Brad Pitt or Morgan Freeman then you want to give this film a look. Kevin Spacey also appears in the last few minutes of the film. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind. The Pianist will be tonights feature and I'll watch the 70's film Get Christie Love which inspired the TV series of the same name. Aaron Spelling was the creator of jiggle TV. LOL.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Selecting a roommate

As I continue to make decisions that I feel will benefit me in the long run, the thought of having a roommate comes and goes. In the films Apartment Zero and Single White Female, we get to experience what obsessive behavior is like. There are people who are just lonely. Their life has no real meaning. They go to work, come home, bury themselves into a hobby and never leave room for socializing. Being in the company of people is very important. I think many people miss that by finding themselves sitting in front of their computers, day in a day out. Every free minute searching for something that is missing from their lives. The Internet may have the answers, but there is nothing like having a person right there in your face sometimes. I'm so used to being by myself that I'm not sure I can have a roommate share my space. It's one thing to have a house guest, but to see someone everyday; it's like marriage. LOL. Been there, done that, don't want to do it again. The film Apartment Zero stars Hart Bochner, you may remember him from the film Terror Train with Jaimie Lee Curtis and Collin Firth. It's the story of a guy who is obsessed with film (Sounds familiar?) and runs a theater in Argentina. He searches for a roommate and judges them on what they know about film. The tests that people create. Remember the scene in Diner where the girl had to pass a test to see if they were going to get married or not? Is it worth it? Apartment Zero has the feel of The Tenanent, one of Roman Polanski's films that he stars in. Single White Female which I have not watched this year as of yet, deals with a suicidal woman who just wants what everyone else has. The film stars Jennifer Jason Leigh, (one of my favorite actresses) Bruce Webber, and Bridget Fonda. It has some great moments. Give both films a look see if you haven't seen them. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Dead Calm

I have seen Dead Calm and Kalifornia many times now. They are films that I really like. My first impression of Dead Calm was the fact that a film could be made with just three characters and turn out well. The film stars Sam Neil, Nicole Kidman and Billy Zane. Only the ending is a bit silly, but the psychological aspects really work well. Kalifornia is hard, rough and gritty. We see how a person gets forced into a situation and has no choice. Brad Pitt and Juliet Lewis give some great performances. David Duchovney also stars, but he has yet to perfect his craft to being more than just a pretty face. If you have not seen either of these films, give them a look see. The talent is incredible. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Friday, July 15, 2005

The mind is terrible

I've heard the mind is a terrible thing to waste. What exactly does that mean? Take a serial killer for instance. He's using his mind to the best of his ability, does that mean it is wasted or isn't wasted? Most psychiatrists will blame their behavior on abuse, but not all people who have been abused become serial killers. There are three forms of abuse, verbal, physical and sexual. Although a pattern may form some people supress the past and have no reprocussions at all. In the case of Jeffery Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy, neither were sexually abused as young boys. They were both physically and verbally abused. Perhaps they were acting out their hatred toward themselves for having an attraction to men. John Wayne Gacy was married and had two children, it is estimated that he picked up some 2000 young men. Gacy molested and murdered at least 33 men. Dahmer was arrested for molesting a 13 year old boy, but only served 10 months of a one year sentence. He was then released and allowed to do it again. The laws of every state are different, especially during that time. The irony of Dahmer's situation is that he seemed more attracted to darker males and he worked in a chocolate factory. I just thought I'd throw that in. It was never brought out in any of the files. The Dahmer film was better this second go round as was the Gacy film. The first time I saw a film on Gacy was on television and Brian Denehy gave an incredible performance. I kept comparing this film to that one, but this time I was able to separate the two. It's a shame how some people can just turn up missing and no one seems to care until it's too late. The remainder of this weeks films, The Pianist, Kalifornia, Apartment Zero, Seven, and Dead Calm. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Humiliation and abuse

Red Dragon - Abuse and humiliation seems to be the main atributes that creates serial killers. Loneliness, low self esteem and little or no guidance contributes to a world created by an individual that only they can understand. Unlike artists, they have no one to relate to or converse with. There isn't a serial killers social club or is there? Sounds like a great title for a book or film. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Silence of the Lambs

Most of you know I have a thing for Psychology and Philosophy. As I try to get myself back into the writing mode to work on Pieces of Reality I'm watching films on Serial Killers. Getting inside of someone's mind has always been of interest. Why do we do the things that we do. Where does it all begin and how to we break away from patterns that have been with us all of our lives. That's the difficult part. Then there are those who get influenced by others around them. Like the too much of a good thing syndrome. See yesterdays entry for the film list. The Sopranos continue to peek my interest. It's getting better. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Secret Window

Last night I watched Secret Window for the 2nd time. I like this movie because I am a writer if only for myself and the mind has a tendency to wander. Sometimes it can be very confusing, but I like it. I become my characters and get involved in their lives so that when its read you will believe it. The events are actual accounts of reality. Secret Windown is based on the Stephen King short story Secret Window, Secret Garden which can be found in the collection of shorts, Four Past Midnight. This week the line up is as follows: I continue to watch The Sopranos, it appears to be getting better. Could have just been my mood. I can get like that, if I'm not in the right mood even the funniest thing can be not so funny. The Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon, Hannibal, Dahmer, Gacy, Seven and Kalifornia. Kalifornia is one of my favorites. Check 'em out with me if you can get your hands on them. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


I'm not sure if I reviewed this movie when I first saw it, but I'm sure I did. Its a typical film of a person playing by there own set of rules. Add in the boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back and some great band sounds. It's the music that makes this film interesting. Marching bands are the life of most events. As in film, real life needs music to set the pace. A parade would be nothing without the sounds of a marching band or horses hoofs throtting along. The sound of flags in the wind. Sound is an important element to everything around us. Give the film a look see, you might learn something about yourself. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Saturday, July 9, 2005

Is it me?

I often wonder when people recommend a book or movie that is supposed to be so great and I read or watch it, but don't see it as such. Is there something wrong with me? My movie list for the week is as follows, The Cell, South Central, Drumline, The Secret Windo, The Silence of the Lambs, Dahmer, Red Dragon, Gacy, Hannibal and The Pianist. Currently I'm watching the Sopranos, I was told this was a great series and the writing was good, etc., etc. I like some of the cast members, but its not as well written as Oz. In fact, some of the stars from Oz are popping up on the show. Maybe I like Oz because I'm familiar with people going in and out of prison. I don't know much about mob life, but I do like the idea of a character seeing a psychiatrist. It reminds me of a piece I wrote many years ago. I'm also using it in Pieces of Reality which I'm working on. (It's the longest writing project I've ever encountered. Can't seem to push myself.)

I'll watch the first season of the Sopranos and see if it makes me want more. I'm gonna wait awhile before I buy the 5th Season of Oz, the price is too high. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Thursday, July 7, 2005

The God who wasn't there

I tried to write about this film the other day and AOL wouldn't allow me. Was that a sign or what? I'm the type of person that believes everyone should have the right to believe what they want. We all have to believe something right? The God who wasn't there is a documentary about whether or not the bible is a valid account of events dealing with God. There are many valid points that are made and some comedic humor also. When things are taken out of context things can be funny. Religion is something I don't discuss unless I'm defending my views on something. If you like documentaries and you want to see something interesting, perhaps get some answers to questions you may have, check this film out. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, July 2, 2005


A break from the in home theater. I went to see a film that I thought looked interesting. I was more interested in the films dancing than the actual story. After having a discussion with a friend I wonder if this could be seen as a mockumentary. As a photographer and visual artist, this film was filled with lots of great visuals. There were great movements of the body and along with some tats, there was some interesting face makeup or painting. RIZE is about an alternative life in Englewood California as opposed to being a gang banger. They are known as the Clowns and the Krumps and their are many groups of each. We know that most of the Clowns make their living as entertainers at birthday parties, but we don't really know how the Krumps survive. I'm sure after this film a few will pop up in some fashion ads. I'm now thinking of the guy in the Kaihula ads, with the oiled body, dreds and his drum. The origins of the hip hop movement go back to the dance of the West Indes and various parts of Africa. The film also combines the rituals of manhood and rites of passage as we see the Clowns preparing for battle. Dance has always been a competitive sport. (A guy that can dance has a better chance at hooking up with a girl then your wall flower, unless of course he has a great rap.) From the audition to keeping a performance going and competing for a spot or in a dance contest. I've won my share of dance contests in my day. Dance is a great way to keep the body fit. I was much thinner back then, even just two years ago. The film has inspired me on many levels. I have an idea for some sketches. If you like innovative dance, give it a look see. Running time is 85 min. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

Friday, July 1, 2005

Movie Changes

You ever felt like a Meatball?  Or a Geek? Last night I watched the film Meatballs, but it was different. The soundtrack to the film had been changed. This is the second time I've watched a movie where the music was different from when I saw it the first time. The other film was Sixteen Candles. In Meatballs the theme song has been modified if you will. Rick Dees still gets credit, but Bill Murray has a voice over on the DVD. The VHS copy still remains with the original soundtrack. In Sixteen Candles the seen on the school bus changes when it goes from laser disc to television to video. The kids on the bus are playing kazoos and the song sounds similar to that of Star Wars and I also believe the opening titles sequence the music has changed. I'll be watching the film again to make sure. I think I'll do a Molly Ringwald film fest. If you want something to entertain you a little and if you haven't seen either of these films in a long time, give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.