Monday, September 30, 2013

Audrey Hepburn

 I’m not sure if its Audrey Hepburn’s birthday or the anniversary of her death. (Is she still living?) In any case I’ve been fortunate enough to now get to see some of her films.
I remember earlier this year seeing a film that was set in Italy. But I’m not sure if it was called Love Italian Style or who was in it. It was on and I think I may have been channeling surfing that day. I do that a lot since most of what I watch has commercials and sometimes they don’t interest me.

Sabrina stars Miss Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and William Holden. It’s a much better than the remake in my opinion. I know there are people that just don’t like black and white films, but that’s what makes them classics. You get to put your imagination to work and envision the colors.

Wait Until Dark stars Miss Hepburn, Alan Arkin, Efram Zimbalist and Richard Crenna. Audrey Hepburn plays a blind woman that holds a doll that some criminals are interested in. A game is played to get her to reveal that she does have the doll in her possession so that they can retrieve the contents. I vaguely remember seeing this film when I was younger. It has a few great moments and Alan Arkin gets to be comedic as all of the Roat’s men. I wonder if he and Peter Sellers were ever considered for some of the same films. They seem to have the same delivery of their lines.

Next month I am hoping I will get a chance to see Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Funny Face. I want to see BAT because I didn’t know Truman Capote had written it and actually wanted to be in the film. I’ll be watching Capote later today with Phillip Seymour Hoffman. (I’ve seen the film several times.)

I want to see Funny Face because it is based on Photographer Richard Avedon and although I’ve only come to know who he is in the last 10 years, I really like his work. I am really looking forward to seeing both films and possibly adding them to my collection.

Here is my new rating system. DDDDD highly recommend. DDDD It should be watched. DDD Entertaining DD So if you like the stars. D Just out of curiosity watch it.
(I like all movies. Even those that most people don’t like, it makes for great conversation.)

Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind. Become a follower while you are here.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz (DDDDD) - The Wizard of Oz is one of those films that most of us have seen at least once. For a limited time in some areas, the film has been re-released, but this time in 3-D. That’s a lot better than someone trying to remake it. Although I didn’t see the film with James Franco…
I hate to sound like a broken record, but we just shouldn’t mess with the classics. I just don’t understand why they just couldn’t come up with an entirely new script when they want to compete with the classics.

I sat down and watched the non 3-D film. This film holds a lot of memories for me. It’s one of those films I remember the entire family sitting down to watch. It’s the first film I remember crying and being frightened. It was when the monkey’s came to get Dorothy.
When I got older I saw the film for exactly what it was. A film about politics, about change, friendship, cruelty and survival.

Over the years we’ve heard the story that the studio wanted to cast Shirley Temple as Dorothy, but they studio she was with refused to loan her out. I often think about how different the film would have been. Would it still be the classic it is today? What if Buddy Ebsen had not gotten sick? How would the role of the Tin Man had turned out? I love the stories behind the films.

The Wizard of Oz is one of the most quoted films in history. Most of us at some point have said the line, “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” in some form or variation. Over time lines from films get changed because people don’t remember them exactly.

The film is filled with lots of color. That is what brings out the kid in us all. It makes us remember the first time we saw the film and the people we’ve share the experience with since.
I remember the first time I saw the film on the big screen. It was many years later as a young adult.
The Saenger Theatre in New Orleans (Which is supposed to open soon.) The Saenger had the feel of an outdoor theater at night. You’d look up into the ceiling and see stars.

Feel free to share your comments about the classic film. Was it or has it become a family tradition to sit down and watch it together?

Thanks for stopping by and do drop by again. Remember to keep an open mind.

Here is my new rating system. DDDDD highly recommend. DDDD It should be watched. DDD Entertaining DD So if you like the stars. D Just out of curiosity watch it.
(I like all movies. Even those that most people don’t like, it makes for great conversation.)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lights, Camera, Action!!!

This weekend was another great weekend for watching movies and seeing a few I had never seen before. Moviestvnetwork is my new best friend.
 (This is a banner from the Disney exhibit that took place at the New Orleans Museum of Art, NOMA a few years back)

I think the only Audrey Hepburn film I ever saw was Gigi if my memory serves me right. I was a baby, but I remember the black and white dress. Perhaps that was part of the reason I was enthralled with black and white in the 80’s. I was also getting into the Asian way of doing things, Feng Shui, looking for balance, etc.

This weekend I saw Sabrina with Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and William Holden. I had seen the remake, with Julia Ormond, Harrison Ford and Greg Kinear. I don’t remember it very well, but I will remember the original. It’s an interesting tale of love, money, class and business politics.

Next month Moviestvnetwork will run two other films starring Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Funny Face which I’ve never seen either. I can’t wait.

Absence of Malice (DDD) was an interesting film starring Paul Newman, Sally Field, Bob Balaban, Wilford Brimley, and Melina Dillon. It’s a story about freedom of the press and politics. Once something is written its hard for people to change their mind.

I decided to stay up to see Come Back Little Sheba. This film stars Burt Lancaster and Shirley Booth in her Oscar winning performance. This was quite the film. I was really immersed into the characters. Shirley Booth’s performance as well as Burt Lancaster was excellent. Other than the film being in black and white I don’t feel the film is very dated. People are still getting married because they make a mistake. Perhaps the pressure isn’t as prevalent, but it happens. They hold on to the person they are with because they feel they are too old to find someone else or just don’t want to hassle of getting back into the dating scene. There are a lot of people that just feel that no one else will love them.
I highly recommend this film if you have never seen it. DDDDD

Here is my new rating system. DDDDD highly recommend. DDDD It should be watched. DDD Entertaining DD So if you like the stars. D Just out of curiosity watch it.
(I like all movies. Even those that most people don’t like, it makes for great conversation.)

Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind. Become a follower while you are here.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ken Norton

In Memory of Ken Norton, boxer/actor, I did a double feature last night I watched the films, Mandingo and Drum. I had never seen Mandingo until about 5 years ago. Drum has two significant reasons as to why it is a part of my collection. (We'll get to that in a minute.)

Before Django Unchained these films spawned controversy. Mandingo starred Perry King as Master Harmond and Brenda Sykes as Calinda. It was an okay film. Ken Norton was typed cast as a slave that would be used as a stud as well as a boxer.

I used to think Mandingo was the name of the character, but technically its the plantations wish to own a Mandingo warrior.

Recently author James McBride was on Tavis Smiley promoting his new book which is a satire on slavery.
Comments were made about Django Unchained, which I have not seen yet. It is Quentin Tarantino doing what he does. He makes fun of a time in history.

In the film Drum which is a much better film in my opinion than Mandingo. I used to think Drum was the sequel, but its almost as if Drum is a prequel to Mandingo. It's the same plantation, but Drum is born as a result of a white woman having sexual relations with one of her slaves. So that the woman isn't scorned, Drum is said to be the son of her female servant and lover. Drum is not the son of the character in Mandingo.

Once again Ken Norton gets to box, but he gets to act a little more along side Yaphet Koto, Warren Oats, Paula Kelly, and Pam Grier who for some reason went by Pamela Grier in the credits.

This brings me to the reason that Drum is a part of my collection. This is the first R rated film I saw with my father in a movie theater. I had turned 18 and for my birthday we decided to spend some time together. I really wanted to see the film because Pam Grier was in it. Now of course it wasn't my first R rated film. It was a little uncomfortable for my father, but we got through it.

Drum was filmed in New Orleans during my senior year of High School. I had contemplated skipping school one day so that I could see Pam Grier, but I didn't want to have to deal with the consequences from my mother. I still haven't met Pam Grier or come close.

With all the talk of the flooding in Colorado, I thought there might be something on her, but so far nothing. Which means her ranch is no where near the devastation which is a good thing.

If you want to see Ken Norton check out the two films. If you just want to see an interesting film, Check out Drum. It is based on a book of the same name.

Thanks for stopping by. Keep and open mind and do come back again.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Queen Latifah back on the air

Queen Latifah premiered her new show yesterday here in Austin at 4 P.M. she will be going up against Ellen. From time to time I may watch Ellen depending who is on the show, but I usually have other things going on at that time.

I thought the opening was nice and to hear Queen Latifah sing is what was missing the last time she had her own show. So we got a little fun, singing and dancing. Doing a live show is not for everyone. We all know when we are sitting around talking with friends there are those moments of silence and that happened twice while she was interviewing John Travolta. Although it was subtle and not everyone would pick up on it, it was still there. I do like the fact that she’s just trying to have a normal conversation with people. That’s the type of show I always wanted to do. Just sit down and talk, not because someone was promoting something. There are so many stars that aren’t working, but people are still interested in what they are doing.

Everyone seems to be jumping on the satire band wagon. I don’t know who started this first, but Jimmy Kimmel does it the best. I did laugh at the segments and the fact that Queen Latifah is also an actress made things work. I just like seeing something original.
The set design, which was done by singer Lenny Kravitz was incredible. Queen Latifah even has a DJ which of course Ellen started, but we don’t get to hear a lot of mixing by M C Lyte.

Queen Latifah with the help of Alicia Keys did a good deed for a music teacher and his students by recording one of their songs and giving their band room a makeover.

The show ended with a performance by Willow Smith, the daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett - Smith, who also happen to be the producers of the show. Willow has picked up a bit of an English accent. She’s sure to get some cosmetic endorsements and seems to be getting her height from her dad which will be an advantage as well. She sounds a little like Rihanna, which most of the singers seem to be coming from a cookie cutter these days. There's not a lot of difference. It takes a while for them to break out on their own and you see the real talent show if of course there is any real talent.

Queen Latifah is a good rapper, but I prefer when she is singing. When she made the film Living Out Loud I was really impressed and then her CD Travelin' Light came out and it was a nice change. She is an all around talented individual. Hopefully the talk show won't stop her from doing all the things that she does. My favorite acting role of hers is Cleo from the film Set it Off. If you haven't seen this film it is a must see for Queen Latifah fans.
Since I am not big on remakes, I haven't seen the remake of Steel Magnolias. Maybe one day I'll get to see it.

I won’t get to see the show today in which Will Smith will be a guest. Maybe the segment will make its way to you tube or I can watch it online later in the week.
Queen Latifah did seem to have a full studio, but the aisles are so big that everyone looks far apart. Hoping it works out for the Queen this go round. Now I have someone else to tune into if I have the time. DDDDD

Here is my new rating system. DDDDD highly recommend. DDDD It should be watched. DDD Entertaining DD So if you like the stars. D Just out of curiosity watch it.
(I like all movies. Even those that most people don’t like, it makes for great conversation.)

Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind. Become a follower while you are here.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

What I've been watching

I watched a few movies on movies tv network that I hadn’t seen before. One such film was Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte. It starred Bette Davis and Olivia De Havilland, Agnes Moorehead, Josephy Cotton and Bruce Dern. I didn’t know what to make of this film. I guess it’s what one would call camp. To see Miss Dehavilland as a villain just seem totally out of character. It just didn’t really work for me. It was a fun film, as the viewer watches to see who is driving who crazy.

I’m guessing Bette Davis’ career was on a downward spiral at this point. She made Whatever Happened to Baby Jane in 1962 and Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte in 1964. Of course every actor goes through a period where they just need to work or they have an obligation with a studio.

Another film that I saw was Queen Bee which starred Joan Crawford. The only film I ever recall seeing with Joan Crawford was Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. I had heard of Mildred Pierce, but I haven’t gotten around to seeing it. Maybe I should check the library to see if they have a copy. Joan Crawford stars as a southern woman in love with a man she can’t have, but she does whatever she can to get him. The dialogue is kind of campy, but its an interesting film.

I like movies the TV network because it is allowing me to see films that were made before I was born. Some I remember vaguely watching as a baby. Check your local listings to see if anything you like is coming on.

Here is my new rating system. DDDDD highly recommend. DDDD It should be watched. DDD Entertaining DD So if you like the stars. D Just out of curiosity watch it.
(I like all movies. Even those that most people don’t like, it makes for great conversation.)

Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind. Become a follower while you are here.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th

I haven’t started watching movies that played at SIFF yet. I will soon begin watching horror films, it’s what I do in the month of October.  I’ve already begun making my list of my classic films I like to watch. I will do a Friday the 13th marathon, but I only have four films in my collection and one of the remakes. After the 4th film I just got bored with it. I went to see Jason takes Manhattan because someone had reported that Vanity was in the film, but that wasn’t the case at all. Shame on them for making me waste my money. I recently bought Friday the 13th II only because I had three and four. The reason 3 was in my collection was because I was working for Paramount’s insurance company and one of my jobs was to count movie tickets. Movie theaters were selling tickets for one movie, but passing them off for another. See, movie theaters make an agreement to carry a movie for a certain amount of time, but if that film isn’t making any money and people aren’t buying food from the concession stand then the theater doesn’t make money. If they can show a film isn’t doing well then they can get rid of it.

I must have seen Friday the 13th about a dozen or more times. It was during that revitalization phase of 3-D back in the early 80’s. I liked the theme song so much that I would request that my favorite radio station play it. I don’t recall ever seeing a soundtrack for the film because I certainly would have gotten it.

The first Friday the 13th featured Kevin Bacon and the fourth Friday the 13th featured Corey Feldman, and Crispin Glover. This is my favorite of the movies only because of the last 15 minutes of the film. I was thinking about getting the 5th installment, A new beginning because Jason finally arrives while the kids are at the camp and there’s that one scene where he is chasing the children.

My marathon will start around noon, Once I add up the time it may start earlier. Once I get back from church I will decide. Movies tvnetwork was having their own marathon of horror films. Some I had never seen or even heard of. Phase IV, Bugs, and Day of the Animals.

Here is my new rating system. DDDDD highly recommend. DDDD It should be watched. DDD Entertaining DD So so if you like the stars. D Just out of curiosity watch it.
(I like all movies. Even those that most people don’t like, it makes for great conversation.)

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