Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Short film Reviews II

I am not a big Sci fi fan, but I will watch them from time to time. I think my biggest issue with Sci fi is that there is always that point in the film where they feel they have to explain everything to you. As if you can’t figure it out on your own. The other issue I have with Sci fi is that most of the films star unknowns, like the horror genre. It’s as if no big name actor wants to be affiliated with the films. But its those genre’s that usually launches a career.

In the film Prometheus which is a prequel to Alien, we find a crew lead by Charlize Theron. All of the other actors are faces you will know, but the names aren’t well known. The visuals and special effects are cool. It is an entertaining film. I guess if you are a fan of the alien films then you’ll want to see how it all began.

Charlize Theron is always pretty to look at, but there isn’t much of a performance here. She isn’t even on the screen that much and doesn’t get to encounter any of the creatures. I guess they just needed a name to get the people into the theater.

Another film I watched is Seeking a Friend for the End of the World. I am not a big fan of Steve Carrell. (I hope I spelled that correctly). It may have had to do with the fact that I used to watch the original office and as I’ve mentioned many times I’m not a fan of remakes. Perhaps its the role of the boss because I wasn’t crazy about Ricky Gervais either. Anyway, I watched the film because someone gave it to me. I really enjoyed the film. Maybe because it wasn’t silly. Not every scene had Steve Carrell looking like a deer caught in the headlights of a moving vehicle. The characters were interesting and it seemed to me that there would be people that might act this way if they new for sure the world was coming to an end.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

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