Monday, January 21, 2013

Short Movie Reviews

The Girl - This is a film about the relationship and obsession of Alfred Hitchcock and Tippi Hedren. Toby Jones is great as Hitch and Sienna Miller is Tippi. It’s a great story about one of the greatest suspense writers and directors of our time. As an adult there are only two of Hitchcock’s films that I see on a regular basis, Psycho and The Birds. I don’t recall ever seeing Marnie which I now want to see. There are other films I remember bits and pieces of, but if I did see them I was very, very young. It’s always interesting to see a film again when you grow up. When you have a better understanding of the subject matter.

The film is called the Girl because that is how Alfred Hitchcock referred to Tippi Hedren when he saw her in a television commercial. “Get me the girl...”
With no acting experience, Hitch turned Tippi into an incredible actress. The camera loved her and she had many years of modeling experience.
Just has he made her career he also killed it when she didn’t acknowledge his advancements.
This is a great piece of work if you really love film, you’ll love this film.

Game Change - Stars Julianne Moore, Woody Harrelson and Ed Harris in the political event of historical proportions. The film centers on the Republican nominees for President and Vice President of the United States. What was behind the choice of Sarah Palin and the coaching to keep up with her star appeal. Julianne Moore and Ed Harris look like the characters they are portraying. The make up team did an incredible job. Political films can sometimes be boring, but this is not one of them.
There are many films that give insight to different aspects of politics. As technology continues to change so does the way we handle things. Game Change shows the impact the Internet had on this particular election and those that would follow.

Some of my other favorite political films are The Contender and Power.

Thanks for stopping by. Do come back again and remember to think creatively.

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