Sunday, February 10, 2013

Justin Beiber

I don’t know why I’m writing about this, but I guess I just needed to write. LOL. Last night Justin Beiber hosted SNL and he was better than Adam Levine. Now what does that mean? Does it mean Justin is a better actor or were the ideas just better? I felt when Adam hosted the show there was a theme and every joke seemed to be the same.
I was not crazy about the opening, but then I got the joke. Justin made some comments early on in his career getting a few things wrong. So his knowledge of Black History was totally off the mark. With the help of Keenan Thomas and Whoopi Goldberg the joke came together. Of course you know the NAACP is going to have something to say.

 Justin did his best and he showed he is not a flawless singer and he is still working on his craft. The new versions of his songs show the mature side. You can feel the heartache in his recent breakup, but maybe he and Selena Gomez will get back together like Rhianna and Chris Brown. Hollywood, it’s an imaginary life.

Justin made fun of himself which is what SNL is all about. From teen idol to adult hood Justin is in that transitional stage. The slight change in his voice and modifying his look with a new haircut. The only criticism that I have is his choice of pants. What is up with the skinny version of MC Hammer pants. It just doesn’t work. Looks like he went to the bathroom on himself.

Other than that, he’s going to be exploited even more. I’m guessing SNL took into consideration that young girls might be staying up late to watch the show so it wasn’t as raunchy as it could have been. Perhaps Beiber didn’t want to do certain skits. In any event, it worked. I’m sure it got some high ratings and they will run it again soon.
A primetime edited version of Adam Levine’s hosting was done prior to the run of Beiber’s hosting. Was NBC just out of things to run or were they trying to draw in viewers?

Coming up: Scenes from Mardi Gras in films, More movie reviews, Rubbing elbows with celebrities

Thanks for stopping by; Keep an open mind. Life is Good

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