Thursday, April 14, 2005

Is it real or is it Memorex?

That used to be one of my favorite lines. In this technological age that we live in, things are rapidly changing. Changing so fast, that we don't always know what is and isn't real. You can now watch a television program and stop it, pause it, get rid of the commercials and come back to it again. Something is wrong with this picture. You can play tricks on your family and friends by knowing what's going to happen because you've already memorized the program. Even the media can mess with our minds and make us believe things that may or may not be true. Like everything, there is good and bad. In the film Capricorn One, which starred James Brolin, Hal Holbrook, O.J. Simpson and Sam Waterson, we are face with questions on what if... Did they or didn't they... What we see isn't always real and film is the perfect way to fool us. This weeks movies will be: Drunks, which stars Faye Dunaway and Richard Lewis, Gothika, which stars Halle Berry and Robert Downey, Jr., The Low Life, which stars Sean Astin and Rory Cochran, Monster and Mighty Joe Young which both star the lovely, Cherlize Theron.

I've been listening to Eric Benet and I keep wondering how does a guy, any guy cheat on a woman like Halle Berry? I wouldn't care if she were a lesbian I wouldn't divorce her. As long as she isn't an abusive woman, someone that looks that good, can't be that bad. Just had to throw my thoughts in on that. Thanks for stopping by, keep an open mind.

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