Saturday, March 10, 2018

Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049 is the sequel to the classic film Blade Runner based on the book Do Androids Dream of Elecric Sheep by Phillip K. Dick.
I can understand why Ryan Gosling and Jared Leto may have signed on to do this film. It was the opportunity to work with Harrison Ford. All I could think is that Harrison Ford was offered a lot of money to get on board.

I must say the Oscar was well deserving for Cinematography and Visual Effects. The story is slow moving, but visually its is really good. Blade RUnner 2049 is brighter than Blade Runner.

The story is much slower and there are many similarities to Blade Runner. The scenes in the market place were identical. There are more digital billboards. The movie was also nominated for Production design and Sound mixing, but they didn't take either of those awards home.
I thought the fight sequences were slow moving. I was attributing it to Harrison Ford being older, but even the scenes with one of the women felt slow. There were a few very interesting sequences, but I found the story a little confusing. It could have been intentional, but I found it a bit frustrating. Normally I don't have this problem, but I think with the slow pace of the film and characters being introduced sparingly... just as soon as I thought I knew what was going on there was a switch and then you'd go back to the original idea because the characters would make you think something else.

I did like seeing some of the familiar faces from the first film. Edward James Olmos, but I wasn't sure if Sean Young was cgi or not. The magic of film... I almost didn't recognize Robin Wright. I met and photographed Robin Wright back in 1999 when she was Robin Wright-Penn.

I was somewhat disappointed, but there were some interesting moments. If you are a fan of Ryan Gosling or Harrison Ford it's definitely worth a look.

The podcast is now up on podbean, itunes and stitcher it's call Films Versus Movies. Check it out and follow me(Dlonzo on Twitter) or Tony (TDoug on Twitter)  on social media.

here are the links for the podcasts -


Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.

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