Friday, December 31, 2010

Top 50 Films

In honor of turning 50 I am listing my top 50 films. These films are on the list for various reasons. Either I saw them with someone I cared about or the film was something I could really relate to or had a profound impact on my life. See if any of the films are on your list. I am a true film lover. These films are in no particular order.

1. Lawrence of Arabia
2. Spartacus
3. All About Eve
4. Making Love
5. Fame (The original)
6. The Ten Commandments
7. Class of 1984
8. Halloween
9. Island in the Sun
10. Less Than Zero
11. Beautiful Thing
12. Cruising
13. Introducing Dorothy Dandridge
14. Set It Off
15. Brown Sugar
16. The Misfits
17. Gone With The Wind
18. Blade Runner
19. Love and Human Remains
20. Coffy
21. The Long Hot Summer
22. The Poseidon Adventure
23. The Towering Inferno
24. The Color Purple
25. Crash (The film dealing with racial tension)
26. The Doom Generation
27. Day After Tomorrow
28. Inception
29. Salt
30. Wall Street
31. Far From Heaven
32. Boogie Nights
33. Headless Body in A Topless Bar
34. The Velocity of Gary
35. All About Eve
36. The Pianist
37. Summer of Sam
38. School Daze
39. The Lion King
40. The Prince of Eqypt
41. The Talented Mr. Ripley
42. Priest
43. Primal Fear
44. The Best Man
45. Kalifornia
46. The Breakfast Club
47. Giant
48. The Pillow Book
49. Menace II Society
50. Taps

Thanks for stopping by and come back in the new year. Have a safe new years eve.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Kids Are Alright

Every now and then something pops up that seems to be original. The film The Kids Are Alright is about a lesbian couple and their two children. The youngest child is curious as to who his father is and the older sibling does the research.
The man comes into their lives and everything gets put on the table.

The film seems realistic on many levels which is what I like in my movies.
The film stars Annette Benning and Julianne Moore who give great performances as the lesbian couple who have their own issues, but don't realize it until the sperm donor comes into their lives.

The film is quite entertaining and the performances by everyone is very entertaining.
Mark Ruffalo plays the sperm donor.

I recommend this film if you want something that is different. And even more so if you are a fan of Julianne Moore or Annette Benning.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hard Candy

Hard Candy - Most people know how I feel about remakes. I just feel writers should be original and directors should be first in line if they want to direct a certain film. There have been instances where the original director has redirected a film because he felt he could do better. I just feel certain films shouldn’t be touched, but if your going to remake something make it better. If you’re telling the same story what’s the point. Yes, I understand some people don’t like subtitles or speak a foreign language, but that’s the beauty of art. Not everyone gets it.

There’s been talk of remaking The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, based on the Stieg Larsson book of the same name. When Ellen Page’s name came up I just didn’t see her as playing the part of Lisbeth Salander.

Last night I watched the film, Hard Candy and Ellen Page was incredible as a young girl out to seek revenge on a man that molested and possibly killed her friend. The film starts of subtly and slowly takes a sadistic turn with a little cat and mouse added in to keep the audience on the edge of its seat. The performances are great by Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson, but there were some fades that could have been handled differently. I got the red fades that signified the blood, but there were an over abundance of fades to black.
The film captures the essence of what some people go through when they are molested at a young age. I don’t recall this film having a big theatrical release, but I’m sure it had a lot to do with the subject matter.

I think this film would make a great stage play as well. It’s basically just the two main characters so it could be pulled off quite well. Although its mostly psychological, it’s not for the faint at heart, but I won’t spoil certain scenes. It’s full of surprises.

Thanks for stopping by, do come back and become a follower while you’re here.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wall Street Money Never Sleeps

Sometimes when I see a film I can immediately make a valid assessment of what I’ve seen. I can usually make a good argument as to why one should or shouldn’t see this film. Normally I don’t believe in trashing any type of art because I am an artist myself and it is great that people are doing the things that they love whether we the public like it or not. I once wrote a poem called “Who Gets It” which dealt with the fact that poetry and all forms of art aren’t necessarily understood by everyone who reads or views it.
When I create art I don’t like to explain it and yet I do give the viewer the chance to make their interpretation whether they get what I created or not. Of course there are times when they miss the boat entirely which justifies that fact that not everyone gets art.

I watched the film Wall Street Money Never Sleeps last Friday. My mind was in other places as I revisited New York inside of my head. I remembered being at the New York Stock Exchange and walking from Wall Street down Fifth Avenue to Central Park. I thought about the Twin Towers and other areas of the city that I frequented.
I had wondered whether or not Charlie Sheen would pop up as Bud Fox and did have a cameo as the character that was partially responsible for putting Gordon Gecko being bars.
I also realized because I had followed the story of Lemann Brothers and the other banks in trouble that it wasn’t anything new to me. Sometimes we just expect more when such hype is given to a film.

Shia LeBeouf is the up and coming star of the next generation. If he continues to take on such roles he’ll be in the same caliber of Edward Norton and James McEvoy. I could see the three of them in a film together perhaps playing brothers. Shia brings an innocence and intensity of deviance to his character in this film.
When you see a sequel you have a tendency of thinking and comparing it to the original when it doesn’t drift away from the original story.
We watch as the characters continue to try to rise up the ladder and how some do it better than others.

Now that I’ve had time to let the film marinate inside my head I see it from a different view now. The film does stand alone even though it ties in to the original. Sylvia Miles shows up as the real estate agent, but Susan Surandon is great as the mother of the Shia LeBeouf character. Care Mulligan who gave such a great performance in the film An Education is just as lovely in this film.
The film has given me some inspiration as did the original. Certain films have an impact on me and help me see things in a different light.

There’s lots of vital information that can be taken from this film.
Thanks for stopping by, Do come again and why not become a follower of this blog while you’re here. Open Your Mind. Relax, enjoy and believe.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Up in the Air

Up In The Air - I didn’t go to see this film when it played at the movie theater, but I was curious to see the film. Last night I had the opportunity to sit down and watch the film. There are many films that I relate too and this film is no exception.
As a person who traveled a lot I know what its like to try and rack up frequent flier miles. You sort of become your own competition. You set up goals with yourself as to what you want to achieve. There are certain places you’d like to visit, people you’d like to meet and experiences that you’d like to experience.

On top of all of that, the George Clooney character has the job of having to fire people. There are many people who get lost in their work so they don’t have time for relationships. Of course deep down that is just an excuse because on has some issues about the entire subject. Many people see relationships in their lives that didn’t work out and may have experienced it first hand and have decided its just not worth it.
Imagine giving 8 years to a relationship only to have it not work. Who wants to go through that trauma again? You put your heart out there and it get crushed.

The majority of people get to experience many things in their lives. Love, marriage, family, career changes, and job loss. Each situation is unique to the person that it involves. If you know its coming you can prepare as best one can. If you get blindsided then it’s a blow that not everyone can recover from. Working at a job for years is like a relationship. You’ve created a family and you feel as if you are a part of something. You feel as if you’ve given your best and you’ve invested in something that you had no idea would come to an end.

Up In the Air brings all of this to the forefront at a time when unemployment is on the rise. Despite what we hear in the media, people are continually losing their jobs in parts of the U.S. where it was never an issue before. Incidents are happening where people have no control.

The film is quite interesting as a man finds something he thought he was happy with and then realizes he would like to have more. Just when he allows himself to open up he gets hit with a bombshell.

If you are a fan of George Clooney then I’m sure you will enjoy this film. If you like Vera Farmiga you will see her in a way I don’t think she’s been seen before.
Up In The Air may just shed some light on the way the world is today and how it is constantly changing.

Thanks for stopping by, Do come again and why not become a follower of this blog while you’re here. Open Your Mind. Relax, enjoy and believe.

Friday, August 20, 2010

D's Movie World

Yesterday - Yesterday, the name of the title character, is an interesting and powerful film about a woman in Africa that finds out she has AIDS. It’s her journey trying to see a doctor that is many miles away from her village. Finally she meets someone who helps her to get to the doctors facility early so that she has a better chance of seeing the doctor. Things get worse when she searches for her husband to make sure he gets testing. The film shows the misinformation and ignorance of people about the transmission of the virus. The fear and isolation from brought on by the small community.
Yesterday’s cinematography is like looking at photographs. It’s surreal and stunning.
It’s a touching film of determination and fulfilling dreams.

All About My Mother - This is a Pedro Almadovar film that is a story within a story. It seems inspired by All About Eve and a Street Car Name Desire. Penelope Cruz, one of Pedro’s muses also stars in this film. It’s typical Almadovar, from the color to the quirky characters.

Thanks for stopping by and do come back.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

D Cinema File 2010

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - It’s been a while since I’ve seen a film that didn’t have a happy ending. I prefer films that are truer to life. We don’t always get what we want or things turn out differently than we expected.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas is an incredible film with an ending I was not expecting. It’s the story of a family that finds out the truth about the Nazi prison camps. The story delves into the psyche of six family members and how their beliefs are changed and twisted by a turn of events.

If you love foreign films you are going to enjoy this movie. If you like dramas based on historical events you’ll love this film, which stars, David Thewlis and Vera Farmiga.

Another film that I watched this week was A Single Man. It’s based on a book and directed by Fashion Designer Tom Ford. A Single Man looks at the life of a man who loses his lover of many years and how he copes with being single. A female lover he once had wants to rekindle the flames, but he’s not focused on that. Julianne Moore is exquisite in the supporting role of the female friend. Dated pieces work so well for her. She was born to wear costumes.
Colin Firth is The Single Man. Reflecting on his past and wondering if he has a future as he prepares to end his life.
This is a must see for film lovers.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind and do come back again.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Foreign Films

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas - This is an incredible film. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a film without a happy ending. It was truly amazing. I’m going to have to add this to my collection. I wasn’t sure what the film was about, but one of my film buddies knew I would like it and they were right. The film stars David Thewlis and Vera Farmiga as the parents of an 8 year old boy who doesn’t understand why the Germans hate the Jews. Having his father as an officer he takes a job and the young boy has to leave his friends behind. In his need for adventure, the curiosity of the farm peeks his interest. He soon finds a way to get off the grounds and discovers a young boy his own age who happens to be Jewish. A friendship develops as the young boys try to come to an understanding of why one can’t be with the other. In a turn of events, the young German boy ends up in a pair of striped pajamas.

I highly recommend this emotionally charged film. It has a great sound track and the cast is great. You can see the emotion in their eyes and see and feel their change within about the decision they have made.
The film is in German with English subtitles, but its worth the look. For the ladies, it is a tear jerker.

Hilde’s Journey was an interesting film about a man that dies and the attempts his family goes to that his wishes are not fulfilled. There’s betrayal, on all levels as the friends lover tries to see that the wishes are honored. He drives to Paris to scatter the ashes in the sea with the ex- lover who was granted a substantial amount of money, but is being duped by the man’s family who does not wish to acknowledge that he was gay and died of aids. It’s an interesting film as we get to know the characters and the real relationship to the deceased, Martin Hilde.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Angelina Jolie is an incredible artist, but I can’t say I’ve seen all of her films. The films I have seen have been great. Her portrayal of GIA still remains one of my favorites.
In the film Salt, Angelina plays an agent that may be working for both sides. Trained in Russia and infiltrated into American society. The film is right on the money considering all that is going on right now with spies in the news.

Salt makes one think because we don’t know really know who anyone is. People will do anything to survive and to seek revenge. If the price is right…
The special effects are pretty good, but nothing over the top. Angelina does get bang up a lot and still manages to look good even with a swollen eye.
She kicks a lot of butt in this film so its well worth the price of admission. The only thing is the ending. It leaves it as if there could be a sequel, but we do know Salt is a bad ass and perhaps had more people to kill.
I’d be interested in seeing a Sequel should Angelina Jolie come back.

If you’re a fan of Angelina you’ll like this film. If you like thrillers with surprise endings then you’ll also enjoy this film. It has lots of twists.

Friday, July 16, 2010


I had been planning since I saw the preview of this film to see it. I knew I would want it in my collection for the special effects alone, but I also knew I had to see it on the big screen. I realized a long time ago that when you see a film the way it is meant to be seen then you can see it on a smaller screen. It doesn’t take away from the movie. I had never seen Lawrence of Arabia, Spartacus or Gone With the Wind on the large screen in fact, it wasn’t until I saw GWTW on the big screen that I was actually able to watch it on the small screen. It was the reverse for Lawrence of Arabia and Spartacus. Both of these films I’ve loved, but I had never seen them on the large screen until they had a re-release. It gave me a new appreciation for the films.

I’m not sure if Inception is considered science fiction or action and sci fi combined with drama, but I like films that deal with the mind. The film stars Leonardo Di Caprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Paige and an appearance by Michael Caine and Lucas Haas.

People try to manipulate people all the time. When dealing with dreams, a movie can start anywhere. It’s up to the writer to make sure the audience can follow along and that its not too complicated. Separating dreams from reality is one thing, but going from one dream to another is an entirely different matter. Putting thoughts into someone's head is known as brainwashing. In the world of dreams it's known as Inception. We delve inside the characters heads and their visions of their dream world. Layers of dreams where anything is possible when people are sharing the same dream. We find ourselves watching three dreams at once. Dreams cover a lot of ground in a few minutes and reality is shorter. Christopher Nolan the director of The Dark Knight gives us something interesting and Leonardo and Joseph pull this off despite competing with special effects.

I recall the film Brainstorm which is another favorite of mine. It’s also a film that goes inside a person’s mind to deal with their thoughts. It was a film about virtual reality. It was a film ahead of its time, but now the brain becomes more and more intriguing to scientists.

Give it a look see if you like the stars or if you like special effects. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. The enveloped gets pushed a lot with things I’ve not seen before.

Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Come back again soon.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Wrestler

I am not sure what it is, but there are actors and actresses that I love and then they sort of do a film or they say something and I sort of don't care to see their films anymore. Mickey Rourke is one of those actors. Perhaps it was that he just fell out of the limelight. I remember the first film I saw was The Pope of Grenwich Village, then there was 9 1/2 weeks and Angel Heart. I guess the real reasons I saw any of these films was because of the co stars and the subject matter. The next time I was even remotely interested in seeing Mickey Rourke was in a film with Willem Dafoe called the Animal Factory. This was to be Mickey Rourke's comeback role and it was quite a role even though it was a small role.

The Wrestler was a very interesting film and he was deserving of the Oscar. Marisa Tomei was also good in her role as the stripper. It had some similarities to another film I like a lot, Leaving Las Vegas which Nicholas Cage won his oscar for and Elizabeth Shue was incredible as the prostitute.

Mickey Rourke is now being welcomed back into Hollywood with open arms and the movie roles are calling.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Pam Grier Month

Pam Grier - May 26, is her birthday. I’ve been watching some of her movies that are a part of my collection. I watched the entire series the L word and The Miami Vice movie that introduced her in a recurring role as Tubbs love interest and undercover cop from NYC. The first Pam Grier film that I saw was Coffy when I was 12 at the Circle theater which no longer exist. There was something about seeing Pam Grier on that large screen that made me fall for her instantly. From that point on every film, magazine article, or television show she would appear on, I was there if I could.

Pam Grier had made many B movies before her breakout role in Coffy.
Because the majority of Miss Grier’s earlier work was R rated, I couldn’t always get in to see the films. But I did see Foxy Brown and Scream Blacula Scream on the big screen.

In 1978, Pam Grier was in New Orleans filming Drum. It was a picture about slavery, and Pam Grier starred opposite Ken Norton and Warren Oats. I had thought about skipping school one day to get a glimpse of Miss Grier. It was my senior year and in fear that I would get into trouble I opted against the idea. That December I turned 18 and when the film played at the Lowes, which is now the State Palace Theatre, my dad took me to see the film. It was the first time I had seen Pam Grier get killed on screen. That was a bit traumatic.

I hope one day to meet her face to face. Until then I just watch her films. There are still a few films I’d like to add to my collection. Greased Lightening, that she appeared in opposite Richard Pryor and Something Wicked This Way Comes, (I have it on VHS, but I want to get it on DVD) the Disney film which made her the first black actress to appear in a leading Role.

So I continue the Pam Grier film festival for the month of May with such films as, Arena, Sheba Baby, Friday Foster, Bucktown, Black Mama, White Mama and Foxy Brown along with many others ending with the classic film that for me remains timeless; Coffy.

Coming up: Returning to NOLA, Road Home, Keeping on track, Can I take a trip?

Thanks for stopping by, Open Your Mind. Relax, enjoy and believe.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The L Word

The last season of the L word only included 8 episodes which I was a little disappointed in. The last season centers around the death of Jenny Schecter played my Mia Kirshner. I first saw Mia Kirshner in the film, Exotica. She has beautiful eyes and a nice petite frame. The Jenny character on the L word made us love her, feel sorry for her and hate her. I felt the same way about most of the characters, but that’s life. People have different opinions and react to things differently and so we react differently.

The reason I started watching the L word is because I found out Pam Grier was on the show. Even her character, Kit made me angry at times. The first and second seasons had some great writing and story lines. The third season went off the beaten path when they decided to kill one of the main and most loveable characters, Dana played by Erin Daniels.

The fourth and fifth season just went all over the place. The sixth season brought back some of the originality that I loved in the first season, but it was over too soon.

The show has inspired me to write again, but I have some other projects that I need to start and complete before I delve into creating some characters.

I watched the film Up Saturday which was a great film from Pixar. I also watched another animated film, The Prince of Egypt which is one of my favorites.

Upcoming entries: Foreign films

Thanks for stopping by, Open Your Mind. Relax, enjoy and believe.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I had accumulated some Disney rewards and I decided to go to the Disney store to use them. My intent was to purchase The Princess and the Frog. It's a retelling of the classic tale and it was set in New Orleans. I had seen the film while I was in NOLA and I decided I'd add it to my collection.

I also had enough to purchase Mary Poppins and Up. I only recall seeing Mary Poppins when I was a kid and only a few musical numbers stick out. So, I'll sit and watch it again soon.

Up was nominated for best picture at this years academy awards and I can see why. This is really a good film. It's more for the teenager to adult crowd then the kids and prepubescent. It has some funny moments, but there is realism in the film. The opening tale is told with very little dialogue and then the adventure begins and we go along for the ride thinking about our own adventures that we'd like to take.
It's a film that the family can enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


In private we can let ourselves go more than we would in public. It all depends on how one is brought up and most men are taught not to show emotion because it's a sign of weakness.
While watching the Oscars it was quite the thrill to see Molly Ringwald in a tribute to John Hughes. The Breakfast Club is one of my favorite films. It's one of those films that we can all relate too.

This morning I was shocked to see that Corey Haim had passed away. I wonder how difficult it must be for a child star to grow up and not be found as cute and adorable as they were when they were working. It also doesn't help if you can't seem to grow with your age. Although most of Hollywood strives to remain looking young, only those with those special genes can actually do it. Hollywood can be like a catch 22. Either you stayed away too long or you're just not as marketable as you once were. It's all about ticket sales. The entertainment industry is all about the dollar and if you can't bring in the money...

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Lucky Ones

Last night I watched a film that was passed along to me by a friend. Whenever I'm in NOLA we swap movies that we think the other may enjoy or if it was something the other person didn't get a chance to see.

The film stars Tim Robins, Michael Pena and Rachel McAdams. It's the story of three war veterans returning home from Iraq and end up making a road trip and getting to know each other along the way.

Luck comes in many forms. It all depends on how one chooses to look at it. Some people don't believe in luck. Things just happen. It's a film that looks at how people deal with various situations.

It's worth a look. It's funny, and tender. You can relate to these characters on many levels.

Next: Julia and Julie

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.