Friday, October 15, 2010

Hard Candy

Hard Candy - Most people know how I feel about remakes. I just feel writers should be original and directors should be first in line if they want to direct a certain film. There have been instances where the original director has redirected a film because he felt he could do better. I just feel certain films shouldn’t be touched, but if your going to remake something make it better. If you’re telling the same story what’s the point. Yes, I understand some people don’t like subtitles or speak a foreign language, but that’s the beauty of art. Not everyone gets it.

There’s been talk of remaking The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, based on the Stieg Larsson book of the same name. When Ellen Page’s name came up I just didn’t see her as playing the part of Lisbeth Salander.

Last night I watched the film, Hard Candy and Ellen Page was incredible as a young girl out to seek revenge on a man that molested and possibly killed her friend. The film starts of subtly and slowly takes a sadistic turn with a little cat and mouse added in to keep the audience on the edge of its seat. The performances are great by Ellen Page and Patrick Wilson, but there were some fades that could have been handled differently. I got the red fades that signified the blood, but there were an over abundance of fades to black.
The film captures the essence of what some people go through when they are molested at a young age. I don’t recall this film having a big theatrical release, but I’m sure it had a lot to do with the subject matter.

I think this film would make a great stage play as well. It’s basically just the two main characters so it could be pulled off quite well. Although its mostly psychological, it’s not for the faint at heart, but I won’t spoil certain scenes. It’s full of surprises.

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