Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Last night I watched the movie Trapped which stars the lovely and talented Cherlize Theron, Dakota Fanning, Vince Pruit Vaugh, Courtney Love, Peter Townsend and Kevin Bacon. It's a great film that I neglected to pick up many times because of the subject matter. Ransom has always been my favorite film regarding kidnapping, but Trapped is full of surprises. I highly recommend this film. If you are a fan of Kevin Bacon or Cherlize Theron, you're going to enjoy this film. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. I may watch Commando tonight, but don't hold me to it.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I'm currently watching this series which stars Robert Pastorelli. I think that's how you spell his name. He played Murphy Brown's helper on the TV show. I'm not sure when Cracker was on TV or cable, but it is an interesting show. It's a combination of CSI and Psych 101. Pastorelli plays a psychologist hired by the police department to help get into the minds of murderers. Josh Harnett also stars along with Lee R. Emery.

I'm replacing a few of the DVDs that were taken from my home. I'm trying to organize the DVDs to which are most important. Special features will have a case to themselves. Sometimes I look at the special features, but I'm more likely to look at the disk if its on the same disc as the feature film. One day I'll just sit down and watch special feature DVDs for a month or so. I won't spend any more money on cases at the moment. I'm going to see a few of my VHS tapes and books. I need to go through my movie posters that survived and see what I want to do with them. Well, that's it for now. I continue to watch The White Shadow and Miami Vice. I watched the Ten Commandments Sunday night and last night I watched Godzilla. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The White Shadow

I watched two more episodes of the White Shadow. It was a TV show that I watched when I was in High School. The show starred Ken Howard, Thomas Carter, Timothy Van Patten and Kevin Hooks. Centered around a white pro basket ball player who's career is ended by an accident on the court. He is offered a job by a fellow friend in a high school where the kids are in need of guidance. Through basketball the coach struggles to gain the trust of the students. The two episodes I watched were fun episodes, the characters still struggle to get to know each other and deal with their fears. One episode shows the team going to a tournament and getting onto an airplane for the first time. The other episode has the team in Vegas and they lose their shirts, but learn a lesson in returning money that isn't theirs. I was going to take in a movie, but I had some things to take care of. Maybe tomorrow or over the weekend. Soon I'll be planning on returning to NOLA. Sometimes even time moves fast for me. LOL. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Friday, April 7, 2006

16 Blocks

I decided I would take in a movie while I was in NOLA. I haven't been to the movies since I saw King Kong. I've been watching a lot of television while I'm in NOLA. A lot of television for me is watching more than Oprah. I've been watching Deal or No Deal, come on can't we do better than this? I do enjoy The Amazing Race. I can picture me and my brah hiking and pushing each other to the limits to win the big prize. LOL. Survivor has always been interesting and I love the CSI shows and The Unit. Of course I've also been watching the news and reading the local newspaper. Things I normally don't do. Old habits are hard to kill. LOL. Okay, now back to our feature presentation, 16 Blocks. I had no idea what the film was about, but because Mos Def was attached to the film I wanted to see it. That's how I choose my films. The film also stars, Bruce Willis and David Morse. It's a film filled with dialogue, action and twists and turns. Mos Def gives the best performance of his career to date. He just continues to escalate and in time he'll be nominated for an Oscar if he continues to select the same great roles. It's a film about change and proving to people that it can be done. Anything is possible. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.