Sunday, February 25, 2018

Darkest Hour

The podcast is now up on podbean it's call Films Versus Movies. It'll soon be on itunes and stitcher soon. Check it out and follow me on social media. It's still a work in progress as I am not in the studio when we record. So that's the reason my voice may fade in and out.

I had pretty much decided that Timothee Chalamet would walk away with the Oscar even before I saw the film Call Me By Your Name. I saw Darkest Hour and now I am rethinking my decision. Gart Oldman's performance as Winston Churchill is great. There are several times I forgot I was watching Gary Oldman. The film should definitely win for best makeup.
I am sure I had seen Gary Oldman in a few films, but it wasn't until he did the film The Professional aka Leon that I was hooked. Of course like most actors his choices weren't always appealing so I didn't see them or add them to my collection.

Kirsten Scott Thomas plays Churchill's wife Clementine. I hadn't seen her in anything for quite some time. I think she should have been nominated for her role in the film. It was brought to my attention that Darkest Hour is the prelude to Dunkirk. Getting inside the head of a historical figure is always interesting. Churchill was not very well liked because he wasn't afraid to speak his mind.

"Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill from the film Darkest Hour.

I'm going to try to see Dunkirk. There are still quite a few movies that I haven't seen, but eventually I'll get around to them. Maybe I'll find them at the library once they are released on DVD or Blu Ray.

Most of the people I talk to regarding films and movies are having mixed opinions as well so I'm not alone.

I'm trying to see if I'll be able to see Dunkirk and Three Billboards before next Sunday.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.

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