Sunday, February 14, 2016

The first time, Cleopatra

I don't know why I have never seen Cleopatra before. Perhaps it's because it never came on before.
I do know there are many films I didn't have an interest in watching. I now wish to add it to my collection for several reasons.
One, is because of the cast. I had no idea that Roddy McDowell and Martin Landau were in the film.
There was a lot of controversy surrounding the film. It was very risque for the time. There is lots of sexual innuendo. Because I don't have cable I'm watching it with commercial interruption. I'll have to see if there is a restored version on DVD or Blu ray.
It would be great if I could find a copy with extras. I would like to also have a wide screen version. It's one of those epic films. Every now and then I find some of those old movies I used to watch with my grandmother. There are movies I'm still being introduced to. I try to only add movies to my collection that I will want to watch over and over. Some for their artistic value and other's for inspiration.
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