Friday, April 10, 2015

I'm on a roll with my movie watching.

Amoure (Love) (DDD) - This is a French film that I knew nothing about. It’s the story of an elderly couple that love each other, but when the wife becomes ill the story takes an interesting turn. At first I thought the film was going to be about Alzheimer’s and then it went in a different direction as the wife suffers a stroke and the husband takes on the responsibility of caring for her. There are quite a few surprises and some disturbing images, but this is definitely an interesting film, but watch it when you’re feeling happy. It can bring you down and make you think about getting old.

The Lone Ranger (DDD) - I was putting off watching this film, but I finally gave in. I like Johnny Depp, but in recent years, all of his roles seem to be the same. Ever since Pirates of the Caribbean I find the characters to be the same, but that’s just me. At first I thought perhaps this was a Tim Burton film. The stars were those he had worked with in several of his films. I do like Tim Burton and his dark side, but to my surprise this film was directed by Gore Berbinski and the music was by Hans Zimmer.
I was confused with the opening as we go into a museum. I am not a big fan of films that have narration or that tell the story in reverse. From time to time I have made exceptions, but its not always exciting to watch a film when you know how it is going to end. But if the story is told correctly, the journey that leads us to the end or perhaps beyond what we think is the end can be entertaining. Johnny Depp plays Tonto and Armie Hammer plays The Lone Ranger. This adaptation tells us how it all began. The film also stars Tom Wilkinson. There are some great realistic special effects which makes it a fun film to watch.

HER (DDD) - I had remembered seeing a preview for this film, but had totally forgotten the title. The film stars Joaquin Phoenix who hadn’t been in a film for a very long time. I believe he had even mentioned retiring at one point, but no one can really stay away from something that they enjoy. When you get a film that challenges your craft you definitely jump at the chance to play the role.
Joaquin plays a letter writer that starts an unusual relationship.
(This is the part I was talking about in my last entry. Do I give away the plot or do I let you discover it on your own? When it comes to films if I‘m not buying it or paying to see it in a theater, then I don‘t really care what its about unless I‘m in a mood.)
It’s definitely an unusual film that is worth a look.
The film was directed by Spike Jonez and also stars, Scarlett Johansen, Amy Adams, Rooney Mara, Olivia Wilde and Chris Pratt.

Boyhood (DDDD) - I had figured with all of the hype that the film might not be that great. In Texas they really back their own so its only natural that they would praise a film whether it is great or not.
I was quite surprised. The film is really good and most of us can relate to different aspects of our own childhood. The film is unique in its story telling as its probably the first time an actor has played in their own aging since the film took 12 years to make. Also, what the actor is experiencing on the screen, he was experiencing for the first time.
It’s definitely worth a look, especially if you have any interest in film making.
The film was directed by Richard Linklater who brought us Slacker and Dazed and Confused, also great films.
Boyhood stars Patricia Arquette, Ethan Hawke, Ellar Coltrane and Lorelei Linklater, Richard Linklater’s daughter.

Coming soon:  Lincoln, Silver Lining Playbook, Django Unchained, ARGO, August: Osage County,

The rating system - (d) it’s okay, if you like the stars (D) worth a look, especially if you are a fan of the stars (DD) Great cinematography and costumes (DDD) good script, cinematography, (DDDD) Not to be missed (DDDDD) I highly recommend this film

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