Saturday, December 31, 2005

Action Jackson

Action Jackson was a film that starred Vanity along with Carl Weathers a local New Orleanian who made it. Most of you may know him as Apollo Creed in Rocky. The film also stars, Bill Duke, (I misspelled his name in the last entry.) Sharon Stone and Craig T Nelson. It's your typical action picture with little drama. LOL. It's the one film that showed that Vanity was more than just a sexy woman with great looks. Of course before Vanity came to the United States, she was a model and actress in Canada. She worked under her real name, Denise Mathews. Then Prince added her to his entourage and she became part of Vanity 6. Now she's born again and no longer part of the entertainment industry. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Have a safe and happy new year!!!


Exit Wounds stars rapper turned actor DMX. Steven Sagal plays a bad ass cop trying to teach everyone a lesson. When a film has the right mix it can certainly do well. I'm not a fan of S S. I think the first film I saw him in was Above the Law. The only reason I saw this film was because of the lovely, Pam Grier. It seems Steven wanted to work with every black star that would work with him. Exit Wounds is an interesting story and other stars get to shine so it isn't all about S. S. Tom Arnold, Anthony Anderson, Bill Dukes, Issiah Washington and Michael Jai White round out the cast. Everyone gets to kick some butt. If you haven't seen it, give it a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Come back and find out the last film I view for 2005.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Brother to Brother

I watched Brother to Brother and pulled away from it a line that I relate to. In reference to why people liked Langston Hughes. He had looks, brains and he knew how to talk to people as well as listen. It's an interesting film of a young artist dealing with his sexuality and race. He meets an aging poet who lived during the renaissance era. Their lives intermingle with a look back and how things may or may not have changed. I've reviewed this film before. Now finally have it on DVD after finding it at the right price. LOL. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Let's Talk about KONG

The newest remake of King Kong, takes on the story of the original, but the humor and love story of the last remake. King Kong is an adrenaline rush. My palms were sweating. It's an edge of your seat thrill ride. Naomi Watts looks good and in a few scenes reminds you of Faye Wray. In fact there is a reference to Fay playing the part in Carl Denham's film. The role played by Bud Cabot becomes a character and Jack Driscoll becomes a writer. There is an added addition as a black actor has a bigger part on the boat and the natives become very unusual looking. I'm sure Peter Jackson was making his own personal statement which was right on the money. The natives have dark skin, striking eyes and features and some have blonde hair. There's no theatrical dance - wedding ceremony. The special effects do steal the film. This film should definitely be nominated for Special effects, visual effects, sound effects, and set design. I also see an Oscar nomination for Jack Black who plays Carl Denham. Adrien Brody plays Jack Driscoll. There is a scene on the boat that becomes a scene within a scene. There are a few lines taken directly from the original script. King Kong is quite an entertaining film. I suggest eating before going to see the film. Then you can sit there and enjoy it. I was glued to my seat as stuff just happened. There were some scenes taken away and many scenes added. This will definitely be a part of my DVD collection. I know it's going to be costly because there will be those added features that I'll definitely want to have. In any case if you love film, love CGI, this film will blow you away. There isn't a rape scene in this Kong picture. Now, I know you're saying to yourself, what rape scene? In the original and the remake there is a scene where Kong fondles the women. He removes their clothing. This became a running joke as the rape scene. The crew who worked the hand named it. Jessica Lange got a few bruises from being slapped around by the hand. I'm sure Naomi had her share of bruises and dizziness. You just have to see it for yourself to see what I'm talking about. No flesh from Naomi, but she does look good. So get yourself together and go in expecting nothing, then you'll be surprised. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Sometimes movies just literally fall off the shelf at me and it happens to be something I'm interested in seeing. Aftershock was a made for tv movie about an earth quake rattling New York City. It's one of those all star cast deals with several story lines going on at one time. It's about families coming together when things just aren't so great. It's about survival life and death. Reminded me a lot of Katrina. The film stars, Tom Skeritt, Charles S Duton, Jennifer Garner, Lisa Nicole Carson and Cicely Tyson. The special effects always over shadow the film. Give it a look. Of all the landmarks in New York, the Twin Towers seemed have been unscathed yet in reality... Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. 

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Beauty Shop and a classic

I like Queen Latifah. She has a screen presence and has proven herself as an actress. Set it Off, Living out Loud and Chicago have all had rave reviews. Beauty Shop brings her character from Barbershop 2 to life. She's good, but it's Alicia Silverstone, Kevin Bacon, Bryce Wilson and Keisha Knight Pullman that steal the show. You remember Keisha as Rudy on the Cosby show. Well, she's all filled out now. If you think the Olsen twins are hot get a loud of Keisha. Bill Cosby must be going crazy. Although it was Lisa Bonet that made the bad choices, Keisha seems to be doing quite well keeping all of her clothes on. LOL. If you want some laughs, check this film out. Alfre Woodard, Muri Survani and Andie McDowell along with many others appear in this film. It's better than Barbershop, and B2.

I watched the Wizard of Oz tonight. I usually watch this film once a year. It's just one of those films that hasn't lost its charm. I've seen the film at least 40 times. LOL. You're always getting something new from this film. It is for the child in us all despite the political messages that are hidden through out.

Tomorrow I will watch the film 54 which stars Ryan Phillippe, Breckin Meyer, Selma Heyak, Neve Campbell, Sela Ward, New Orleans own Mary Griffith and Mike Meyers. It's a fun film about the famous 70's club, Studio 54. It brings back memories. LOL.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Top Gun

I had put off seeing this film for a long time. Since I've been building the ultimate DVD collection I've added a few Tom Cruise films, but I have not added Magnolia which I feel is his best role. The only reason I haven't added the film is because of the price. I'll stumble across a used copy soon. At one of the Seattle film festivals, oh way back when. LOL. There was a film I saw called Sleep with Me. The film starred Eric Stolz, Craig Sheffer and Meg Tilly. Quentin Tarantino made an appearance. Now when a writer writes, he has the power to be satirical or to be down right cruel. Sometimes during filming, a director gives his actors freedom and they just ad lib. Sometimes this adds to the character and the flow of the film and sometimes not. There is a party scene and Quentin is in the kitchen and he goes off on the symbolism of Top Gun being about homosexuality. It's a riot and it makes you think... Top Gun is a guy movie, all the b s, hormones, competitiveness and comaraderie that goes on when men get together. The film starred a bunch of up and coming actors and actresses including, Kelly Gillis and Meg Ryan. Anthony Edwards, Val Kilmer, Michael Ironside and Tom Skeritt. I never had the opportunity to meet Tom Skeritt, but I used to pass by his condo. (No I wasn't a stalker, it was the same block.) It was on the way to the condo where I was staying on 1st avenue, near Pioneer Square in Seattle. Here are some holiday film recommendations and a few of which I will be watching. Tonights feature will be Beauty Shop with Queen Latifah, tomorrow the classic film, The Wizard of Oz. I watched episode 8 of the L word and I am hooked. Now I want more. It's inspired me to do some writing which is a good thing. I love cutting edge, but I also like good writing. I just hope my stories hold up and are still interesting when I put them out there or they are discovered in a box some day. My life in four chapters. Sounds interesting. I will make Pieces of Reality a reality and then I'll work on Confessions in Exile. Now that sounds interesting. What could that be about? You'll have to stick to Open Your Mind for that. LOL. Have a Merry Christmas, thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind and watch a movie. Perhaps you'll unwrap a good film. LOL.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

King Kong (1933)

I watched the original King Kong. I had watched it once this year along with the remake with Jessica Lange. This was however my first time watching it on DVD. It was just recently released for the first time on DVD. This film is still incredible for many reasons. Although there are some comedic moments, whether intentional or accidental this film is classic. The stop motion, live action against a ground breaking form of animation and special effects. As I watched the film I wondered about some films that were surrounded by controversy. Howard Hughes' The Outlaw received flack because of  Jane Russells breasts. Yet, Fay Wrays nipples were at attention in one of the earlier scenes of the film and one breast gets exposed when she is rescued from the water. I also began to think about the fact that the NAACP has never rallied about the treatment of blacks in this film. They always felt Gone with the Wind treated the blacks poorly. It's film, it's fantasy. Of course there are instances where art imitates life and vice versa. In any event these things are prevalent in out society. To not see this is to be in denial. This was one of the things I couldn't understand about blaxploitation films of the 70's. This was the world I knew. So what was it? Art imitiating life or ... There will always be controversy in film, in art in general. Take a real look at King Kong and see it for its artistry. I also realized that King Kong has now had two remakes and Mighty Joe Young has had one, but the Son of Kong has never been remade to my knowledge. Or prehaps that was the one with Linda Hamilton. Help me out if you know of a remake of SOK. I remember when Kong roamed the streets of New Orleans. That's another story, check out my journal for that one. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Tomorrow I'll watch episode 6 of the L word and the feature will be Top Gun with Tom Cruise.

Welcome to Fight Club

I've seen Fight Club at least six times if not more. There is a lot going on with this film that I can relate to. Each time we look at a film we can take away something different if we look closely. We all have that rebellious side to us, but we don't act upon it. Well some of us don't. LOL. We create personalities or we get into personalities depending on who we are around. Sometimes we are like little children waiting to be told what to do. Other times we can be very aggressive. There are many people that are in total control on their jobs and they like to relinquish that control in other areas of their lives. Everyone is searching for their true identity and only a handful of us actually find out that truth. In Fight Club we delve into the psyche of the split personality. We all have it, but some of us have more than two. Your first personality is that of the baby. Once you recognize your name you try to live up to it. Some of us have a nickname and that causes another personality. Once you start meeting friends you see another side of yourself and when you become an adult another side. We desperately look for the happier times in our lives. For most of us it's when we were kids. When we were free, no responsibilities. Someone told us what we needed to do and we either did it or we tried to get around it. LOL. There are things we would love to experience in our lives and the only way to do that is to create another persona. This is captured quite well in the film Fight Club. If you haven't seen this film I highly recommend it. If it's been a while since you've seen it, check it out and see if you can see something different. Can you see something in yourself that has changed? It rates high on my list. If you're a fan of Brad Pitt or Edward Norton then you will really enjoy Fight Club. I also recommend, American History X and The Spy Game. Both actors give outstanding performances in these films. Although my favorite Edward Norton film has to be Primal Fear. And my favorite Brad Pitt film is Kalifornia. Check them all out and let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by and keep an open mind.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The L Word

I've begun watching the Showtimes series, the L word. I purchased a use copy of the first 8 episodes. I was interested in the series for several reasons. It deals with woman to woman relationships and it stars Jennifer Beals and Pam Grier. Jennifer Beals has had a long road to prove herself as an actress. She was a cute face that came to fame via a dance craze. Flashdance made Jennifer a house hold name, but then there was nothing to keep her going. The film didn't show case nothing more than her looks. It took three dancers to make Jennifer come alive. Other than taking off her clothes without revealing skin and some snappy dialogue, she was just pretty to look at. Many years later, she's now proving herself as an actress. If you've got an open mind, give the L word a look see.

I just completed watching the 5th season of OZ. Now I await the 6th season to be released on DVD. The 5th season was quite exciting. It had a good flow and lots of the formula that made OZ the hit show it had become. I'm hoping the 6th season will be a good one. Although it seems its gonna be difficult to end on a note we can all be happy with. Life isn't filled with happy endings or is it? Just depends on how you look at it. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fifth Season of OZ

I watched the first two episodes of the Fifth Season of OZ, they were addictive as the previous seasons were. It's a shame it all had to end. I really have enjoyed the first 4 seasons. After I finish OZ I'll either watch Dallas or Miami Vice. I'm hoping I can get a used copy of Season 2 of MV. That would be so cool. Thanks for stopping by; keep coming back. Keep an open mind. Here are some film recommendations. Claudine, Witches of Easwick, and Giant. I'll be watching all of them in the next few weeks. I will also watch the Classic The Wizard of Oz. I watched The Posiedon Adventure for the 100th plus time. I usually watch this film once a year.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Bloom is an unusual film, It's supposed to be based on the James Joyce novel Ulysses. There were more references to Shakespeare than JJ. It was an okay movie, it's a period piece. Heavy English and Irish accents. It's one of those films where you have to keep your eye on the screen. Stephen Rea stars as Mr. Bloom.

Sunday, December 4, 2005

The Trial

I know, it's been a while. I've been busy. You're probably saying if you're not going to keep it up why do it at all? Well, someone might stop by and look back at past reviews and recommendations. I had thought about adding the films to my journal, but I have my reasons. I do from time to time add snipets to get the reader to come to this link. In any event here's my latest review. The Trial is a film by Orson Welles. It is his vision of the Franz Kafka novel. I picked this film up because it starred Anthony Perkins. Since reading the book Split Image some 6 years ago, I've developed an obsession with Anthony Perkins. I always thought he was great in Mahogany with Diana Ross and Billy Dee Williams. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he played a fashion photographer. It would have been nice to have met him since he seemed to have a very dark side. LOL. I was only two years old when The Trial was released. It's the story of a man who awakens to be committed of a crime, but not knowing what the crime is. He delves deep into the surreal world to prove his innocence. The film also stars, Jeanne Moreau, Orson Welles, Romy Scheider, Elsa Martinelli and Akim Tamiroff. If you're a fan of Anthony Perkins you will certainly enjoy this film. It is his best. The film has a few slow moments, it's in black and white, but the cinematography and set design are worth the watch. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.