Sunday, June 12, 2022

Life Inside My Bubble

House of Gucci ****

The movie stars Lady GaGa, Adam Driver, Jared Leto, Jeremy Irons & Al Pacino. I have always been interested in films and movies that deal with the fashion industry. The problem is that the majority of them see the industry as a joke or they capture the darkside. Perhaps there is no other way to capture it to make it interesting.

I know there are people who are narcissistic, but it seemed a little over the top. Of course you take creative license to keep the viewer interested. Since I don't know these people and have never had the opportunity to see them in an interview, there is no way to know what their personalities were like. Lady GaGa is proving herself to be a great actress. She seems to be very likeable and she is great to watch on screen. I was not familiar with Adam Driver until a few years ago when he appeared on the cover of GQ. It seemed to me as if he came out of nowhere. I'm not sure what I saw first, but I liked his performance in The Black Klansman, but I had seen some of his other performances that were quite good. He is multi talented as he sings, and dances as well as acts. The movie covers the Gucci family from the late 70's to the 90's. All of the Gucci men had some sort of quirk or issue. They also needed to be in control. The surprise performance was that given by Jared Leto, who is almost unrecognizeable. He is an amazing actor that brings so much life to the characters that he plays. Considered one of the pretty bosy of Hollywood, he has proven he is more than a pretty face. Al Pacino starts as the monarch of the family in a way. There's lots of fashion, music and it's quite interesting to see how this empire crashed and burned and then rose from the ashes. The movie is entertaining and it's interesting to see that even the wealthy are sometimes dysfunctional. People with money have just as many problems as everyone else. You also get to learn that money isn't always readily available. If you like fashion, I think you will enjoy this movie. If you are interested in the Gucci brand, definitely check it out. If you are a fan of Lady GaGa and Adam Driver you don't want to miss it. I recommend this movie if only for Jared Leto's performance. I also found out a few things. I didn't know Tom Ford was from Texas and that he took over designing for Gucci to turn the brand around.

The heat is on here in Austin and it's supposed to get even hotter. I got out of the house as earlier than I usely do to get gas. I was surprised that it was still under $5 so I am grateful for that. It was nice and cool so I decided to take my morning drive early as well. I was supposed to try and take pictures with the cameras, but I ended up using the phone. Since there weren't many cars on the road I was able to take my time and just snap and see what I get as I passed by certain buildings and homes.

I contiue to purge papers, books and magazines. I finally shredded my taxes from my very first tax return. I know, it sounds as if I'm a hoarder, but I'm not. It's just that I keep a lot of things, but now its time to let it go. I have to ask myself why am I keeping it. Now there are certain things that I refer to from time to time. Art books, magazines, etc. I photographed a few things yesterday and wondered that there has to be someone out there that might be a collector out Playboy magazines that I have were once worth some money, I'll have to see if that is still the case. The question is do I want to part with them at this moment. There are other things I can throw out immediately and then focus on the stuff that might have a monetary value.

I'm winding down with my collage projects as I am running out of space to hang the pieces. That means I will get rid of some frames and other items that I may not be able to use. I am amazed at some of the drawings I did when I was younger. I keep wanting to try and see if I can still do that. How much time would it take. I do have a large book that I can draw in that I picked up from IKEA. Like I've done with many sketch books, I've copied drawings to color or just use as master drawings to create something else. I am now making some of my larger drawings small enough to appear on greeting cards. Everything is a process and I have to be in the mood to work on certain things.

Thanks for stopping by; keep and open mind and do come back again.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind and do come back again to see where the journey leads.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

The film and movie watching continues

 I went to the library to try and find the Oscar nominated movies and then I discover something else of interest. I did however get Westside Story, but there are some others that I hadn't expected to see or I had forgotten I wanted to see them. Cruela was one of those movies. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the black and white fashion aspect was what I was interested in seeing. The fashions surpassed anything I have seen in a very long time. The sequence on the trash truck is a show stopper if it were a runway show. I figured it would happen, but it was awesome to see it unfold. It's an interesting story, but it is a little slow at moments. I would have liked to have seen more fashion sequences, but the party scenes and fashion shows are great. I recommend it just for that alone, especially if you are into fashion.

Free Guy is an interesting movie with great visual effects and a message. In light of all that is happening in the world it's a fun movie, but at the same time, too many people are lost in video games trying to be something they are not in the real world. Sometimes they get confused and make it their reality. Ryan Reynolds stars as Guy a character in a video game that doesn't know he isn't real. It's filled with a lot, but the film maker managed to get a love story in there. There are some homages to a few movies and perhaps video games. Since I am not a gamer I can't be sure. Chris Evans pops up in a cameo in reference to a character he plays.

Gully is one such movie that does it. The teenagers get bored and decide to create their own virtual reality in the real world.

The French Dispatch is an interesting film by Wes Anderson. Wes Anderson is an artist and tells stories in a unique way. The cast is quite incredible. He must be a great director to work for because there are stars popping up all over the place in small roles. Bill Murray, Frances McDormand, Edward Norton, Timoth'ee Chalamet, Jeffrey Wright, Tilda Swinton, Owen Wilson, Benicio Del Toro, Christoph Waltz, Anjelica Houston, Willem Dafoe & Adrien Brody to name a few. If you are a fan of Wes Anderson's work you will enjoy this film.

The Forever Purge, there are movies that I like to watch, but they are a bit disturbing. I have seen some of the other Purge movies, but this one sort of reflects what is going on now. As artists, we make statements they may only resonate with ourselfs or the people around us. The work reflects what we see or would like to see. Sending a message. The Purge was a day set aside by government where it is legal to committ any crime a person wishes. In The Forever Purge after The Purge is over, there are people that keep on going. The only place to seek refuge is over the border into Mexico. The thought of this happening is very disturbing as more and more people arm themselves.

Horror Beach Party/The Curse of the Living Corpse. I picked this one up for Horror Beach Party. I figured it would be something interesting to watch. It's funny to see what film makers were able to get away with before the rating system was put in place. Del Tenny was a stage actor who turned his sights to movies using some of his stage friends. Horror Beach Party was making a statement about the environment whether it was on purpose or not. Radio Active waste is thrown into the sea causing creatures to be formed. There is only one sequence near the beach. Everything else takes place in the woods or a home. The creatures aren't very scary, but the night time shots does make it somewhat haunting. Eulabelle Moore appears in the movie as a maid that believes in voodoo. I will have to do some research to see if Miss Moore did any other movies. There's dancing and singing and skimpy bathing suits.

The Curse of the Living Corpse stars Roy R Scheider of Jaws fame in his first screen role. So I decided to watch it. It's an interesting story. but not very scary.