Wednesday, May 6, 2020


  April 29,2020, Today is when this entry starts. Yesterday I didn't see any increase in my bank account when I got my notice so I wasn't sure what I had done wrong with unemployment. This isn't the first time I've had an issue. Initially I was knocked off the site and then when I went back in a few days later the information had gone through so I was already set up. The day they told me I needed to request a check as instructed on the letter I had received, I couldn't do it on the phone and then I went online, but it looks as if everything I did on the phone did go through. So I just had to use my own advice and be patient. A few hours later when I went online to pay a bill I noticed that there was an increase in my account so I was relieved.

I was thinking about some of the younger people that I know and what they could do to benefit during this time if possible. There are some that the $1200.00 may not have to be used to pay rent or bills. What they could do is take some of that money and invest it. They could get a 3 month or a 6 month CD. That way they know at the end of that time they will have access to the money of they were to need it. I would suggest looking at a credit union as they have better rates. If you want to try the stock market you can, but you really want to do research and remember it's a different type of investment. It's not insured and you could lose everything. Your CD is insured so as long as you leave the money in for the amount of time necessary you have no penalties to worry about. There is also a certain amount of time that you can cash in the CD or you can just have the interest moved to another account or take it out and use it. If you don't need the money let it roll into another 3 month or 6 month time which is usually done automatically.

I was talking to a cousin about my house in NOLA. It is scheduled to go up for auction next month. I've been toying with the idea of all the things I really wanted to do and what I would like to do now. There are just so many variables to consider at this time. I need to make some calls and to see what my options are at this time.

May 1, 2020 - I wanted to call regarding the house in NOLA first thing, but I let things get away from me. I called around 10:00 AM and I decided I would just let them call me back. The recordings haven't been updated. The wait time was supposed to be under two minutes, but after an hour no one called. I did some other things around the house to pass the time. At 4:45 PM I decided to call back. This time I was going to hold on. I've always believed the best days to conduct business are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Monday as early as possible since most people are coming back to work and they've probably had a good weekend. Of course it is up to me not to upset them or ruin their day if I am the first call of the day.
Wednesday is hump day and most people are thinking about the weekend. Early morning or after lunch are good times to call. Since this is Friday I figured my chances would be good. I just had a few simple questions and I knew the person on the other end would be getting ready to go home.
It turns out because of the virus, the auction date has been pushed back until June. She gave me the total of what is due and an email address as she suggested it would be better since they were short staffed.
I'm still not sure if I can raise the funds, but it would be in my best interest to try.

May 3, 2020 - I woke around 7:30 AM and got myself together since I wanted to go to the store again. I had a big list, but I was only going to get what I could find. I didn't want to spend too much time in the store. The parking lot looked as if there were more cars than last Sunday. I put on my mask and had my bags and went into the store. I was a bit anxious, but I wasn't sure why. The baskets were being sanitized, but they were still together. Last Sunday they were all separated so you didn't have to touch more than one basket. I didn't have to touch more than one, but I don't know who was there before me. I wanted to get some cloth gloves, but I haven't done that yet. I figure I would just use hand sanitizer when I got back into my vehicle. I was able to get everything I needed and I treated myself to a few things. I knew prices would be going up, but I was surprised to see that Camelia red beans were almost $5.00 a pound. There are some things I can go generic on, but there is something about Cameilia beans... perhaps its a New Orleans thing or the fact that it reminds me of home. When I first arrived in Austin, the search was on to find Blue Runner red beans in the can. Eventually I was able to find them, but now they are scarce and I have to cook fresh beans because there are no substitutes.
There weren't a lot of people in the store, but I was still trying to move as fast as possible. There were people still going the wrong way in an aisle. No one is wiping down the handles of the freezers. I also didn't see anyone wiping down the check out area. Maybe I missed it, I'm not sure.
I now have to contact the unemployment office today is supposed to be the day to call in. I called, but it turns out my day is Wednesday. I hope I didn't miss a week. I was sure when I went online it said May 3, or perhaps it was the week of May 3.

May 5, 2020- I went to the library to use the wi fi, but it was getting really hot and it wasn't even noon. Luckily it doesn't take long to check email. I made a quick post on Facebook and came home. When I got home it was getting cloudy and then it started to cool off. If I had known that I could have waited a few minutes. Still, it makes me reallize it is in my best interest to get the internet for the house. I'll figure some way to pay for it.

I posted on Facebook, (The Best investment a person can make is in themself) I either heard this or read this somewhere when I was younger and it has always stuck with me. Another phrase that has stayed with me is (It takes money to make money). So those are the decisions I will be making in the next couple of weeks.

This morning its nice and cool. I made my call to unemployment. It's every other week that I am to call in. So now I feel relieved that I didn't mess that up. I want to work on some art projects and just keep myself busy.

I had done a podcast a few years ago. I am not sure it if is still available or not. Check out podbean, itunes and stitcher it's call Films Versus Movies. Check it out and follow me(Dlonzo on Twitter) or Tony (TDoug on Twitter) You can also listen to the podcast on Youtube. I am thinking of just going at it solo once I get things set up.

here are the links for the podcasts -


Copy and past the links if you are interested in my other blogs and interests.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.

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