Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Movies, movies and more movies 2020

 I spend emost of my time watching movies and the pandemic has put it in hyper drive. A few weeks ago I had to get internet so I could do my job searches and that opened up a new world. I had gotten Amazon and there is a catalog of movies I had never heard of and some from the 80's that I enjoyed, but not enough to add to my collection.

I believed the first thing I watched was the series American Playboy- the story of Hugh Heffner, playboy, activist and entrepreneur. I enjoyed the story, but I think it would have been better if it were just a documentary or just a series instead of incorporating both.

Low Winter Sun is another series I just finished watching that was very interesting. It stars Mark Strong and Lennie James from The Walking Dead series. They play detectives trying to cover up several secrets that just seem to snowball one after the other. I really enjoyed watching this.

There were a few quirky movies that I watched, Slice which featured Chance the Rapper as a pizza delivery guy. I guess it was somewhat entertaining. I can't remember if I laughed or not as it is part horror, part comedy.

One Eyed Monster was another silly part horror, part comedy, part porn movie that starred the iconic porn stars Ron Jeremy and Veronica Hart. It's a funny look at the porn industry with a sci fi twist.

I was still watching movies and films from my own collection, Dirty Pictures with James Woods and Diana Scarwid about the Cincinnati case involving the controversial Robert Mapplethorpe exhibit of his photographs. I've seen is several times before, but its always good to take a look at things that changed the way we look at certain types of art. Sometimes we move forward and sometimes we take steps back.

I have a double Blu ray called The Wave/The Quake set in Oslo. I really like these films and I have seen them a few times since I purchased them. Last week I started watching The Wave and then when I went to watch The Quake it wouldn't play. I wiped down the disc, but the movie won't play. All of the special features and previews will play and I can't figure out why I can't get it to play. It's weird. I will keep trying.

A few years ago I had a conversation with a couple of people about the possible remake of Lord of the Flies with a female cast. I couldn't believe it. First of all it would be a very different movie. I remember when I read the book how much of an impact it had on me. Then I saw the 1950's film. It was in black and white and it captured the characters as I have envisioned them. In the 90's there was another remake and I didn't have a real issue with it. It starred Balthazar Getty. I remembered seeing him in Versace ads and because I was familiar with the book I decided to check it out. It had a more modern take and the students were American.

So, I was checking out Amazon and I saw an ad for something called The Wilds. I wondered if this is what became of the project. Hollywood has a way of changing things up. It's a series about a group of girls. They are much older than the boys in the book and there aren't as many. They do go down in the plane and now they are having to survive. Each girl is from a different background, but the story is told from the perspective of each girl in flashback which I am not a big fan of this type of story telling. First of all, when the girls aren't together 24/7 how do they know what someone else is doing on the other side of the island. I'm still watching it so I'll see how it pulls itself together. It does have some good moments.

There are many other movies I've watched and I have created a playlist of others. I'll try to cover some of them next time.

Thanks for stopping by and do keep an open mind. Come back again.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Virtual Turkey Day


(Roderick Sanford, Judy Arnold and Kenny Williams perform outdoors at the Motown Grooves concert on the front stairs of ZACH's Topfer Theatre)

For some people, with Co-Vid in the background, you aren't really focused on Thanksgiving or any other holiday, but for those that are be safe. Think about how you want to schedule the day. In most families it all starts the night before. I remember when I was younger helping out in the kitchen, chopping okra with the mandolin, careful not to cut my fingers. Peeling potatoes or eggs for the potato salad. When I got older I began preparing certain dishes. Everyone in the family had their signature dish. Eventually I mastered the potato salad that my sister said was something everyone could eat. Just the right amount of everything. Whenever I would go to NOLA she wouldn't let me leave without making some potato salad.

It seems despite the CDC asking people to stay home, people want to be with their families and will risk their health to get there. Politicians often say that they don't want to say something to cause a panic, but there are a lot of people who are afraid. The future has an uncertainty. It's always been that way, but this virus makes it all the more realistic.

I purchased two cornish hens. I am not planning to have anyone over, but we'll see what happens. I bought what I needed to make gumbo. I couldn't find the gumbo base so I had to get the mix. I am hoping the shrimp will go on sale Wednesday and I will get a pound or two of fresh shrimp, but if not I have some frozen shrimp already peeled. I use the heads on the fresh shrimp to make my roux for the gumbo. Thanksgiving in 2007 was when I first made gumbo. My mother would always make the gumbo, but I never really made it while she was alive. I had to think back and my sister and nephew came to visit and we got into the kitchen and peeled shrimp and put our heads together to make it the way mother used to make it.

I was looking at a photograph and it seems the last time I was in NOLA was in 2015. I thought it had been longer. Time has a way of getting away from you.

This week I have to start doing a job search in order for me to continue to collect benefits. It seems strange, but I will do whatever is necessary. I just hope things come together and the government helps people out to start off the new year. There may be companies hiring, but how long will that last? Jobs can only hire so many people. I'll see what happens. I am trying to come up with a plan to see if there is something I can do online.

I watched a movie that I had not seen in a very long time. It was a studio copy of the film Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. It starred Michael Rooker who most people may remember from The Walking Dead and The Bone Collector. I believe I originally saw the film at the Prytania, but I can't be sure. I don't even know how I ended up with the studio copy. I don't recall meeting any of the producers or actors. 

(Note: A studio copy is what they send out to be screened when a film or movie is first released. During award season they send them out to SAG members to vote.) At the time the film had a profound effect on me. Human behavior has always been something of interest. The mind of a person that wants to harm other people or animals. Sometimes it stems from childhood traumas, but sometimes it is something in the brain that still amazes doctors.

I need to take my vehicle in for an inspection so I can get my new tag for next year. I took the earliest appointment available. I hope everything goes smoothly.

11-22-20 I went to my first gathering today at ZACH. It was an outdoor concert called Motown Grooves. The day before I decided to drive over just to see what things looked like. Despite Covid, there is still a lot of construction going on and streets were blocked off so I am glad I went so I knew how to plan my driving time. Normally it only takes me about 15 minutes to get to ZACH. I wanted to see what parking would be like and the set up in the area. 

ZACH has done a few of these concerts and they seem to be doing well. This one was brought back because of its popularity. I was skeptical about going at first, but as it got closer I knew ZACH would take every precaution in keeping people safe. Before Covid ZACH went above and beyond to accommodate and protect patrons and staff. Making sure those with disabilities could enjoy performances. Having a variety of price points to fit certain budgets, and making people feel welcomed.

A cold front was supposed to come through and there was the mention of rain. So I packed my backpack and I was prepared for whatever came. I had my large bandana which created several layers, but when I arrived the volunteers said I had to wear a mask. I followed the protocol since there weren't a lot of people around me and I didn't have to wear the mask while seated. The show started a little past 2:30 PM my time, but it wasn't too warm with the sun out and I got a chance to mingle with some people I had not seen since before the layoffs started. Most of the box office staff was able to work from home and I would go in to man the phones.

Everyone seems to be getting along and their spirits were high. There are people I miss seeing and the conversations we used to have, but we'll catch up when we can.

Judy Arnold, with her powerhouse of a voice performed along with the great voices of Roderick Sanford and Kenny Williams. I remember them all being in the show The Gospel at Colonous. I had seen them around before that, but I didn't really get to know them until they performed in Gospel which had been done at ZACH many years prior.

Before the performance began they sound system was playing some music and one of the songs was the O'Jays, Money, money, money and all I could think of was Roderick singing the song in David Steakley's version of A Christmas Carol. This had become a tradition at ZACH and I would see this show every year Christmas night. I wonder if ZACH could sell the show and stream it?

The dark clouds had started to move in and Kenny and Judy sang a gospel song and it all just seemed to pass right over ZACH. Miracles do happen.

Roderick acted as the Emcee of the show and they all got their solo moments to showcase their great voices. The trio has known each other for many years. They all sang in church and have worked together on many occaisions at ZACH.

It was a very pleasant afternoon. It was definitely something that I didn't know I needed. After the show I caught up with another employee who I hadn't seen since March. We had a good conversation and then I headed home. I could see it had been raining, but it never made its way to ZACH.


Kicking and Screaming

(c) Dlonzo 2020

There is a poison

seeping through 

the veins of society.

If you fill the air

with lies,

no one will believe 

the truth.

Although no one likes 

to lose,

there comes a time

when you have to accept


A demi god

can take over the weak

they want to drink 

the kool-aid.

They will take the leap,

off of that bridge.

They only know,

how to follow.

They can't think,

not for themselves.

When once a winner,

becomes a loser,

one has to be dragged,

kicking and screaming.

It's fake, it's rigged,

it's not over, the fight continues.

I sent out texts to just about everyone in my phone. There are some people that don't texts and some that I plan on calling. I prefer the face to face or hearing the voice, but for some texting is the easier way. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. I had a few text conversations and that can really pass the time away. The holidays make you reflect on what you have, what you miss and the great times. There are lots of great memories of all of the holidays. I am truly thankful for all that I have. It's not something I take for granted.

(Next up: Back Inside my bubble)

Thanks for stopping by; keep and open mind and do stop by again.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Artist and Movies


I've been watching the series Treme. Each week I try to create a theme in my film and movie viewing. Last week was all about films and movies that were shot in NOLA. Either in their entirety or partially. I was supposed to start with Dracula 2000, but I seemed to have misplaced it. I started with Double Jeopardy, starring Ashley Judd, Tommy Lee Jones and Bruce Greenwood. It's one of those movies that's entertaining. It's called a revenge movie, about a woman accused of killing her husband only to find out it faked his own death. There are certain things I didn't like. They had a meeting in the cemetery which I know the cemeteries in NOLA are unique, but people don't go there for meetings. Then there is a scene in the French Quarter where it rains and everyone just happens to have an umbrella. That would never happen. I know it was for effect, but it just rubs me the wrong way. 

Red was the next movie I decided to watch. It was also partially filmed in NOLA. It's a funny movie and I needed a good laugh. It stars Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary Louise Parker, Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman.

Candy Man Farewell to the Flesh has an interesting storyline. Since it is sort of a horror film I'll let certain things slide. They tried to incorporate Mardi Gras into the storyline and it didn't really work for me. You have to live and breath Mardi Gras to get it down on paper. Tony Todd returns as the Candy Man.

 Interview with the Vampire. The reason I saw the movie was because of all of the controversy surrounding it. Anne Rice supposedly was not happy with the end results. I tried to read several of Anne Rice's books, but I just couldn't get into her style of writing. Kirsten Dunst stole every scene she was in. She really made the movie for me. River Phoenix was to play the interviewer, but he took his own life and the role went to Christian Slater. Brad Pitt was okay and I felt Tom Cruise came across as a caricature. The movie does have its moments.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is based on a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The film brings CGI to a new level as we see Brad Pitt age from an old baby into a young boy. Taraji P. Henson and Oscar winner Mahershala Ali who was using his full name for this movie appears. Hurricane Katrina is incorporated as a subplot. It's a film I've not seen in a long time. It was like watching it for the first time.

Finally, I ran across Dracula 2000 and I was able to watch it. What can I say? It's filled with a lot of familiar faces. Christopher Plummer, Jennifer Esposito, Johnny Lee Miller, Omarr Epps, Sean Patrick Thomas, and Girard Butler as Dracula. The movie was filmed in NOLA and tries to incorporate Mardi Gras as the back drop and one again it just doesn't work for me. It's a good way to get some T & A into the movie and to fill up time.

Mr. 3000 starred Bernie Mac as a baseball player who discovers his record of hitting 3000 balls is off by 3. The movie was filmed in NOLA and Milwaukee. It stars Paul Sorvino and Angela Bassett.

I ended the tribute to New Orleans with the movie Angel Heart. It is based on the book Fallen Angel. The movie stars Mickey Rourke, Lisa Bonnet and Robert DeNiro. This movie was the first thriller directed by Alan Parker. It deal with race and voodoo. The cinematography is excellent. Bill Cosby had advised Lisa Bonnet not to do this movie. I'm guessing because of the subject matter and all of the nudity. I do feel the movie hurt her career. She pops up from time to time in small roles, but nothing to show that she can carry a movie.

As I am getting older, keeping up with the four different blogs is becoming a challenge with not having access to the internet on a daily basis, etc. I will be making the same posts on all of the blogs incorporating a little of everything. This way if you come back here you won't be missing anything. I will try to make a post at least once a month and more often depending on the time and what is going on.

(Next up: Nexx Fazz )

Thanks for stopping by; Keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Remembering SIFF 1993

 One of the SIFF Program Covers

6-2-20 Today I finally made a post to my blog. The library opened for drop offs yesterday and I dropped off the two DVDs that I had borrowed before the Shelter in Place orders.
It was good to see that people are beginning to bring stuff back, but there is a 72 hour quarantine for items before they can be checked out again. I miss being able to go inside and see what was new on the shelf. Books, DVDs and music that I never heard of or always wanted to read, view or listen to and never had the opportunity.
It was good to see that I was not the only person in the parking lot using the wi fi. It had begun to drizzle, but then it stopped so I was able to complete everything.
Sunday evening my television went out. At first I thought it might have been the Blu Ray player as there was still sound. I tried a few things and then I just gave up on it. Yesterday I tried again, but I wasn't even getting any sound. Since I can't see the screen I probably selected something on the remote and there was no signal. Today I contacted the company and there was nothing they could do. Since the television wasn't mine, I'm not sure if it was ever registered and if the warranty on that particular part. He thought it might be the lights aftere we tried a few things. He came to the conclusion that it would cost more to repair than to buy a new TV. Of course I would definitely go with another brand, but I am not ready to buy a new tv at the moment.
So, this weeks films and movies are a tribute to SIFF, The Seattle International Film Festival. It was in 1993 that I took my first trip to Seattle. This was the 19th annual SIFF. It would be a yearly thing until 1999. It was a life changing experience. I've always been interested in film making from a very young age. I was going to Seattle to visit a friend and we timed it around the event. I have always  been more out going than most of my friends. So when he told me about all the people he was meeting I asked if he was making connections and he said no. So I knew it would be up to me.
I arrived in Seattle on Friday May 28.  always hit the ground running when I am on vacation. It all starts the minute I embark from the plane. So, we had to have gone straight to the theater based upon the show times. The first movie was around 7:15 PM Seattle time. The film was called Hammers on the Anvil and it starred Charlotte Rampling and an actor by the name of Russell Crowe. It turned out to be a double feature night as the second movie also starred Russell Crowe and Daniel Pollock both who are Austrailian actors. So after Romper Stomper, I remember Russell Crowe being there. The film was so disturbing for me that I wasn't interested in meeting him. In fact, Russell Crowe wasn't known in the U.S. at this point. Virtuosity hadn't been released yet. I didn't know the protocol for the festival as far as pictures and autographs, etc. I was observing and being introduced to people who were involved in the festival.

Man Bites Dog- This satirical film, shot in black and white about independent film making. The film crew goes around filling a guy that robs and kills people in order to fianance the movie. There are a few violent moments and racial shots are taken at everyone. It is quite interesting and each time I see it, I see something different. Note: This is only my second time watching the film. The film stars Benoit Poelvoorde, Remy Belvaux (He is also one of the cinematographers) and Andre Bonzel

Chain of Desire- This is another film that stars Linda Fiorentino, it was written a directed by Temistocles Lopez. Malcolm McDowell, Elias Koteas, Seymour Cassell, Asumpta Serna, Patrick Bauchau, Suzzanne Douglas, Dewey Weber, Tim Guinee, Grace Zabriskie, Jamie Harrold, York Bergin and Todd Bailey. What I liked about this film is the interconnection of the stories. I don't want to give anything away, but there were several films that I had seen in the 90's that were told in this fashion. Each character had a connection with the next and it came full circle. I had spoken briefly with Temi during the Q & A and after the film I was introduced to him by one of the founders of the festival, Daryl McDonald, to get an autograph. The music is interesting and there are some great moments in the night club. There are several scenes that are quite unique, but I don't want to give anything away.

Acting on Impulse- When you see a film or movie at a film festival, it can be different when it gets released into the theaters or when it makes its way to video or DVD. This movie took on a different name (Roses Are Dead) which is probably why I was never able to locate it. It stars Linda Fiorentino as a scream queen accused of murder. She takes a break from filming, befriends two sales people and has to deal with a stalker. I really enjoyed it when I saw it at the festival. Two years ago when I finally added it to my collection, I didn't feel the same way. This time I really enjoyed it. For me, mood does play a big part in my Film and movie watching. I prefer watching movies with subtitles or that are epic on a Sunday. It's a day of relaxation. Action movies are better at night and comedies midday. C. Thomas Howell, Nancy Allen, Paul Bartel, Adam Ant, Patrick Bauchau and Isaac Hayes star in this comedy/thriller.

Dazed and Confused- I always find it interesting when years lapse between the time I saw a film or movie. It's like watching it for the first time. Of course there are some things you remember, but there are some new things that pop up. I remembered Mathew McConaughey was in the movie as well as Rory Cochrane, but I didn't remember that Milla Jovovich, Jeremy London and Parker Posey also starred. The sound track to this movie was pretty good. It brings back memories. Of course there are similarities of life in high school, but each experience is different. I wasn't really familiar with Richard Linklater, but I had seen Slacker a few years prior. Cochrane and McConaughey have some of the better lines in the movie. If you haven't seen it, it is definitely one everyone should see.

Fortress- This was one of those movies that seemed appealing based on the Synopsis or we had nothing else planned on the schedule. The movie starred Christopher Lambert, Kurtwood Smith and Loryn Locklin. Set in 2013 a man and his wife are sent to a high tech prison for murdering a robot. The movie has its moments. Note: There was even a sequel Fortress 2 and the only reason I saw that was because Pam Grier became a part of the cast.

Thanks for stopping by; Keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Ramblings of an artist 5-18-20

 5-7-20 It takes money to make money - that was my post on facebook 5-6-20. I am not sure where I heard this or if I read it some place, but it has stayed with me and I understand it. Whatever you want to do you have to have some money to get it started. If you are looking for a job, you have to have money for gas or bus fare. If you want to buy a house you need to have the down payment in most cases, but you have to be ready to make the first payment and you have to have a job to secure that it will be feasible. What I was referring to was me getting the internet so that I can decide what my next plan of action will be. So I can take care of business and join in on any invitations I get via the net from colleagues and friends.

5-9-20 I've started communicating with a friend that I hadn't spoken to in a while. It's been the case with many people. Everyone is looking for some sort of connection. I don't usually have a problem being by myself, but when you don't really have a choice in the matter that can make a person a bit antsy. I've been copying music to my laptop and trying to decide which music CDs I want to get rid of. There's a lot music and movies that I won't watch. And since it'll be a while before I invite anyone over... the chances of them wanting to see a certain film or movie are probably slim. Still, sometimes I am in the mood to watch one of those movies that I hadn't seen in over 30 years.

5-10-20 Today is Mother's day. It's one of those days that I just prefer to be by myself. When I started going back to church I would have an issue with this day because the priest would ask all the mother's to stand up so they could be acknowledged. My mother passed away in 2005, a few days before her birthday. Which makes me remember lots of things for several weeks. When I used to travel a lot I used to always make it a point to make it home for my mother's birthday or Mother's Day. The year she passed away, I was on the Big Island of Hawaii. Prior to leaving New Orleans for my trip, my mother was rushed to the hospital and wasnt supposed to live through the night, but that wasn't the case. I had made all the possible arrangements by Louisiana law that I could make. I knew my mother wouldn't have wanted me to cancel my trip. I was confident in my decision and I had instructed the family not to call me if she were to pass while I was away. Of course there is always someone that doesn't listen. The doctors and nurses all had instructions and told me they would take care of everything. Most of what happened when I got back home is a blur. I do remember planning the day in which the services would actually take place. It was the end of May when we finally had the services and buried my mother. It was somewhat of a difficult time as I didn't know what I was going to do. I had been retired at this point for 5 years.
There was still a lot of stuff that needed to be taken care of and I had to get myself focused. I didn't want to be around other people who were able to celebrate their mother's. Now I just have memories of certain things.

5-13-20 I finally contacted Spectrum to order the least expensive offer to access the internet. It'll be a while before the modem arrives, but I shouldn't have to limit my time online. I am not planning to spend a large amount of time online like in the past, but I will be able to conduct business. Get my taxes done, do some research. Get back to writing on all of my blogs and not just this one.
During the Quarantine it's allowed me more time to remember certain things. Memories are all some of us have to get us through. Hopefully there are more good memories than bad. I was thinking about how I got my first computer and internet access.
The year was 1993 and I was had gone to Seattle for the first time to visit and friend and attend the Seattle Internation Film Festival (SIFF).
I had the opportunity to attend one of the parties and met this woman. Before leaving she had given me her business card so that we could stay in touch, but she said she would only do business with me if I had an email address. Shortly after returning to New Orleans I went to Radio Shack and bought my first computer. For a brief moment Prodigy was my email and the quickly discovered AOL and it all changed from there. I never actually did business with the woman that started it all, but we did stay in touch for a while. The internet opened a whole new world. I met new people and I was able to keep in touch with some of the people I had met. I didn't know many people with computers at the time,but that soon changed with AOL's chat rooms and soon the list was growing. I met lots of artists and we were able to share ideas and art.
This weeks films and movies, all have to do with fashion. Ready to Wear ("Pret-A-Porter") the Robert Altman film about fashion week in Paris.The large ensemble casts includes Julia Roberts, Tim Robbins, Sophia Loren, Francois Cluzet, Ute Lemper, Linda Hunt, Tracy Ullman, Sally Kellerman, Stephen Rea, Forest Whitaker, Richard E. Grant, Danny Aiello, Teri Garr, Lyle Lovett, Jean Rochefort, Rupert Evertt, Lauren Bacall, Kim Bassinger, Michel Blanc and Marcello Mastroianni. Featuring Cher, Gianfranco Ferre, Jean Paul Gaultier and many others.
Saint Laurent is about the iconic fashion designer. It jumps around, but for those interested in fashion it's worth a look. Creative liscense is usually taken in biographies to make it more interesting.
Phantom Thread stars Daniel Day Lewis as a designer set in his ways, that secretly hides notes in his designs. He meets a woman that is the perfect mannequin and they start a relationship that becomes some what toxic.

Unzipped is a documentary about Isaac Mizrahi preparing for his collection and how he wanted to try something new. I preferred the documentary over Ready to Wear when I first saw it. Ready to Wear seemed to want to make fun of the fashion industry which when I look back on how things were some things can be funny. I like looking at films and movies many years later to see if I still feel the same way about them as I did the very first time. Unzipped features many celebrities, including Eartha Kitt, Sandra Bernhard and Super models Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, Veronica Webb and Christy Turlington.
The September Issue is a documentary about Vogue's staff preparing the biggest issue of the year.
Mahogany starring Diana Ross as a wanna be fashion designer turned model until she finally fulfills her dream. The movie stars Anthony Perkins as a domineering photographer and Billy Dee Williams as a wanna be political activist.

Things didn't workout with me getting the internet through Spectrum. I am not ready to have someone come into my home so the self install needed the cable box to be activated. Just wasn't meant to be. We'll see what happens next.

5-17-20 I went to the grocery this morning. I wasn't as anxious as I had been the last two times. I'm going to try and wait another 14 days before I go to the store again. There were some people not wearing masks. I'm not sure if they just don't care or if they like taking risks or they want someone to tell them something so they can get into a confrontation. I got what I needed and came home. I had thought about going over to ZACH and just park for a change of scenery, but I decided to watch a few episodes of Mannix. I had been watching epic classic movies from my collection on Sunday. A few weeks ago it was Lawrence of Arabia, Easter Sunday it was The Ten Commandments, last Sunday it was Gone With The Wind and today it was Cleopatra. Next Sundady I'm thinking The Bridge on the River Kwai. This coming week will begin Foreign Films including Leolo, Like Water For Chocolate, Cinema Paradiso, House of Angels, To Live, Fanaa and Y Tu Mama' Tambi'en.

Thanks for stopping by; Keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


  April 29,2020, Today is when this entry starts. Yesterday I didn't see any increase in my bank account when I got my notice so I wasn't sure what I had done wrong with unemployment. This isn't the first time I've had an issue. Initially I was knocked off the site and then when I went back in a few days later the information had gone through so I was already set up. The day they told me I needed to request a check as instructed on the letter I had received, I couldn't do it on the phone and then I went online, but it looks as if everything I did on the phone did go through. So I just had to use my own advice and be patient. A few hours later when I went online to pay a bill I noticed that there was an increase in my account so I was relieved.

I was thinking about some of the younger people that I know and what they could do to benefit during this time if possible. There are some that the $1200.00 may not have to be used to pay rent or bills. What they could do is take some of that money and invest it. They could get a 3 month or a 6 month CD. That way they know at the end of that time they will have access to the money of they were to need it. I would suggest looking at a credit union as they have better rates. If you want to try the stock market you can, but you really want to do research and remember it's a different type of investment. It's not insured and you could lose everything. Your CD is insured so as long as you leave the money in for the amount of time necessary you have no penalties to worry about. There is also a certain amount of time that you can cash in the CD or you can just have the interest moved to another account or take it out and use it. If you don't need the money let it roll into another 3 month or 6 month time which is usually done automatically.

I was talking to a cousin about my house in NOLA. It is scheduled to go up for auction next month. I've been toying with the idea of all the things I really wanted to do and what I would like to do now. There are just so many variables to consider at this time. I need to make some calls and to see what my options are at this time.

May 1, 2020 - I wanted to call regarding the house in NOLA first thing, but I let things get away from me. I called around 10:00 AM and I decided I would just let them call me back. The recordings haven't been updated. The wait time was supposed to be under two minutes, but after an hour no one called. I did some other things around the house to pass the time. At 4:45 PM I decided to call back. This time I was going to hold on. I've always believed the best days to conduct business are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Monday as early as possible since most people are coming back to work and they've probably had a good weekend. Of course it is up to me not to upset them or ruin their day if I am the first call of the day.
Wednesday is hump day and most people are thinking about the weekend. Early morning or after lunch are good times to call. Since this is Friday I figured my chances would be good. I just had a few simple questions and I knew the person on the other end would be getting ready to go home.
It turns out because of the virus, the auction date has been pushed back until June. She gave me the total of what is due and an email address as she suggested it would be better since they were short staffed.
I'm still not sure if I can raise the funds, but it would be in my best interest to try.

May 3, 2020 - I woke around 7:30 AM and got myself together since I wanted to go to the store again. I had a big list, but I was only going to get what I could find. I didn't want to spend too much time in the store. The parking lot looked as if there were more cars than last Sunday. I put on my mask and had my bags and went into the store. I was a bit anxious, but I wasn't sure why. The baskets were being sanitized, but they were still together. Last Sunday they were all separated so you didn't have to touch more than one basket. I didn't have to touch more than one, but I don't know who was there before me. I wanted to get some cloth gloves, but I haven't done that yet. I figure I would just use hand sanitizer when I got back into my vehicle. I was able to get everything I needed and I treated myself to a few things. I knew prices would be going up, but I was surprised to see that Camelia red beans were almost $5.00 a pound. There are some things I can go generic on, but there is something about Cameilia beans... perhaps its a New Orleans thing or the fact that it reminds me of home. When I first arrived in Austin, the search was on to find Blue Runner red beans in the can. Eventually I was able to find them, but now they are scarce and I have to cook fresh beans because there are no substitutes.
There weren't a lot of people in the store, but I was still trying to move as fast as possible. There were people still going the wrong way in an aisle. No one is wiping down the handles of the freezers. I also didn't see anyone wiping down the check out area. Maybe I missed it, I'm not sure.
I now have to contact the unemployment office today is supposed to be the day to call in. I called, but it turns out my day is Wednesday. I hope I didn't miss a week. I was sure when I went online it said May 3, or perhaps it was the week of May 3.

May 5, 2020- I went to the library to use the wi fi, but it was getting really hot and it wasn't even noon. Luckily it doesn't take long to check email. I made a quick post on Facebook and came home. When I got home it was getting cloudy and then it started to cool off. If I had known that I could have waited a few minutes. Still, it makes me reallize it is in my best interest to get the internet for the house. I'll figure some way to pay for it.

I posted on Facebook, (The Best investment a person can make is in themself) I either heard this or read this somewhere when I was younger and it has always stuck with me. Another phrase that has stayed with me is (It takes money to make money). So those are the decisions I will be making in the next couple of weeks.

This morning its nice and cool. I made my call to unemployment. It's every other week that I am to call in. So now I feel relieved that I didn't mess that up. I want to work on some art projects and just keep myself busy.

I had done a podcast a few years ago. I am not sure it if is still available or not. Check out podbean, itunes and stitcher it's call Films Versus Movies. Check it out and follow me(Dlonzo on Twitter) or Tony (TDoug on Twitter) You can also listen to the podcast on Youtube. I am thinking of just going at it solo once I get things set up.

here are the links for the podcasts -


Copy and past the links if you are interested in my other blogs and interests.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Let's Talk Movies

With the Corona Virus or the COVID-19 as it is being called, I have had even more time to watch movies. I had been trying to watch movies from the 60's and 70's and a few 80's movies and anything else that seems appealing.

I had gone to the library to return some movies, but they were not accepting any movies or books back.

There are movies from the 60's that I was too young to know what they were about or had never even heard of. Back then it would have been whatever came on television and what the family may have been watching.

I finally got to see Blow Up, The Michelangelo Antonioni film about a photographer that captures a murder with his camera. The 1966 film stars David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave and Sarah Miles. The entire film is shot like a photograph. Each shot is framed perfectly. Of course it's not a film for everyone. It makes a social statement as well as an artistic one.
There are many sensual and sexual connotations throughout the movie. Sometimes I feel that is what art is about. If you are a film maker I highly recommend this film. It will definitely inspire you.

Another film that I watched was Hurry Sundown. This film was directed by Otto Preminger who put together an incredible cast including Diahann Carroll, Robert Hooks, Beah Richards, Michael Caine, Jane Fonda, John Phillip Law, Faye Dunaway. Burgess Meredith, George Kennedy, Luke Askew, Madeleine Sherwood and Frank Converse. The film is filled with race issues, money, sex, power, infidelity, trust and betrayal. Set in Georgia, the story follows several families trying to survive and keep what is rightfully theirs. It's not a film for everyone, but what movie is? Its shot very well. It's based on the novel of the same name by K.B. Gillen. It's great to see stars that I like in their earlier roles.

Another interesting film was Paris Blues from 1961, directed my Martin Ritt. The film stars Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier, Diahann Caroll, JoAnn Woodward, Sergei Reggiani and an appearance by Louis Armstrong. This film deals race, relationships. love, jazz, drugs all set to the backdrop of Paris. Shot in black and white, it's angles and movement is like a jazz song. I think I had seen this film when I was a small child, but I certainly didn't understand what was going on.

I've always been fascinated by movies. Later in life I saw a difference in the way foreigners referred to them as films or cinema. I also saw a difference in the story telling. As I got older I began to separate the two. There are movies that I feel are for a broader market and films are for artists, intellectuals, those that want to be a part of the experience of film making.

Some of the other titles included Kiss of the Spider Woman with Raul Julia and William Hurt, a film set in a prison as a film within a film. A gay prisoner tells stories to a political prisoner to pass away the time. The film sequences are beautifully done with Sonia Braga as the women in the stories. I had seen this movie a long time ago.

Another movie I watched was Spike Lee's He Got Game. I had seen it many years ago, but I only have it on VHS and I had gotten the DVD from the library. I wanted to see how I felt about it years later. I like doing that as my mood and opinions change over time. There are movies I really liked when I was younger and now I either don't find them entertaining or as funny as they were at the time.

There are many movies in my collection that I still have not ever seen. One such movie was Sextette with Mae West, Timothy Dalton, Tony Curtis, Dom Deluise, Ringo Star, Rona Barrett, Regis Philbin, Alice Cooper, Walter Pigeon and George Hamilton. This was really had to watch. Mae West wrote the farce which was a Broadway play based on her life. There were some funny moments, but most of the jokes I had heard and her singing isn't the best and I can't really say there is a whole lot of acting on her part. I just had to see it for myself.

I ordered some 80's movies from Amazon Prime that included Tuff Turf, Grandview USA, Mascarade and Under the Boardwalk. I will try to do some video of me talking about the movies of the 80's that were such a big influence on my life.

I will do more snippets of the movies and films that I am watching.

Thanks for stopping by and do come back again. Stay safe and wash your hands.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

I had not seen any of the nominated movies, but someone gave me a ballot and I said I would just fill it out just to see if I could pick the movies based on the clips that would be shown. Of the 24 nominees I got 14 correct.

I thought 1917 would get best picture because war movies usually win, but it went to Parasite a foreign language film so I will have to see the film if I can find it at the library. Of course I hope to see all of the best picture nominees eventually. I finally saw the Favourite a couple of weeks ago.

As I thought 1917 would get best picture, I figured Sam Mendes would get best Director, but that went to Bong Joon Ho for Parasite. The academy has been staying consistent with the best picture and director. It made no sense to me that if it was the best picture, the director wouldn't also win.

I was hoping Leonardo DiCaprio would finally win for actor in a leading role, but I also figured Joaquin Phoenix would get it, but I had thought he had won an Oscar for Walk the Line, but I was wrong. This was his first Oscar win.

The same for an actress in a leading role. I had hoped Cynthis Erivo would get it, but I also figured it would go to Renee Zellwegger.

Actor in a supporting role I knew it would finally go to Brad Pitt.

I took a guess on Supporting role for an actress. I hadn't seen any of the movies, but I thought Margot Robbie might win for Bomshell, but I am happy that Laura Dern won.

I felt Parasite was original and the visuals looked good so I selected it for Original Screenplay. I thought Todd Phillips would win for adapted screenplay, but it went to Jojo Rabbit which is another movie I plan to see as soon as I can find it at the library.

I selected Parasite for the International Feature and Toy Story 4 for the animated feature. I've loved all of the other Toy Story films and was sure the academy would feel the same which is what happened.

Documentary feature was a guess and I thought Honeland would win because it was about bees and most people are thinking about climate change, etc. The winner was American Factory which is also something of importance.

Original score I thought John Williams would get it for Star Wars, he's always winning, but it went to Hilder Guonadottir for Joker.
The original song went to Elton John for Rocketman, but I felt Stand Up from the film Harriet was the better song. I had also hoped if the song won Cynthia Erivo would still walk away with an Oscar.

Cinematography it's been my experience tha war movies usually always win and the fact that 1917 was shot in a way that they look like one long shot it had to win.

Period pieces usually always win best costume so I selected Little Women. I thought the clip for Ford v Ferrari was good and so I picked it for best editing and Sound editing.
I was sure the transformation of Renee Zellwegger as Judy Garland would get hair and makeup, but that went to Bomshell which the transformation was good.

Because the film was called Once Upon a Time in Hollywood I was sure it would get Production Design and it did.

I figured 1917 would have to get some sort of sound award and selected 1917 for sound mixing.

The visual effects I selected Avengers: Endgame and 1917. War films usually have great visuals although sometimes disturbing.

I was rooting for the animated short Hair Love and was surprised when it won, but I was glad that it did. I hope I can find a compilation of the animated shorts.

Live action short I selected The Neighbors' Window which the clip was very appealing to me.

The documentary short I went wit Learning to Skateboard in a Warzone (If you're a Girl) it just seemed appropriate in the day and age.

I continue to watch movies from the library, many I've never seen and others I was really young when they came out. I'm just trying to see how I feel about certain movies and films now that I'm older.

There are also some newer movies that I am trying to catch up on as well.

The majority of my free time is spent watching movies. In between that time I try to stay busy around the house and work on some art. It's been so hot that I don't want to chance getting out into the yard and have a heat stroke.

In the last few weeks I've seen several movies from my collection and that I found at the library.

I watched a documentary on Annie Leibovitz the famed photographer which I found very interesting. There was another on the films of Ken Russell I've watched Elgar about the composer, The Debussy Film based on the famed composer Claude Debussy and Any Given Sunday about the painter Henri Rousseau. All are quite interesting in their depiction of the subjects and the artistry. Actors portray the subjects, but in The Debussy Film is a movie within a film telling the story of the composer. They are all shot in black and white.

I have to do some research because I think there is another film maker named Ken Russell and I don't think they are the same person. (I just checked Independent Movie Data Base and it is the same person.) You know how you don't expect people to look a certain way because of the work that they put out? That's what happened here. I have three more of his documentary/movies to watch.

I watched the series American Horror Story: Freak Show and I was absolutely engulfed in the season. I definitely want to watch it again before I return it to the library. It's hard for most people to see the beauty in people who are different than they are. We make assumptions without asking questions. If you watch this season you would be amazed to find out that there are actually actors who are disabled. The actors are really good and I hope to see them in something else. Even those that had never acted before are doing an incredible job.

McQueen - The documentary about fashion designer Alexander McQueen.

I participated in this 10 Films/Movies in 10 Days on facebook. Actually I named it films/movies because of the podcast that I had been doing.

They are in no particular order. I had a list in mind when I decided to do this, but like everything else when it came time to post I had changed my mind and I wanted to watch the films and movies that I would post.

The films and movies that are in my collection are there for many different reasons. It has to do with the actors or the subject matter.

The first movie I decided to watch was Sparkle. The reason I chose this one because Aretha Franklin had just passed and she did some of the vocals for the movie. Curtis Mayfield composed the music that created some hits.

The movie starred Phillip Michael Thomas, Lonette McKee, Dorian Harewood, Irene Cara and Mary Alice. It was one of the first depictions of a black female singing group with a black cast.

The second movie I decided to watch was The Skulls. I hadn't seen this one in a very long time. Hill Harper has a small, but pivital role. The movie is based on a secret society that politicians and men of power belong too.

The third movie was Meatballs, a fun story about a summer camp of underdogs. The movie starred Bill Murray from Saturday Night Live and introduced us to Chris Makepeace as Rudy Gardner.

The fourth movie was Set It Off one of my favorite movies. It's an original story with some very talented actors. The movie stars Queen Latifah, Jada Pinkett, Viveca Fox, Blair Underwood, Ella Joyce and John McGinley.

The fifth movie was Living Out Loud, another movie that featured Queen Latifah. I really like this movie for it's uniqueness. If we could all just live out loud... life would be even more interesting. The movie stars Holly Hunter and Danny Devito.

The sixth was the film Chain of Desire by Temistecoles Lopez. I had just watched Alfred Hitchcock's film Rear Window for the first time and it made me think of a scene from Chain of Desire so I decided to watch the movie. The film stars Linda Fiorentino and Malcolm McDowell. It was a film that connected several characters, but without them meeting each other. It was probably the first time I had seen a film go full circle. Starting with one character and then coming back to that character.

The seventh was the film Full Metal Jacket by Stanley Kubrick. The film gave us an inside view of the training, head games and mental stability that the soldiers went through during the Vietnam war. The film stars Mathew Modine, Vincent D'onofrio, Arliss Howard, Dorian Harewood, Adam Baldwin and     Emrey.

The eight was the German film, Das Boot (The Boat), directed by Wolfgang Peterson, starring Jurgen Prochnow and Erwin Leder. It's based on the true story of German soldiers, who are only boys, on a submarine sent out to destroy the enemy. The experience changes those that do survive.
The visuals and editing for the film are incredible. It's as if you are on the sub with the other men.

The ninth was The Pillow Book, a film by Peter Greenaway. This film is the artistry at its best. The visuals inside of a story about love, obsession, the art of writing, the art of sex, fetishism and so much more.

The tenth movie was Forth Apache The Bronx, starring and directed by Paul Newman. No list would be complete without at least once movie in which Pam Grier is featured. She has a small, but pivotol role as a drugged out hooker/serial killer. Paul Newman didn't want Pam Grier for the role, but she pulled a Dorothy Dandridge and got the part. For those of you not familar with that, Otto Preminger didn't want Dorothy for the role of Carmen. He wanted her to play Cindy Lou. Dorothy dressed up as Carmen and went in and Otto new she was right for the part. Pam did the same thing, going into his office as the hooker. She lost a lot of weight for this role and Paul Newman couldn't resist.

There were other films and movies that I watched, but that was going beyond the number. Those others were the film Fame about the High School for performing arts in New York which starred Irene Cara, Barry Miller, Paul McCrane and the late Gene Anthony Ray. Holland Taylor appears in the film along with Debbie Allen, Ann Meara and fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi when he was a student at the school.

I also watched the movie The Temptations and the psychological film Headless Body in a Topless bar created from a newspaper article. It's a disturbing film in parts. It has some humor, but it's not for everyone.

The podcast is now up on podbean, itunes and stitcher it's call Films Versus Movies. Check it out and follow me(Dlonzo on Twitter) or Tony (TDoug on Twitter) You can also listen to the podcast on Youtube.

here are the links for the podcasts -


Copy and past the links if you are interested in my other blogs and interests.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Do return to see where the journey leads.