Sunday, October 14, 2012

2 Days In Paris

A friend that I met at SIFF many years ago, sent me some films from his collection that he decided he would no longer watch. It’s no secret that I love movies. I have an extensive collection. I use to watch 3 to 4 movies a day depending on my schedule. The collection has grown as others began contributing and video stores going out of business.

Now back to the feature. 2 Days In Paris stars Julie Delpi and Adam Goldberg. The film is in English and in French and it is one of the funniest films I’ve ever seen in a long time.
Since I’ve never been to Paris (which is on my list) I can’t say if French people actually behave in this manner., but its hilarious. The film follows a couple for 2 Days in Paris as the audience devolves deep into their relationship. We, the audience become the voyeurs as we discover right along with the characters about their dysfunctional relationship.

At times your wondering if the female characters is mentally unstable. We go back into her past throughout the film so that we get an understanding of how personality evolved.
Being an artist that takes pictures, I can understand the frustration when someone else takes on that role.
The film will make people dissect their own relationships. Everyone has their opinion as to what constitutes as an affair or sex. Check out 2 Days in Paris and start the conversation.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Check back or become a follower.

Coming up: Shutter Island, I Love You Phillip Morris, Kansas, The Blob, Seven,

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