Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Help revisted

With all of the talk about The Help and the Oscar nominations, I decided to watch the film again. Sometimes I’ll watch a movie and I just won’t be all that into it. Perhaps it had to do with all the hype. Maybe it was my mind set about it being a film about maids. I don’t see where it is a classic film, but it was good. The cast is remarkable. Sissy Spacek is great. I definitely feel Octavia Spencer’s nomination is warranted. I feel the Oscars may go to Viola Davis for best actress and Octavia Spencer for best supporting actress, but since I’ve not seen the other actresses that they are up against I can’t be sure.
Seeing the movie a second time made me see it differently. It was a very interesting film. I really enjoyed it and I do recommend it. There are two actresses from New Orleans that also appear in the film.

I’ll be watching the Oscars to see what wins and what doesn’t. I was disappointed that Leonardo DiCaprio was not nominated for J. Edgar. I’m happy that Billy Crystal is back so it should be an interesting show.

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