Saturday, August 13, 2011

Movie reviews, I love film

The Fighter - I didn’t get to see the Fighter in the theater, but I wanted to. When I got a copy I saw it on a small television. I really appreciated this film. I think Christian Bale is an incredible actor as is Mark Wahlberg. The lengths that actors go to for their art is mind boggling. The Fighter is based on a true story so the pressure is always on for the actors to bring the characters to life and be true to the people they are portraying. So many times you get actors that don’t even look like the original people. Of course it depends on who has the rights to the story and the input they may have on the filming.
There’s some great talent in this film. Amy Adams and Melissa Leo give outstanding performances. I never paid attention to Melissa Leo, not noticing that she was the same woman from the series, Treme. Now she is an Oscar winning actress.
The adorable Amy Adams becomes a fowl mouthed barmaid and plays this role quite well. Some of the characters are quirky and seem like cartoon characters at times, but that adds to the realism. We all have those moments where we act a little crazy, where we get playful. I always root for the underdog and this film was worth the second watch and is now a part of my collection.

Joan Rivers - I’ve always thought that Joan Rivers was interesting. I didn’t always find her jokes funny, but like sushi, its an acquired taste. She’s one of those comediennes that you love to hate. I watched a documentary about her life up until she did Celebrity Apprentice. I was in for quite the surprise. Since I had only seen Joan Rivers from time to time on Johnny Carson and perhaps a few other shows, I never knew she had such a fowl mouth. She is over the top in some of her jokes, but she was cutting edge for a female comedienne and paved the way for many others. It’s interesting to see how Joan Rivers killed her career and her fight to come back and continue to reinvent herself. The emphasis has always been on her plastic surgeries, but at 75 depending on the camera angle she looks okay, even though we know don’t see her face move. There are some moments where her eyes water, but we never see a tear roll down her face. I think the documentary gives a good look at what some celebrities have to go through. It’s hard for everyone in the business because its all about the money. As long as you can sell tickets everyone wants to be your friend. The minute you loose that appeal then you begin to descend. In Hollywood you really need to be nice to everyone because the people you screw on your way up are the people you may need on your way down.
A lot of people don’t watch documentaries unless they are recommended. There aren’t a lot of theaters that even show them so we have to rely on Sundance if you are luckily enough to have cable or you have to check out PBS. If you like Joan Rivers, the you must certainly check out this documentary.

The Eyes of Tammy Faye - As is obvious with the title of this blog, I love movies. Drama, Action, comedy, foreign, animation and documentaries. As with everything I do, I have to be in a certain mood to watch a certain program. I prefer to watch foreign films on a Sunday. Sunday’s are my day to relax and I can read the subtitles without having to think about other things that need to be done.
The Eyes of Tammy Faye is the story of the wife of Evangelist Jim Baker, founder and one time head of the PTL. The story is very interesting of the rise of two Christians and their fall from grace and Tammy’s attempts to keep her head above water. We never hear if Tammy had plastic surgery, but she did have some modifications done to her face. Her eyebrows, and eye shadow were permanent. She had many wigs and she used individual eye lashes that she replaced as they fell out. When you first begin to look at the documentary you focus on her eyes. You can see the pain despite the smile she tries to keep. Her acceptance of others and standing by her man. Tammy was just a by stander in the PTL scandal, but she was enjoying the ride. Money certainly changes people to the point they don’t even see that they are doing anything wrong. You sort of get an attitude that it is your right.
The documentary follows the rise and the fall and Tammy’s rise again and being excepted back into a community she so loved. There are some funny moments as in life their should be. There are some embarrassing moments, but nothing is held back. There are some people that didn’t want to be a part of the documentary. It always makes you wonder when someone says no to an interview. Are they afraid they are going to be made to look bad? I mean that can happen whether you agree or not. If you know you’ve done nothing wrong…
Some of the things that happened seem like something from a movie, but this stuff does happen and not just to celebrities. If you’ve ever watched Jim and Tammy Faye Baker you must see this documentary. It is an eye opener. (Pun intended)

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Coming up: The classic, Stand by Me

Sunday, August 7, 2011

D's Wonderful World of Cinema

Star Maps - This film stars a young unknown actor by the name of Douglas Spain. Since this film Douglas Spain has appeared in several films including But I’m a Cheerleader and an episode of Criminal Minds or one of those CSI shows.

Douglas Spain plays an aspiring actor that sells his body on the side for his father. The front of the prostitution ring is selling maps to the stars homes in Los Angeles. It’s rather quirky with an array of interesting characters.

I’ve been trying to watch films in my collection that I’ve recently been able to have transferred to DVD. I love film so it doesn’t matter if it’s the best quality as long as the picture is as clear as possible and you can understand or read the subtitles.

Songs in the Key of Life - In my opinion this is Stevie Wonder’s best album. This album had a story that everyone could relate to and learn from. I learned a lot about black history. We all know how rare it is that we buy an album or CD and only listen to a few of the songs. Now with the Internet and iTunes you can download just the songs you want and forget the rest. There have been many great songs that never get air play. The promoters decide which song is going to make people run out and buy the album. A lot of times singers are forced to rush projects if they are on a roll so that their fans don’t go elsewhere. They should know by now that fans don’t desert who they like unless what they are producing is crap.

Songs in the Key of Life is a documentary on the process Stevie Wonder when through to put the magnificent album together. The deal he made with Motown which was one of the largest at the time for $13 million. The special equipment created with Stevie Wonder in mind and his work ethic. Because Stevie Wonder is blind, he doesn’t seem to get sleep depravation and works at the weirdest hours.

Meet the people that were a part of the project. The producers and musicians all talk about their experience working with Stevie Wonder, including Berry Gordy, Herbie Hancock, Quincy Jones, his wife, daughter Aisha and many others.
If you life documentaries and you love music, this is one that you should catch if you haven’t seen it already. You might find a rare copy some where or you can start a campaign to get PBS to run it. I think that is where is was originally run. Luckily a friend had a copy in his collection so I was able to see it many years later. My copy was on VHS and I recently had it transferred to DVD. You have to love technology.

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Monday, August 1, 2011


I recently watched two classic films, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and The Hustler. I had never seen either of these films all the way through. I had seen bits and pieces and was familiar with both films, but I was never a big fan of Elizabeth Taylor and a movie about pool… I was still a baby when The Hustler was released and just a kid when Who’s Afraid of Viginia Woolf? was made. It was a very controversial film for its time. Both movies were filmed in black and white.

Who’s Afraid of Viriginia Woolf? Stars Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Sandy Dennis and George Segal. I love the dialogue in this film. Although I had figured out the underlying story which still makes you keep guessing. There’s lots of drinking and a lot of sexual innuendo from all of the characters.

I didn’t really know what to expect when I decided to purchase the film. I wanted to see it since there were so many raves on it after Elizabeth Taylor’s death. I had seen a few of her films because she stars with some actors I liked and I had begun collecting their films. She is exceptional in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and I liked her in A Place in the Sun.
Next on my list would be to see Cleopatra. I’m sure I saw it when I was a kid, but I need to see these films as an adult to get a better appreciation for them. I know the story behind Cleopatra as far as movies go, but I’d like to watch it.

I’m not sure when I became a fan of Paul Newman, but I remember one of the first films I had seen was Cool Hand Luke. I can’t say how many times I had seen it when I was growing up. Once I added it to my collection as an adult I started researching other films he had done and that’s when I had to see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. The collection began to grow, but The Hustler was never on the list.

Recently I found it at a price that I thought was reasonable and now I have it to watch whenever I like. I love movies and watch them often. The Hustler is an interesting film. Even though it centers around pool, it’s about hustling in general. People hustling people to make money through cons and sex. Whatever it takes to survive. A hustler is like a person that lives from paycheck to paycheck except they can go a period of time when there are no funds coming in.

If you love film as much as I do you’ll enjoy both of these films. It’s great story telling and the cinematography is great. I am a visual person and that along with great editing is what makes a film.

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Coming up: Filming in New Orleans, The Social Network, The Trial, The Fighter