Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The last entry

I’ve decided since I don’t get a lot of people here reading the entries, I’m going to combine this with another journal. I’m going to close it with one of my favorite films, Primal Fear which stars, Richard Gere and Edward Norton. I think Edward Norton gives his best performance here. Primal Fear and American History X are my two top Edward Norton films. However, I do like Death to Smoochie and Fight Club. The thing about Primal Fear is that it mirrors an incident that took place in New Orleans a few years ago. A young man killed a priest in a French Quarter hotel room. It was not pretty and though the authorities tried to bury it, it was the parishioners that wanted to here the ugly truth. I’m sure it wasn’t what they were expecting. The difference in Primal Fear and the actual incident I’m talking about is that the young man cause self inflicting wounds so that he could be classified as insane and not have to stand trial. I’m not sure what the outcome was. But it certainly would make for a great story. Perhaps I’ll include it in one of mine. As for Primal Fear, the character created another personality so that he could be classified as insane. In the judicial system it is so easy to sometimes have a trial thrown out of court. Just have to be smarter than the system and your lawyer. Of course, when one has a court appointed lawyer you’re pretty much doomed from the start. It’s open and shut or you make a plea and live with it. When you live on the streets sometimes being locked up helps. You get medical attention, a place to sleep, three meals and in some cases drugs. If you have never seen this film, I highly recommend it. This film is in my top 100. I hope to list my top 100 soon. It’s taking me some time. There are so many films that I really, really like.

Aeon Flux - For those of you that don’t know me, I like animation. I stumbled across Aeon Flux when my dad had cable. It was innovative, new and sexy. When I heard Cherlize Theron was going to play the role of Aeon Flux I thought great, I have to see this. My love for movies hasn’t changed, but going to the theater just seems like a chore. I prefer to watch films at home on the small screen or on my laptop. Katrina has changed me. I’m not sure, we have to blame our changes on something. In any case, I bought the DVD and the first time I watched it I fell asleep. I was tired I’m sure. Cherlize Theron is beautiful. The Oscar winning actress has picked some choice roles. No matter what she looks like she captures your attention on the big screen. Aeon Flux is no different. The costumes work so well on her. Of course the designers stepped back and we don’t see Cherlize running around in thongs, but in the world of Hollywood, I would have designed a nude body suit and then put a leather bustier and thong on top. Still looking at Cherlize in all those skin tight natural fabrics was still hot and sexy. The film also stars, Oscar winner Frances McDormand and Oscar nominee Sophie Okonedo. If you like science fiction and you were a fan of Aeon Flux I’m sure you will enjoy this film. If you are a fan of Cherlize Theron or have any interest in film or fashion you have to see the next level of a look into the future. So far the top actresses that have pulled off cartoon characters on film are, Halle Berry as Catwoman, Angelina Jolie as video icon Lara Croft and now Cherlize as Aeon Flux. Give them all a look see. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind. Come back again and see what’s going on.

Saturday, August 5, 2006

I'm still watching

Since I don't get much activity here I'm sort of letting it go. Just in case I'll write a little something. I've seen many films since the last entry, all in the privacy of my own home. I just can't seem to find anything that I really want to go to the theater to see. Of course in the next few weeks I can list many. Idlewild with Outkast, I thought about seeing Clerks II, but I always thought Chasing Amy was the sequel. I did watch Clerks last week and it's still a good film. I really want to see Dream Girls. There is a thriller with Robin Williams that looks interesting. There are also a large amount of horror films this month. I think I get it. You go and see them now and then by October they'll all be on DVD so you can have your own fright fest in your home theater. Let's see if I can remember what I've watched. Aeon Flux, 16 Blocks, A Place in the Sun, St. Elmo's Fire, Chicago and Rent which I truly enjoyed. Coming up I'll be watching, Titan A.E., A Chorus Line, V for Vendetta, Die Hard and Die Hard 2. Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind.