Thursday, March 31, 2005

Fantasy in film

In the realm of film, there are many people that believe what they see can't actually happen. Not many guys meet a girl and sleep with them instantly. Well, not a nice girl anyway. LOL. Film makes things appear very easy and for some of us things do come easy. Some of us experience things that just don't seem to be real. It's the stuff you read about or only see in film. Meeting someone, talking, strolling around town and then ending up in bed together. I believe anything is possible. You have to make things happen. You can't always sit around expecting someone to come knock on your door. If you see something you like, hey, make a move. The worst that can happen is that the person isn't interested. That's life, real life, not reel life. Of course art does imitate life. Boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. And in todays world, boy gets boy, boy loses boy, boy gets boy back. Girl gets girl, girl loses girl, girl gets girl back. Everyone is just looking for love... Thanks for stopping by.

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