Thursday, March 31, 2005

Fantasy in film

In the realm of film, there are many people that believe what they see can't actually happen. Not many guys meet a girl and sleep with them instantly. Well, not a nice girl anyway. LOL. Film makes things appear very easy and for some of us things do come easy. Some of us experience things that just don't seem to be real. It's the stuff you read about or only see in film. Meeting someone, talking, strolling around town and then ending up in bed together. I believe anything is possible. You have to make things happen. You can't always sit around expecting someone to come knock on your door. If you see something you like, hey, make a move. The worst that can happen is that the person isn't interested. That's life, real life, not reel life. Of course art does imitate life. Boy gets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. And in todays world, boy gets boy, boy loses boy, boy gets boy back. Girl gets girl, girl loses girl, girl gets girl back. Everyone is just looking for love... Thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

8 Man After

More animation or anime, from Japan. The complilation of the series of the same name. It's quite interesing and very graphic. The story of gangs turned into cyborgs with incredible strength. If you're into animation, check it out. Animated recommendations: Prince of Egypt, Akira, Be Bop Cowboy, El Dorado, Sinbad, legends of the seven seas and Spirit, stallion of the Cimmaron. Thanks for stopping by, come back again.

Monday, March 28, 2005

It's Spring Break

People are celebrating spring break. New Orleans has now become a place for kids to come during their time off from school. One reason may be that cities like Ft Lauderdale Florida and Atlanta have cut back on some of their rituals. This leaves college kids wanting a place to party and that New Orleans is. Though we made be a bit laid back we don't let them get away with too much. The city just doesn't shut down. There is always something to do. In the film Spring Break which stars Paul Land, we get a taste of the rowdy antics of kids that flock to the famous Seas and Breeze motel during this yearly event. It's a fun film, I guess its one of my guilty pleasures. I'm not sure if this film is available on video and I doubt if it is available on DVD. If you can get your hands on it, give it a look see for lots of craziness. Thanks for stopping by. This weeks movies will consist of American Gigolo, Police Academy, Scarface, Brainstorm, and Girl 6

Friday, March 25, 2005

Deep Throat

The first time I saw Deep Throat, was sometime in the 80's. A group of us got together and we all took dates. I remembered the security guard saying, "You guys are bringing girls to this film?" We grinned and laughed. It must have been a dozen guys and we each had a date. We joked about it, because it was a porn film. How many people actually go to a porn film with a girl? So McAllister auditorium was the locale for this big event. When we arrived, the theater was packed. We weren't the only ones with dates, and so it would be one hell of a night. Frat brothers in togas, condoms being blown up and floating in the air across the crowd and landing in someones hands or lap. Jokes about sex and penis'. Keeping the giant condom in the air was the goal. Lots of fun until the film began. It was sort of like being at the Rocky Horror Picture show, but the focus was on sex. Of course I had no idea this night would become scripted. After the first 15 minutes of the film girls began to walk out. 30 minutes later there were couples leaving. Some of the scenes appeared to be just a bit much for some of those who either hadn't experienced sex at all or just weren't familiar with felatio. In the scene with the coke, the line was, "things go better with coke." for the climatic scenes it was, "Taste great, less filling" and the chant would begin through out the theater. It was quite an experience and a night I don't think I'll ever forget. Of course I vaguely remember the girl I took with me. I was amongst friends so it really didn't matter. We were all just out for a good time. LOL. Those were the days.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Fade in, fade out

The fade in is when the screen is black and then the image appears. The fade out is the reverse. The film johns, which I reviewed on my other journal was called the Midnight Cowboy of the 90's. Of course I have to disagree. We make comparisons of other films and it's really not fare. No matter what similarities there may be, most films stand on their own. Midnight Cowboy was a more artistic film, that captured an era. The characters were fully developed and you believed them and felt for them. Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman were great as two hustlers on different sides of the spectrum. Neither of them that great at the profession, but they found the need for each other. Even through betrayal they formed a bond. Of course you can see where inspiration from other films or art comes from. The bus scene in which Rizo, passes away is similar to the car scene in Less Than Zero when Julian passes away. Somtimes a studio feels they can come up with a vehicle for an actor or actress when they are turned down for a particular role. This was this case with the film Jazebel. It was created for Bette Davis when she was not cast as Scarlet O'Hara in the film, Gone With The Wind. Here's a bit of trivia. What do the following films have in common? Spetters, The Accused, Pulp Fiction and Deliverance? They all contain a rape scene. In the film Less Than Zero, written across the wall, at the loft? A) Julian, Julian, you are dead. B) Julian gives good head and is dead, C) the dead tell no lies. The answer is B. Thanks for stopping by. Do come back often. A year in the life, will let you know when there is an update.

Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Seems I missed my mark

It's the Academy Awards. I'm going to give a delayed take on the Oscars. Tonight I will sit and watch a video that was taped for me since I had to miss the show due to a prior engagement. Stay tuned...