Thursday, February 24, 2005

Spike Lee

There used to be a commercial that had kids saying what they wanted to be when they grew up. The ending would be some kid using drugs and the line would be, no body wants to be a drug user. I was 12 or 13 when I read Malcolm X and he became an inspiration for me. Of course growing up catholic you can't just change religions when you're a kid. Spike Lee does an incredible job bring the voice of the nation of Islam to the big screen. It's an incredible film at 3 hrs and 21 minutes. The film got Denzel Washington an Oscar nomination for a great performance. As I round out the Spike Lee retrospective, I watched Get on the bus. I've seen this film many times like that of School Daze. This is now my 2nd best (SL) film dealing with the many aspects of the black race. In this look at the black male and his crusade to find himself on the way to the Million Man March, Spike gives everyone a chance to look at themselves. I highly recommend both of these films if you have not seen them. Rounding out my week of films will be A Lesson before Dying which stars best actor nominee Don Cheadle. I thought Troy would have arrived for me to see it before the Oscars, but it isn't here yet. Next week I'll watch The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind with Jim Carey and I'll list the other films as I make my selection. Thanks for stopping by, Keep an open mind.

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