Saturday, February 5, 2022

Movies, movies, movies 2022

 I continue to watch movies on Amazon and from the library. Some of them I have never seen or heard of. Some of them are quite good and a few that are just interesting, but not something I would watch again. There are so many movies that I have watched that sometimes they run together and I can't remember if I had seen them based upon the title. Then I start to watch and realized I had seen it. That was the case with a movie called Breach with Bruce Willis. It was sort of an Alien/Life mix, not the best. I figured with Bruce Willis there would be a lot of action, but that wasn't the case.

There have been some interesting horror movies like Hell House and Extracurricular, this one was a bit disturbing. I watched a remake of Beaches which I don't know why they attempted to remake this one. It stars Nia Long and Idina Menzel so I gave it a look, but I normally don't do remakes unless I have never seen the original or I like the cast. I watched Back to the Future and the sequel. I'll watch the third installment sometime this weekend. Doubting Thomas was interesting about a couple expecting a baby that comes out black and questions pursue. I don't want to give anything away, but the premise is good, but the acting is not that great. A few movies I've seen it's as if the actors were just given a synopsis and told to react. Sometimes that works, but if the actors are not used to improvisation it doesn't.

Beast was another interesting film and I had no idea where this one was going to go, but it is worth a watch. I go back and forth with older movies that I had seen when I was younger and then those I had never seen or heard of and some of the newer stuff that I just wouldn't pay to see in the theater. This is where the library comes in handy. Here is a list of movies I've watched this year. As I Lay Dying, Beneath Hill 60, Chappaquidick, Cut Throat City, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Fast Five, Heaven Help Us, Holidays, Ugly is a different twist on a revenge movie. Ben is Back is one of Julia Roberts best performances along side Lucas Hedges. Land of Storms is an interesting story. I will be watching Dead Man with Johnny Depp and one of Bob Saget's comedy routines.

Thanks for stopping by; keep an open mind and do come back again.