Sunday, June 30, 2019

Movies, Movies Summer 2019

As most of you know I have been getting the majority of my movies from the library to watch. It allows me to see movies I wouldn't go to the theater to see and it gives me something to write about.
There are just so many movies being made; it's hard to keep up. Every time I look at a movie and I see the previews I make notes of what I would like to see. I try to decipher what might be a film or a movie under my standards.

Most foreign movies I consider films. There is an artistic element in the way that it is shot and there are more realistic portrayals of life than what we see in American movies. From a very early age I related to foreign films. I know some people don't like them because they have to read the subtitles if they don't speak the language. I probably felt that way until I took the time to actually watch one.
I remember when I was really young watching the film Two Women with Sophia Loren with my mother's mother on TV. It had a profound effect on me. It's probably the first movie set in Italy and it probably put the idea in my head that I would like to go there some day.

I'm going to start with the most recent film I watched and work my way backwards. There was a film called Mother directed by Darren Aronofsky with Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Ed Harris and Michelle Pfieffer. I wasn't sure where the story was going and that was the intent of the director. There are lots of twists and turns which makes it interesting. I thought it was another story within a story like the film Nocturnal Animals.
The special effects in the film are great. All of the actors give incredible performances.
I am working on some ideas for a novella and like Mother which starts at the end, I use this to open my story. (Some stories start at the beginning, some start in the middle and others at the end.)

That film stars Jake Gyllenhall, Amy Adams and Michael Shannon. This one is a story within a story with a lot of surprises. I just didn't like the ending, but it was revealed through one of the art pieces that appears in the film. It's okay, but I was left wanting more. Perhaps its a good thing, but there is no need for a sequel.
I don't think I will add either to my collection unless I find them at a reduced price.
I had been talking about Michael Shannon after seeing The Shape Of Water. He has played many roles, but he's rarely the lead. Perhaps its his appearance. He is a very tall guy and he's usually the bad guy. Although his character draws you in, he does have a violent side as well. We see how people change when they experience a traumatic experience. In the case of Jake Gyllenhall it's all about revenge.

There were some movies that didn't make a big impact and I was sort of disappointed. I was thinking of something else to write. Big name stars that do bad movies and unknown stars that do good movies and those in between.
Reading the words on a page is one thing. You sort of visualize what you can bring to the role or the part you would like to play. It really depends on the story. I watched a movie called Collision Earth and the special effects were not the best, but the premise was interesting. Actors come from various areas - stage, small screen aka television. So I wonder if that has a lot to do with the transition when things don't seem to work as well. Kirk Acevedo stars in Collision Earth, but it seems as if he's over acting at times. I remembered him from the television series Oz. Then he did some other TV work. Of course actors have to work and they have bills that need to be paid like everyone else.

I saw a movie called Sleepless that starred Jamie Foxx, Michelle Monahan, Tip (T.I.) Harris, Dermott Mulroney, David Harbour, Scott Newbury and Gabrielle Union. This was a surprise. I don't recall ever seeing a promo for this movie, but it wouldn't have made a difference. I wouldn't have gone to see it at the theater. It did have an interesting premise and there was a lot of action. It kept me interested and guessing as to what was really going on. It was quite entertaining.

Another movie that was a surprise was The Commuter which starred Liam Neeson,Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Sam Neill, Johnathan Banks, Patrick Wilson and Elizabeth McGovern. It's sort of in the style of Hitchcock's Strangers on the train. It's sort of psychological, thriller and action which really makes it a good movie. I've never seen any of Liam Neeson's action movies. I remember Nell and Suspect, but I don't recall anything else. I've not seen the Taken movies all the way through. I don't even know which one I saw on regular television. Perhaps I will look for them on my next trip to the library.

Friday night I watched a movie called Bomb City. I just picked it up because the cover was interesting and the premise was a little disturbing, but it wasn't what I was expecting. First it is based on a true story that happened in Amarillo Texas. It's about a group of misfits (Punks) that the rich kids have an issue with. The Punks are trying to make their own rules and the other kids don't like the way they dress and there is a clash. It made me think of this club I used to hang out in NOLA called De Ja Vue in the French Quarter. The experience was truly so different than my usual surroundings.
There are several altercations in this movie that result in a death. The movie goes back and forth from in its story telling. I liked it in the way that it does show a different side of people of the same race not getting along. The misinterpretation that people get when they see someone that looks different than they do. I was surprised that no one did any jail time.

Thanks for stopping by; do come back again. If any movies of are interest, check out your library or your source for movie watching and give them a viewing.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Movies and SXSW 2019

I never know if I will get to see any movies during SXSW. It's all based on my schedule and whether I feel like leaving the house if I don't have to work. There were some exceptions, but I was also watching movies that I had gotten from the library.

Captain Phillips - Tom Hanks stars in this true story of a Haitian Pirates taking over a ship. It's intense and very powerful. Great cinematography, made me think of Das Boot a little as some of the film is shot below deck in close quarters.

Her Smell - Elizabeth Moss of Mad Men and The Hand Maid's Tale stars as a singer battling a drug problem. Her Smell is the name of the club where they perform, but it also has a lot to do with why she tries to turn her life around because of her daughter. That was my take away from the movie. There are some unique cinematography techniques that seem to be creating a new trend as far as flash back scenes. The screen gets smaller as if we are watching 8 mm footage for the flashbacks and goes back to full screen for the present scenes.

Boyz in the Wood - This was my absolute favorite. I was just going on a hunch and what I had read on imdb for those of you not familiar, that is the Independent Movie Data Base. Luckily there was a synopsis and it seemed very interesting. The film is set in the Irish hills as four kids who are sort of the misfits are brought to learn about skills of working as a team. The audience has no idea what type of thrill ride they are about to embark on. It is funny, suspenseful, trippy with a great original hip hop sound track. There are some cool visual effects and the scenery in the hills is breath taking. I highly recommend seeing this film if you can.

Extra Ordinary - Another movie set in Ireland that features Will Forte of Last Man on Earth. The movie uses the same technique as Her Smell when we see the flashbacks. It's a comedy about death, witch craft, good and evil. There are many surprises to keep one guessing and laughing. I was also lucky that this was on imdb as well since this was a Buzz Screening which didn't give a title.

Citizen Kane - This is considered a classic. By some it is considered one of the best films ever made. The first time I saw the film I wasn't that impressed. Although now I'm older, I feel its an interesting body of work, but some of it seems dated. The make up isn't the best in some areas. The cinematography is still great. The writing is excellent as well as some good acting for a lot of first timers. It's definitely worth a look for anyone interested in the art of film making.

Jezebel - This movie is based on a true story. You get the impression that you are peeking into someone's life. The story follows two sisters who live in an apartment with a brother and the older sister's boyfriend and daughter. The older sister makes her living via phone sex. Her mother is in the hospital and she passes away leaving everyone to have to seek employment. The younger sister is introduced to the world of Internet sex. Once she is making money she is asked to move out of the small apartment. She seems to enjoy what she is doing especially when she meets a client that is helping her become very popular on the Internet Site. She deals with a few issues that don't become that important. She learns to adjust even though there are some other opportunities that pop up. She manages to get a raise and possibly meet the guy that has really become her meal ticket. Of course we never know how the date goes or if it even happens as the movie ends once she gets dressed.

Thanks for stopping by; keep and open mind and do come back again.