Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A change of heart

It is no secret to people who know me that I love movies. I live movies. It’s a wonder I’m not a film critic to get paid for watching films. LOL. Because film is an art sometimes I may not like a film entirely, but there are actors or scenes that make it all worthwhile. I watched Blood Diamond for a second time the other night. When I first saw the film I wasn’t really crazy about it. I’m a big fan of Leonardo DiCaprio and I’ve seen almost everything he’s done. There are only two films that are not a part of my DVD collection, The Quick and the Dead and his last film. Black Diamond also stars Djimon Hounsou and I was really drawn into the film this time. That’s the reason I watch certain films at certain times. I need to be in the right frame of mind. Sometimes I’ll read a review or see a critic talk about a film and I like to make those decisions for myself. I won’t always run out to see a film when it opens, I’ll wait for the DVD. Then there are times that I want to see the film and don’t care what anyone has to say or if it’s a blockbuster. If it has the right stars or I like the premise then I might check it out. If you haven’t seen Black Diamond check it out. It’s a great film and Leonardo gives an incredible performance as does Djimon.